
This year’s wave of climate-related natural disasters – hurricanes, floods and wildfires in developed and developing countries alike – drives home the urgency to move full speed ahead at the 23rd Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, known informally as COP23. Increasing public and private investment in the transition to clean energy and transport, in restoring forested areas, and in more sustainable cities demonstrate that significant inroads towards tackling climate change are being made at the national and local level. Countries are also reaffirming their commitment to climate action as a priority – both at home and internationally – including support for the Paris Agreement demonstrated at theG7andG20summits and at the非洲环境部长级会议(AMCEN).


Here are four signs to look for at COP23:

1. Tangible and Constructive Progress on Making the Paris Agreement Operational

协议的实施准则,有时被称为规则手册,,,,will put the accord fully into motion when finalized at next year’s climate summit in Poland. At Bonn, negotiators need to identify key decision points and the options for resolving them, along with an effective process for crafting clear rules and procedures on a wide range of issues. These include the transparency framework, which includes reporting and review requirements under the Agreement, as well as the ambition mechanism to assess progress and ramp up action every five years.

2. A Strong Foundation for 2018, the First Moment under the Paris Agreement for Countries to Assess Progress and Signal their Readiness to Enhance Action

Enhancing climate action every five years, informed by periodically taking stock of progress and identifying new opportunities for action, is a fundamental premise of the Paris Agreement. COP 23 will set in motion the first of these stocktaking exercises next year during the 2018 facilitative dialogue – now called theTalanoa对话。The dialogue will assess global progress towards meeting the Paris long-term goals, highlight opportunities to step up action, and help spur countries to move forward on enhancing their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) by 2020.

In addition, events next year such as theGlobal Climate Action Summit2018年9月,各州,城市,企业和其他人的聚会也将认识到这些行为者发挥并鼓励更大行动的决定性作用。法国总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)组织的其他即将到来的举措将为20必威官网是真的吗18年推出2018年的活动一年,并有新的势头,这使我们有一个新的势头,这使我们能够努力推动我们实现气候弹性未来所需的投资和行动。


As the first small island nation to preside over a global climate summit, the government of Fiji has made protecting the vulnerable a strong focus. Negotiators must agree on how to recognize efforts by developing countries to adapt to increasing climate impacts, evaluate effectiveness and mobilize greater support. That includes finance, as well as technology and capacity building. An important step at COP23 would be to formally link the Adaptation Fund, which has focused on building community-level resilience, to the Paris Agreement. Negotiators also need to provide guidance on how to increase theshare of adaptation finance随着发达国家扩大财务的规模,以满足他们对mobilize $100 billion a year by 2020。当事人还必须做更多的事情来解决气候影响的损失和损害,即使他们认识到需要遏制温室气体排放并适应气候变化。必威官网是真的吗

4. A Growing Wave of Support from Non-state Actors Such as Cities, Businesses and Others


At climate negotiations last year in Morocco, we witnessedthe world’s steely determination to advance climate actiondespite any obstacles that may arise. COP23 is a time to carry that spirit forward and make concrete progress on structuring the Paris Agreement. Moreover, it is an opportunity to set the stage for 2018, when countries can step up their response to the climate challenge and bequeath a livable world for future generations.