马里兰大学和Google今天发布的新的高分辨率卫星地图今天发布全球森林观察,,,,a partnership of over60 organizations世界资源研究所召集了,在2013必威官网手机版年俄罗斯和加拿大,最近在俄罗斯和加拿大的树木覆盖损失激增。整个热带地区。这些2013年的数据是对有影响力的“ 21世纪森林覆盖变化的高分辨率全球地图”的首次更新。科学,并且是最新的全球一致估计值对树覆盖损失的估计。



Global tree cover loss in 2013 continued to be high at over 18 million hectares (69,500 square miles)—about twice the size of葡萄牙 - 辛辣lower than 2012, but a troubling5.2 percent increase在2000-2012的平均值中。在2011 - 2013年,俄罗斯和加拿大排名榜首(主要是由于森林大火),共同考虑34%总损失。

Tree cover loss无论原因如何,都是特定区域内所有树木的总损失的量度。它包括人类驱动的森林砍伐,森林自然和人造森林,清理农业,伐木,种植园的收获以及由于疾病和其他自然原因引起的树木死亡率。树木覆盖物的增益也发生在2013年,但不包括在2013年更新或此分析中,因为它比损失更难监控。大部分树木覆盖损失只是暂时的,因为在诸如火灾之类的干扰之后森林会再生,尽管在北方地区,这是一个非常缓慢的过程。

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Click to enlarge.

要通过树覆盖损失查看国家的完整排名,请访问GFWcountry rankingscountry profiles
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Click to enlarge.

Although the new data do not identify the direct causes of tree cover loss, studies found fires in recent years accounted for around 70 percent of total tree cover loss in Canada andRussia。北方地区的火灾面积和火灾数量差异很大。这加拿大自然资源的加拿大森林服务估计d forest fires burned 4.2 million hectares (16,216 square miles) in2013。Russia’s联合机构间统计信息系统据报道,从2010年到2014年,每年3.9至620万公顷的森林面积,1100万公顷2012。这些区域比马里兰州大学的树木覆盖损失估算要大,这可能是由于不同的地图方法,对森林的不同定义,重新燃烧了已经被杀死的树木的地区,并且并非所有火灾都杀死了树木。

研究人员预测必威官网是真的吗气候变化可以增加frequency and intensityof boreal wildfires in the 21英石世纪,产生更多的晚期大火,可杀死树木并导致温室气体排放。在某些北方森林中,现在的大火已经燃烧了,而不是任何时候过去10,000年

森林大火也会影响气候。必威官网是真的吗尽管北方森林大火与气候之间的确切关系仍然不确定(例如,去除树木也可能有可能必威官网是真的吗增加反照率并导致凉爽的温度),更大,更频繁的森林火灾确实会产生更多的温室气体排放,从燃烧的树木和泥炭土壤产生。NASA和其他地方的主要科学家估计that the overall effect will be to warm the climate.

It is too early to call this spike a trend. Further research is needed to determine the drivers and estimate impacts of the forest fires, which tend to be highly多变的over time and affect some boreal areasmore than others。每天都可以通过全球森林手表跟踪大火。

In addition to fires, logging and pests also account for some of the spike in tree cover loss in the boreal region.

Tree Cover Loss Driven by 2013 Forest Fires, East of James Bay, Canada

Pink areas show tree cover loss

See NASA image这里。

Indonesia’s Tree Cover Loss Slows Substantially after Previous Highs

Indonesia’s annual tree cover loss declined in 2013 to the lowest point in almost a decade, pulling the three-year average down to 1.6 million hectares (6,200 square miles) of annual tree cover loss. In addition to a slowing of total tree cover loss, Indonesia’s loss ofprimary forestsslowed to an average of less than half a million hectares per year from 2011-2013, the lowest in the last decade. Primary forests are mature, natural forests that have not been cleared in the past 30 years, and Indonesia’s represent some of the most biodiverse and carbon-rich forests on earth. The drop is surprising, since研究马里兰州大学和WRI去年出版的印度尼西亚从2001 - 2012年开始迅速增加了印度尼西亚原始森林的损失。但是,一年并没有趋于趋势。全球森林观察将很快发布2014年数据,这是进一步解释2013年信息的关键。


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Click to enlarge.

Tree Cover Loss in Indonesia’s Primary Forests, 2013

Pink areas show tree cover loss; green areas show primary forest.
Pink areas show tree cover loss; green areas show primary forest. Data visualization by Vizzuality.

A Fresh Look at Forests, 2011-2013

除了发布2013年的数据外,马里兰大学和Google还已发布后处理的树覆盖损失数据for 2011 and 2012 using a new, improved algorithm and satellite imagery following the launch of NASA’s Landsat 8. The calculations of tree cover loss for those years have been updated on the GFWcountry pagesmap

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Decision makers around the world can now use this new information to better inform policymaking. In the next few months, more up-to-date 2014 data will be added to Global Forest Watch. Tree cover loss for 2015 can already be monitored through near real-time alerts such as,,,,Imazon SAD alerts, 和Terra-i警报,全部可用全球森林观察多亏了我们许多人的努力伙伴。高分辨率,高频,低成本的图像也越来越多。Global Forest Watch将很快宣布与此类数据创新的公司进行一些新的合作伙伴关系。

世界森林的命运部分取决于科学家在监测变化方面的稳定进步,部分地使用了这些信息,部分是基于政策制定者。这也取决于地面上的人good governance并确保土地和资源权利,停止交易非法木材, 和shifting to more sustainable systems to grow食物和produce商品全球森林观察旨在通过应用程序等应用程序来支持这些努力全球森林观察商品全球森林观察Fires。通过今天探索数据来加入运动。我们总是欢迎您feedbackon how we can improve the system.

*Note, all tree cover loss numbers calculated with a 30% threshold for tree cover canopy density.

Visualize the new data on Global Forest Watch这里,,,,or download and analyze the data on GFW’s new Open Data Portal这里

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