经过将近九个非常幸福和富有成效的岁月,我在WRI的最后一天都在写这篇文章。我们共同发展了WRI的影响力和规模,我们将覆盖范围国际化了,并且在十几个国际办公室中建立了一个功能齐全的全球团队,由1,500名专业人士组成。Along the way we’ve helped reshape understanding of the relationship between the natural world and economic development, we’ve introduced important new technologies and tools, and we’ve influenced key decisions in cities, corporations, communities and countries — and in the global corridors of power.



What Have We Learned Together?


1. Be Clear About Your Offer — and Make it Irresistible.

当我们设计了专注,清晰且如此吸引人的产品线时,我们一直是最成功的,以至于没有明智的决策者(或捐助者!)会拒绝。WRI的地标项目全球森林观察- 提供数据和工具来帮助人们更好地保护森林 - 或新的气候必威官网是真的吗经济团队或凉爽的食物承诺只是一些这样的例子。这一“史蒂夫·乔布斯类型”的信息需要出色的创造力和认真的纪律,才能专注于最重要的事情。在招募高级人员时,这些是我们需要注意的技能。


We all now recognize that to achieve the needed scale of transformation, incremental change is not enough. It’s not about projects; we need to change systems. This requires different players — governments, citizens, corporates, technology, finance, NGOs, research, media etc — to play their roles. This, in turn requires us to think carefully about missing pieces and what role we can helpfully play. Sometimes our role is quite specific, placing a missing piece into the puzzle, and sometimes it involves making the whole add up. The可持续海洋经济的高级面板Global Commission on Adaptation一直是后一种角色的例子。在所有情况下,我们的影响都取决于对系统变化旅程状态的详细诊断以及对使动量不可阻挡的所需成分的理解。

3.了解您的特殊酱汁 - 并投资。

我们的biggest impact has been when we bring the special ingredients that make us unique. For WRI this involves combining our globally respected data and research (“count it”) with our on-the-ground practical presence (“change it”) together with our convening and global engagement (“scale it”). OurAFR 100景观修复计划with the African Union and 20 African governments illustrates this. So too, does our work on新的城市流动联盟(NUMO),以及我们与发展中国家气候谈判者的合作。必威官网是真的吗我们专注于召集多利益相关者合作伙伴关系,并在正确的时间以正确的格式通过正确的分析来授权他们。从2013年的新气候经济开始,这导致了必威官网是真的吗食物and Land Use Alliance, 这城市过渡联盟和海洋面板。


当我离开世界银行在2012年加入WRI时,我相信我与全球高级决策者互动的日子已经结束。我期待着撰写和审查研究论文,主持研讨会并推进知识分子议程。是的,我做了这些事情,但是我完全低估了政府,市长,公司领导人和国际机构的实时伙伴关系的需求。当我们大胆地采取行动时,我们感到惊讶。我们目前与中国的合作绿色皮带和道路或我们在拉丁美洲召集部长们来创建20x20景观修复程序是示例。谁允许非政府组织为公司或城市温室气体排放设定标准?还是设置轨道2对话,以进行气候谈判?必威官网是真的吗然而,现在有1,500家公司已签署Science Based Targets。And the Track 2s have injected many important insights into formal negotiations.


WRI与他人分享信誉的历史悠久,这对我们来说是一种生活方式。这NDC合作伙伴关系说明了这一点:在2015年的巴黎气候会议上,很明显,各国善意,但能够实施必威官网是真的吗其国家确定的贡献(NDC)。我们与捐助者(最初是德国,然后是丹麦,荷兰和英国)接触,并为希望互相支持的雄心勃勃的国家设计了合作伙伴关系。WRI主持秘书处并管理资金,但由所有人拥有,并由政府高级官员执行委员会管理。五年以来,该伙伴关系包括120个国家政府和42家国际机构在实施其NDC时相互挑战。与世界银行,联合国发展计划以及其他我们现在有团队一起支持50个国家 /地区提高NDC比赛的团队。


在过去的九年中,我们的规模增加了三倍(希望我们的影响力超过三倍!)。当我们试图避免经常伴随增长的传播和任务爬行时,我们一路学习了三件事。首先,只有在有需求和目的的清晰度时就成长。例如,我们在印度尼西亚,埃塞俄比亚和哥伦比亚的新办事处都在开业前拥有高级国家所有权,并且非常重视的交付目标。其次,坚持正确的组合全球产品线andcontext-specific delivery。We have found growth to be more effective and manageable the more it is “modular” — i.e. the more that it is built on the disciplined application of our global platforms and tools. No new office should start from scratch but should rather have a rich array of product lines from which to choose and tailor carefully and professionally for the country context. Third, only grow when new recruitment leads to an uptick in the overall quality, dynamism and synergy of the overall global team.


我们只能像我们的员工,管理和董事会一样强大。当我们开设国际办公室并加速国际招聘时,有人担心技术质量可能会下降。这没有发生。如果有的话,相反。这并不容易。它需要一个杰出的人力资源团队,并坚持认为allmanagers are HR officers committed first and foremost to the mentoring and strengthening of their staff. We’ve just completed our second-year long management training program for 80 next-generation WRI managers. We’ve made mistakes. On diversity, we were focused on our overall diverse staffing structure and neglected the fact that Black staff in our Global Office in Washington, D.C. were under-represented and feeling excluded. We are now engaged on a multi-year commitment to become a truly inclusive organization.


我们的力量在分析和实践中 - 头部和手 - 但是,如果心脏不正确,这一无所获。这是我们的价值观。在国际增长的早期,我们在董事会上进行了重要的讨论:我们如何在新的国际办事处招募新员工,同时灌输整个网络中一种共同的DNA感。我们同意,只有在招募工作人员和整个任期后,只有在纪律严明的投资中才有可能。我们的使命,价值观和方法培训是至关重要的。看到我们的国际办公室中的团队为他们的wri遗产和热情尊重尊重,正直,紧迫性,创新和独立的价值观而感到自豪,这真是令人兴奋。


随着脱碳的加速,我们应该期望经济和社会发生巨大变化,弹性成为当务之急,我们从大自然to a自然阳性form of economic development. WRI and our partners have shown that these transformations are not only possible, they are affordable and can lead to better jobs, healthier citizens, more equality and a better way of life. But it will not be easy. It requires leadership and smart evidence-based decisions and will need a great deal of support.

WRI和我们的合作伙伴提供的服务从不需要更多,也不需要这种需求。未来几年将看到更多的机会与WRI的不同“算它,更改它,扩展它!”approach. We should expect less demand for the “why” of change and much more for the “how.” We will need to double down on the data and analytical basis of our work and deepen our focus on poverty reduction and social justice.
