
It’s a phrase used with good reason, to highlight how climate change disproportionately affects the disenfranchised. Economically, politically and socially vulnerable communities感受气候的必威官网是真的吗影响第一和最艰难。他们有更少的资源来保护自己免受洪水和干旱。必威官网是真的吗气候变化可以exacerbate the effects of poverty, widening the chasm between rich and poor.

Yet this refrain only tells part of the story—and what it leaves out is key to accelerating successful climate change solutions.


Despite their frequent portrayal as victims, communities vulnerable to climate change are sometimes the most active and innovative in adapting to it. While they face significant barriers like scant funding, a lack of technical skills, and political and economic discrimination, communities are adapting in spite of these challenges, relying on deep wells of local knowledge and trust. Tapping into these existing, grassroots-level solutions—learning from them, leveraging their successes and scaling them up—can help accelerate adaptation globally.

“穷人最了解他们需要什么,”主席希拉·帕特尔(Sheela Patel)说棚屋/贫民窟居民国际(SDI), a global network of community-based organizations of the urban poor operating in 33 countries. “I believe that they have a serious stake in whatever development investment the world, their city, their country, has to make. And yet they rarely have the opportunity to participate in design or delivery. They’re always treated as beneficiaries.”

Patel is one of 32 commissioners of the全球适应委员会, which aims to raise the visibility of climate adaptation challenges and solutions. The Commission is preparing a flagship report that will make the case for prioritizing adaptation from the local to global level. Empowering locally led adaptation is one of many “action tracks” the Commission will pursue to overcome the climate change challenge.

Women in India engage in climate-smart agriculture. Photo by Prashanth Vishwanathan/Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Women in India engage in climate-smart agriculture. Photo by Prashanth Vishwanathan/Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security


不乏创新的,本地LED的适应解决方案的例子。浮花园在孟加拉国,这阻止了季风季节被摧毁的农作物。Awarning system在肯尼亚的基里亚尼亚县,帮助当地企业和县政府更好地为洪水做准备。A人们的计划in the Philippines, where residents in informal settlements design their own climate-resilient housing.

在印度的马哈拉施特拉邦州,一群女农民决定阻止仅种植几种经济作物的趋势,这些趋势在其水砂地区不断失败。与之合作Swayam Shikshan祈祷, a local grassroots women-led organization, they decided to instead grow a diverse mix of vegetables, millets and pulses—water-efficient crops that the farmers can both sell and keep to feed their families. This agricultural transformation has boosted yields, improved livelihoods and has since been expanded to hundreds of other farms in the region.

Awoman carries firewood in Mahasrashtra, India. Photo by Azhar feder/Wikimedia Commons
Awoman carries firewood in Mahasrashtra, India. Photo by Azhar feder/Wikimedia Commons

The women involved in the project are now considered a “resilient resource” in their communities, said Prema Gopalan, executive director of Swayam Shikshan Prayog. They bring practical knowledge and solutions, rooted in the physical and cultural environment of their communities.





Communities in the Philippines have banded together to upgrade drainage systems and clean up riverbanks to control flooding. Photo by Jörg Dietze/Flickr
Communities in the Philippines have banded together to upgrade drainage systems and clean up riverbanks to control flooding. Photo by Jörg Dietze/Flickr

但是这里也有亮点。一些东非国家成功驾驶devolved climate finance approaches, which create new public management systems that funnel money and decision-making to the local level, while forging connections between local communities and government. Elsewhere, civil society organizations are helpingtrack climate-related spending将可用资金与当地优先事项联系起来。重要的是,适应解决方案不仅落在了穷人和脆弱的地方,而且以有效的授权方式共同创造。

玛丽亚·特蕾莎·卡拉帕塔纳(Maria Theresa Carampatana)是无家可归的人民联合会菲律宾, a national network of urban poor community organizations and savings groups affiliated with Shack/Slum Dwellers International. In her work with informal settlements, she’s seen communities band together to save for upgraded drainage systems, and clean up their local riverbanks to help control flooding. These communities are already implementing adaptation solutions—even though they might not call their work adaptation. That’s why it’s so crucial to empower locally led action.
