
政府间气候变化的面板(IPCC)必威官网是真的吗新报告takes stock of the most recent literature on the carbon budget. The底线? We’re on track to blow through it over the next decade.


To have a medium chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C, the world can emit 770 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (GtCO2). To have a likely chance (67 percent), the remaining budget drops to 570 GtCO2.

Even if countries fulfill their current unconditional emissions-reduction pledges,我们正在步入正轨吹入整个剩余的碳预算,以便到2030年将变暖限制为1.5°。



What about for 2°C?

剩余的预算要高得多,以将变暖限制为2°C:1690 GTCO2的机会为50%,或1320 GTCO2的机会为67%。





The report also finds that if we exceed the carbon budget, meeting the 1.5 ˚C goal will require carbon removal, a process where we’re actually taking carbon from the atmosphere and storing it. Almost all of the models used in the IPCC report rely on carbon removal to some extent.

There are a number of different ways to remove carbon, such asbioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS),afforestation并直接捕获和存储(DACS)。重要的是,温度升高之前的模型在退缩之前更大程度地依赖于碳去除。

Deploying carbon removal at the scale that climate models assume is untested. Given the risks and uncertainties related to various carbon removal approaches, scaling would have to be以安全和谨慎的方式追求。如果部署的速度和规模受到限制,这将为我们依靠这种策略来满足1.5度目标,特别是对于那些超出1.5°C的途径,这将留下很多问题。


A significant body of literature has emerged since the Fifth Assessment Report was released in 2014, and, as a result, the IPCC’s report on 1.5°C includes a larger carbon budget. More recent estimates have adjusted for the difference between recent observations of historical warming and cumulative emissions with those used in the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report’s Earth system modeling. (Others已经注意到了一旦纠正了各种偏见的比较,就没有这种差异。)




Scientists’ estimations of the remaining carbon budget vary. Key differences include the choice of model used, methodological choices, assumptions regarding historical emissions and the warming realized to date, and the extent of overshooting temperature targets, among other factors. Also, some carbon budgets are CO2-only, while others include all greenhouse gases and aerosols. Budgets that don’t take into account non-CO2 gases overestimate the carbon budget.

There are many uncertainties regarding the calculation of the remaining carbon budget, including the Earth’s climate response to carbon emissions, the role of non-CO2 emissions, climate feedbacks and more. In fact, the IPCC states that uncertainties in the climate budget contribute ±400 GtCO2, and uncertainties regarding the level of historic warming contributes ±250 GtCO2 to the budget. And as a result, the timing of bringing carbon dioxide emissions down to net-zero can vary by ±15–20 years.

一个重要的不确定性是climate feedbacks, or a cascade of impacts that can result in greater warming. For example, if the remaining budget was stretched out to 2100, it would be roughly 100 GtCO2 lower because of the potential release of methane from wetlands and thawing permafrost.

Staying Within the Carbon Budget

We have already burned through a large portion of our carbon budget, and recently at an alarming rate. It is clear from the report that if emissions continue unabated, even with countries’ current climate commitments being fully implemented, we blow through the budget in just about a decade’s time for a likely chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C. Doing so would揭露世界to even more severe heat waves, sea level rise, extreme rainfall and other climate impacts. The IPCC makes it clear that we can no longer emit at our carbon-intensive rate if we are to avoid the worst climate impacts. We must instead rapidly turn around our emissions trajectory.