
随着各国准备聚集在埃及Sharm El-Sheik的COP27,以推进《巴黎协定》,注意再次转向其基础:国家的气候承诺,被称为国家确定的贡献(NDC)。必威官网是真的吗WRI的气候必威官网是真的吗手表平台在所有NDC上都追踪了200多个指标。新的NDCS报告由WRI气候专必威官网是真的吗家分析了这些数据,以提出关键趋势,并评估NDC的改善以及它们如何共同堆叠与将变暖限制为1.5°C所需的动作相抵触。


加入我们on Thursday, October 27 to hear from the report’s lead author, Taryn Fransen, who will share key insights on the contents of countries' NDCs as they currently stand across the various topics and how they can be strengthened to keep the goals of the Paris Agreement within reach. In addition to presenting the report’s main findings, WRI experts will show participants how to explore the Climate Watch platform to conduct their own research and discover insights and trends at any time.


  • Taryn Fransen,高级研究员WRI
  • Leandro Vigna,数据合作伙伴关系和外展经理,气候观察,WRI必威官网是真的吗
  • Rhys Gerholdt,沟通与媒体策略总监,气候计划,WRI(主持人)必威官网是真的吗