全球25亿人who rely directly on collective land tenure systems for their livelihoods, social relations and cultural identities. Collective land tenure systems are communities or groups of people who分享使用和管理土地的权利。In addition to group rights, in some collective tenure systems each member of the communityholds specific rights to distinct resources and land。大多数土著和习惯社区都在集体任期内拥有土地。

Women make up more than half of this population, and they play vital roles in their communities. They are the traditional subsistence producers and are primarily responsible for collecting natural resources — such as water, fuelwood, fodder, and wild plants and herbs — for household use or supplemental income.



在某些社区中,妇女可能只能获得从丈夫或男性亲戚那里衍生的公共土地,这些土地通常与婚姻状况有关。这使女人的任期不安全,这意味着她可能失去土地的权利if her husband dies or they get divorced, an event that could drive her and her children into poverty.


探索妇女权利在统治土地上的潜力,WRI studied five communities in five countries妇女在哪里坚强而安全的土地任期:喀麦隆和尼泊尔的两个社区森林团体;印度尼西亚和墨西哥的两个土著社区;以及约旦的一个牧师社区。


来自印度尼西亚Riau省的Gajah Bertalut村的妇女在社区大厅见面。
来自印度尼西亚Riau省的Gajah Bertalut村的妇女在社区大厅见面。该村的母系文化结构赋予了妇女土地权,这些土地权利提供了短期和长期的经济利益。印度尼西亚WRI的照片


1. Women’s collective land rights provide economic security for households and communities

When women have access and rights to land, the economic benefits extend to their households and their communities. Research shows that, compared to men,women contribute a greater proportion他们的农业和土地收入比男性的收入比男性的,从而改善了粮食安全以及儿童的健康和教育。

印度尼西亚RIAU省的一个母系社区说明了这一点。Gajah Bertalut社区实践了母系继承系统和母局住宅。妇女是社区祖先土地的主要权利持有者,丈夫结婚后搬到了妻子的村庄。这种文化结构使妇女在家庭财政管理中扮演着核心角色,她们又将长期经济利益赋予家人。例如,当地妇女报告说,她们将大部分收入从土地上引导到粮食及其子女的教育。

这些妇女还提供了橡胶的橡胶,这是社区的主要收入来源。公共森林的权利允许妇女自由地使用对非木林森林产品的多样化知识,包括藤和草,例如藤,树脂,野生水果和药用植物 - 创造在当地市场上出售的扫帚,果皮和传统补救措施。

来自印度尼西亚Riau的Gajah Bertalut村的妇女从收获植物中返回。
来自印度尼西亚的Riau的Gajah Bertalut村的妇女从社区森林的收获植物和水果中返回。公共森林的权利使这些妇女可以创造和销售由森林资源制成的产品。印度尼西亚WRI的照片

The short- and long-term economic benefits of women’s land tenure ripple through entire communities.


2. Secure land rights empower women socially

在喀麦隆的社区森林中种植gnetum。喀麦隆沿海省份社区森林中妇女权利的正式认可使妇女和促进更大的社区合作能力。图片由Ollivier Girard for Cifor




妇女的个别土地权利也为包括单身母亲和寡妇在内的女性头户家庭提供了重要的社会安全网。在农村社区内,女性头为贫困的家庭有极端的贫困风险,尤其是在男性通常拥有土地权利的情况下。社区会员资格为墨西哥塞拉北部地区的拉特里尼达·伊克斯特兰(La TrinidadIxtlán)提供了妇女的长期权利,以使其对社区农业用地的长期权利,从而使她们可以为家庭种植农作物,即使婚姻状况发生了变化。

Women from a Mexican community take a break while working in the community forest in 2019. When women have secure land rights, they have greater incentives to protect their land and invest in its sustainability. Photo by UZACHI


当妇女及其社区拥有确保土地权利时,她们有更多的激励措施protect the land and invest in its sustainability。For example, land rights in Jordan and Nepal are helping women protect and reestablish local biodiversity.

In Jordan, a donor-funded project is helping a pastoral community restore severely degraded rangelands by reviving the hima, a traditional system of land management that lets the land regenerate by keeping certain areas undisturbed for a period of time. Customarily, women in the Bani-Hashem community were excluded from rangeland management, but due to donor requirements, women received rights to rangeland and 40% of the administrative seats within the rangeland management committee.

With these new rights, women — who are primarily responsible for grazing livestock — applied their firsthand knowledge of the pasture in management of the hima, helping restore land vegetation back to 1990 levels. After one year of restoration and protection, the community saw an increase in biomass, including the restoration of 36 indigenous species in the pasture. This new natural vegetation improved the grazing capacity of the pasture and enabled women to start an herbal tea business, introducing a new source of income for households and the community.

The success of the women-led business in Banpale Community Forest in Nepal inspired residents to plant more trees in the community forest and on household lands. More tree plantings and better collective forest management by both women and men improved forest cover and let the community forest rebound.


