The momentum for large-scale restoration has never been stronger. Restoration is increasingly recognized as a关键策略满足气候变化和可必威官网是真的吗持续发展目标,以及对食物,水和能源的需求不断增长。

2015年10月,非洲联盟批准了到2030年恢复1亿公顷(2.47亿英亩)退化土地的目标。The African Forest Landscape Restoration initiative (AFR100)waslaunched at COP21to facilitate action towards this target, and as a contribution to the Bonn Challenge and African Resilient Landscapes Initiative (ARLI).AFR100将非洲国家与有针对性的技术和财务支持联系起来,以扩大实地的修复。

The New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) serves as the AFR100 Secretariat. As Mamadou Diakité, NEPAD’s Team Leader for Sustainable Land and Water Management describes it, “Interest in restoration in Africa is at an all-time high. This initiative provides an opportunity for Africa and its partners to collectively work together toward ensuring accelerated restoration efforts to enhance food security, increase climate change resilience and mitigation, and combat rural poverty.”

As the AFR100 turns one year old and partners再次组装对于马拉喀什的COP22气候必威官网是真的吗峰会,我们应该问一个问题 - 取得了多少进展?

Progress to secure political commitments to restoration has been faster than expected. To date, 21 African nations have signed onto AFR100 and committed a combined 63.3 million hectares (156 million acres) of land to be restored. Twelve technical partners and nine financial partners have signed on to provide support. Impact investors have earmarked $481 million in private sector funds for restoration, while partners like the World Bank have lined up about $1 billion in development finance through the Africa Climate Business Plan.

Turning Commitments into Results on the Ground

With so many political and financial commitments already lined up, where are we in terms of implementation on the ground? AFR100 partners gathered at a conference last month in Addis Ababa to discuss progress. They identified five focal areas that will be key to accelerating restoration on the ground:

  • Monitoring of progress:现场监测 - 包括树木再生和社会经济指标的变化 - 至关重要。Collect Earth是一种尖端监控工具,该工具将通过Google Earth收集的数据与高分辨率卫星图像配对。在卢旺达,AFR100合作伙伴正在使用收集地球来监视两个地区的恢复进展。

  • 映射机会: With support from AFR100 technical partners, nine countries have taken steps to map national restoration opportunities. Ethiopia is generating national opportunity maps, established a1500万公顷(3700万英亩)的恢复目标,并且正在确定实施的优先景观。肯尼亚最近使用地图做了同样的事情pledge恢复510万公顷(1,260万英亩)。马拉维正在WRI和国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)的支持下对恢复机会进行全国评估,其中包括可以实施一套恢复干预措施的地图区域。

  • 社区动员:恢复取决于态度的变化,行为转变和改善的管理实践,尤其是农村社区。这已显示在Tigray, Ethiopia,一位有远见的地方领导人利用自愿的大众社区劳动和当地知识来实施数万公顷的大规模恢复。上个月,来自16个国家 /地区的50多个AFR100合作伙伴参加了对Tigray的实地考察,他们亲眼目睹了这一恢复成功,并与当地冠军谈到了使之成为可能的因素。在过去的20年中,在区域政府和发展伙伴的支持下,基于社区的类似计划成功恢复了超过一百万公顷(240万英亩)。

  • 强大的土地和资源权利:当土地和资源权利安全时,社区具有授权to govern resource use and are more likely to retain the benefits derived from restoration. Communities empowered by decentralization policies and clear resource rights are both enabled to prevent land degradation and motivated to invest in restoration. In Niger, strengthening farmers’ rights to manage trees on cropland resulted in restoration on a massive scale, with an estimated200 million trees regenerated在500万公顷(1,240万英亩)的农业土地上。

  • Access to finance: Financing restoration at scale requires tappingnew sources of private finance并加强恢复活动提供的商品和服务市场。与AFR100和New Restoration Economy, Kenya is working to identify restoration-focused companies and matching them with interested investors.


Restoring 100 million hectares of degraded land is a huge challenge that requires engagement from partners in government, communities, civil society, NGOs and the private sector. Fortunately a number of initiatives are working to accelerate sustainable landscape management in Africa. These include theBonn Challenge,阿里和theLand Degradation Neutralitytarget, among others.

