

Adaptation and development have been typically undertaken by separate ministries. But one glance at projections of climate impacts make it clear that development will not be sustainable unless it includes and involves adapting to the “new normal” that climate change has created.

In this podcast, Vice President for Communications Lawrence MacDonald interviews the authors of recent WRI commentary “部署适应融资以获得最大影响,” Christina Chan, Director of the Climate Resilience Practice, and Niranjali Amerasinghe, Senior Associate for Sustainable Finance.


该评论的作者揭开了气候适应融资的历史,以及为什么开发和气候资金继续单独运作。必威官网是真的吗“人们不住在孤岛中。如果您是马拉维的农民,并且您的生长季节正在变化,因为您的雨季不像以前那样可预测,那么钱的风味是发展援助还是适应性帮助都没关系,” Chan说。


Amerasinghe explained how, from a funding standpoint, “The critical question to ask is how does this address climate risks?” With sectors like agriculture, this can be obvious. Decision-makers in the relevant ministry should explore whether an intervention accounts for changes in precipitation, for example. But this step of taking stock is necessary for all areas of development, which means that adaptation projects may need a variety of technical expertise and funders should be flexible.



These experts also discuss the $100 billion goal for climate finance, the balance between mitigation and adaptation, and transformative adaptation where哥斯达黎加农民正在从咖啡转变为更具弹性的气候(至少目前)柑橘必威官网是真的吗
