
To make matters worse, Capital City has seen damage from increased flooding and shoreline erosion. Its residents, especially those already burdened by environmental pollution, are suffering from increasing heat as well as poor air quality from industry and heavy traffic.


They all present a solution in line with their own department’s mission, each of which would be effective in responding to a specific issue: the head of the Water Utility proposes upsizing pipes and building a large underground tank to hold more stormwater; the head of the Port Authority describes a plan for elevating shoreline streets and building a seawall; the Transit Agency is planning brand new transit shelters for all stations; and the Parks Department proposes new recreation centers that can serve as cooling centers.

市长增加了每个提案的预算,并看到她无法为所有提案付费 - 她能做什么?

Most cities face a similar conundrum. Retrofitting communities to weather the effects of climate change has an enormous price tag.



研究表明基于自然的解决方案(also sometimes called “natural” or “green” infrastructure) such as trees, wetlands, parks, open spaces and green roofs can address many of these problems at once. Nature-based solutions serve as multi-benefit infrastructure that meet core community needs while also providing co-benefits. Trees and other plants generate oxygen, aid withcarbon sequestration并能减轻其他空气污染,在遮蔽街道和公园的同时,提供野生动植物栖息地,吸收降雨,减慢径流,促进心理健康等等。

Nature-based solutions, such as greenways and marine habitat restoration on Vancouver's waterfront, can make communities more resilient while addressing multiple city department needs. Photo by Lisa Beyer/WRI.
基于自然的解决方案,例如在温哥华海滨上的绿道和海洋栖息地恢复,可以使社区更具弹性,同时满足多个城市部门的需求。丽莎·拜耶(Lisa Beyer/Wri)的照片。

例如,水公用事业公司可以在附近的雨水花园投资,而不是建造昂贵的新“灰色”基础设施,例如升级的管道和地下储罐,而是恢复以前埋在管道中的流)和树衬green streets收集并阻止雨水。These green infrastructure measures also address needs from other city departments, such as the health department’s goal of reduced respiratory and heat illnesses, or the transit and school departments’ desire to create safe routes for walking to school, as green streets often have features that help slow traffic.



Studies estimate在洛杉矶,一个雨水排水系统改造项目将花费约440亿美元用于传统的灰色基础设施,但在自然基础设施中只有2.8至74亿美元的价格在2.8至74亿美元之间。研究费城华盛顿特区。发现通过自然基础设施节省了类似的成本。

Adding this up, a joint natural infrastructure approach can help Capital City, or any city, create a resilient community.


Nature at Work in Singapore’s Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park

Since they address so many city needs, nature-based solutions often require a greater degree of inter-departmental collaboration and joint planning from many city agencies. While there are few examples of this type of collaboration, it has been tested.

新加坡的Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park是一种模型,表明代理商协作如何以比传统的灰色基础设施方法低成本创建一个集成的多收益项目。


当运河需要维修时,公用事业委员会(新加坡国家水局)面临选择。他们可以重建现有的混凝土通道或考虑“自然化”河流 - 将河床恢复为自然洪泛区。

Naturalizing the river required working with the National Parks Board (Singapore’s parks agency), which managed the land surrounding the canal. The two agencies, with the help of the private design firm Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, created a new partnership to design and build a daring new “蓝色绿色基础设施” project that放大社区福利,同时满足防洪需求和水质改善的需求。

Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park的照片前后。Victor Yeo/Flickr和JNZLS照片/flickr的照片

新加坡国立大学进行了成本效益分析和found that simply rebuilding the concrete canal would cost roughly $94 million (133 million SGD), while it cost just under $50 million (70 million SGD) to naturalize the river, as well as expand and interconnect the park space. At almost half the cost of replacing the concrete channel, the joint natural infrastructure approach provides an estimated $74 million (105 million SGD) in benefits annually, more than paying for the investment.

The blue-green infrastructure addressed the city’s needs for a reliable water supply, better water quality and flood management, while creating spaces for people and nature in the city. And because the agencies worked together, they achieved this result at a fraction of the cost.


像Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park这样的项目为城市如何使用基于自然的解决方案来建立更好,更强大的基础设施的项目提供了一个很好的例子。通过共同努力,从确定社区的实施需求之后,城市部门可以从事管理雨水,提供娱乐和教育机会,凉爽的社区,增加生物多样性,解决流动性和扩大住房的项目。我们需要更多的项目,例如Bishan Park,但是这种部门间的合作说起来容易做起来难。

城市需要一种成功的机制来共同计划和资助跨部门司法管辖区并满足多个社区需求的项目。这就是为什么WRI与鼓励资本合作,正在努力开发一个名为The The的框架联合福利局,,,,which will allow departments within a city to jointly plan, implement and finance these types of transformative projects by quantifying the range of benefits that cross-agency mandates.

We are working with the City of San Francisco, a member of the城市4forestinitiative, to pilot the new idea, where the team is identifying locations that have multiple challenges, such as flooding, impacts from sea level rise, transportation and open space gaps. If successful, the Joint Benefits Authority can provide communities across the globe with a template to replicate these types of collaborative projects.


As the world turns to focus on economic recovery efforts, which will likely include stimulus funding to replace aging infrastructure, we face a choice: do we simply patch up the inadequate systems that already exist, or do we更好地建立使用新方法?



  1. 成本预测是出于说明目的。这些数字是在2009年至2020年之间在旧金山湾区的独特项目,以2020年的价格显示。资料来源:雨水坦克,,,,海堤保护,,,,Transit Shelters,,,,邻里冷却中心,,,,小溪日光 - 伊斯兰溪,,,,生活海岸线,,,,完整的绿色街道↩︎