

(最近的碳排放数据表明有一个temporary decreasein the average global CO2 emissions in 2020, but the trend was not sustained. Preliminary numbers find CO2 emissionsincreased again in 2021)。

Where are these emissions coming from, and who is responsible? WRI’s必威官网是真的吗气候手表平台offerscomprehensive emissions data for all countries, sectors and gases. Here’s what we know about the sectors and countries driving greenhouse gas emissions globally:

The Energy Sector Produces the Most Greenhouse Gas Emissions

到目前为止,能源消耗是人为引起的温室气体排放的最大来源75.6%(37.6 GtCO2e)全球。能源部门包括运输,电力和热量,建筑物,制造和建造,逃犯和其他燃料燃烧。

The other top sectors that produce emissions are agriculture, such as livestock and crop cultivation (5.8 GtCO2e, or 11.6%); industrial processes of chemicals, cement and more (3.1 GtCO2E,或6.1%);废物,包括垃圾填埋场和废水(1.6 GTCO2E,或3.3%);以及土地使用,土地利用变化和林业,例如森林砍伐(1.6 GTCO2E,或3.3%)。

Within the energy sector,热量和电力生成负责大多数排放(15.8 GTCO2E在2019年,占温室气体排放总数的31.8%),其次是运输(8.4 GTCO2e in 2019, or 17% of total emissions) and manufacturing and construction (6.3 GtCO2E,或总排放量的12.7%。

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The middle column of the chart above shows emissions by end-use activities, illustrating the specific activities from which emissions stem. Activities driving most energy emissions include road transportation (12.6% of total emissions), residential buildings (11.5% of total emissions) and commercial buildings (6.5% of total emissions). Emissions from those activities include both direct emissions from fossil fuel combustion, as well as indirect emissions from activities such as use of electricity.

Outside of energy, major drivers include livestock and manure (5.8%), other industry (4.5%) and agricultural soils (4.2%). The “other industry” category contains all activities that do not squarely fall within the other categories, including non-metallic metals, construction, mining and quarrying, textile and leather, wood and wood products, transportation equipment and more activities.

Industry and Transportation Are the Fastest-growing Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions


The growth in industrial emissions stemsnot only from CO2emissions,但还增加了制冷和空调的使用。这些活动会产生氢氟化合物(HFCS),是有效的温室气体。汽车的旅行增加是运输排放的主要原因正在上升。



China is the biggest emitter at 26.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, followed by the United States at 12.5%, India at 7.06%, and the European Union at 7.03%.1

Most of the top 10 emitters have higher emissions per person than the world average of 6.27 tCO2E人。在加拿大和美国的十大温室气体发射器中,人均温室气体排放最高为19.6 TCO2e per person and 18.28 tCO2e per person, respectively, while India has the lowest at 2.48 tCO2E人。中国人均排放(9.06 TCO2e)继续上升,超过欧洲联盟(7.56 TCO)2e).

卡塔尔和澳大利亚等国家的人均排放量不如大多数最高发射器高40.52 TCO,但人均排放量高于人均排放量。2每人E和23.10 TCO2每个人分别。

Carbon Dioxide Makes Up Most, but Not All, Greenhouse Gas Emissions

二氧化碳(CO2) 包含74.1%的温室气体排放。大多数公司2emissions (92%)来自化石燃料,特别是用于发电,运输以及制造和消费的产生。土地使用,土地利用变化和林业是人制造公司的另一个贡献者(3.7%)2排放,主要是due to deforestation

Methane (CH4)和一氧化二氮(n2o)分别占温室气体排放总量的17.3%和6.2%,主要来自农业,废物处理和气体燃烧。氟化气体(由HFC,Pertluorocarbons(PFC),硫六氟化物组成(SF)6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)) from industrial processes make up 2.4% of global emissions. These gases are much more有效than CO2in terms their global warming potential, and often provide overlooked机会for mitigation.


世界已经面对了the consequences from climate change. To avoid much more dangerous and costly impacts, the latest IPCC reportfinds对于世界而言,全球温度升高到1.5度C(2.7度F)并防止气候变化的最严重影响,全球排放需要在2025年之前达到峰值。最近的研究表明,当前的温室气体排放水平必须为必威官网是真的吗slashed in half by 2030到达净零到本世纪中叶,以保持该温度目标范围。

所有国家,尤其是主要经济体,都需要step up their climate ambition和submit stronger national climate plans (known as NDCs), developlong-term climate strategies, and set up targets to到达净零emissions尽快地。全球,2030年温室气体排放需要低55%than they would be under the initial round of nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

The largest emissions sources, like the energy sector, are good places to start, but rapid transformations across all systems are needed. The气候行动状态必威官网是真的吗report finds that in order for the world to get on track for the emissions cuts required by 2030, countries must rapidly phase out coal in electricity generation, halt deforestation, increase the share of low-carbon fuels in transportation, and scale up public and private finance, among other actions.