
While mounting evidence showcases the emissions-reduction benefits of well-managed indigenous and community lands, few countries actually set targets to protect these lands in their initial national climate plans in 2015 (known as “Nationally Determined Contributions,” orNDCS). As countriessubmit new NDCs今年作为国际巴黎气候协议的一部分,帮助土著人民和其他地方社区保护和管理其土地应在议程上很高必威官网是真的吗。




Building onWRI进行的研究以及其他组织,政府间气候变化小组(IPCC),国际气候科学机构,认识到土著和社区土地和社区土地以及习惯土地治理系必威官网是真的吗统在2018年气候缓解和适应中的重要性必威官网亚洲体育关于气候变化和土地的特别报告必威官网是真的吗。一种新报告联合国食品和农业组织(FAO)对当前的知识状态进行了审查,以实现气候目标中土著土地的重要性。必威官网是真的吗该报告着重于拉丁美洲和加勒比海,回顾了来自世界各地的最新科学证据。


标题:土著领导人抗议在巴西里约热内卢的土地上剥削他们的土地。 Strong land rights can help indigenous communities protect their communal land and sustainably manage forests. Photo by 350.org/Flickr
Indigenous leaders protest against the exploitation of their land in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Strong land rights can help indigenous communities protect their communal land and sustainably manage forests. Photo by 350.org/Flickr


研究人员已经确定,由土著人民和其他当地社区管理的森林通常比其他人管理的类似土地要低。例如,WRI的研究发现,2000 - 2012年的玻利维亚,巴西和哥伦比亚的土著森林的平均年度森林砍伐率是低两到三倍than in similar forest areas not managed by indigenous peoples.

许多土著领土阻止森林砍伐与完全保护的国家公园和自然保护区一样有效 - 有些更有效。Between 2006 and 2011, indigenous territories in the Peruvian Amazon reduced deforestation两倍作为具有相似条件的保护区。

More recently, research shows that至少36%of the world’s “intact forests” — large, unbroken swaths of natural forest — are within indigenous lands, and they are better maintained then in non-indigenous areas. Intact forests play a crucial role in sequestering carbon, as well as in protecting biodiversity, regulating water supply, and providing a range of ecosystem services central to local livelihoods and the wellbeing of society.

2. Strong indigenous and community land rights leads to better forest management.



3. Indigenous and community lands store significant amounts of carbon.

Recent research found that between 2001 and 2019, the world’s forests sequestered about两倍carbon dioxide as they emitted, providing a “carbon sink” that absorbs a net 7.6 billion metric tonnes of CO2 per year, 1.5 times more carbon than the United States emits annually. The findings, however, significantly vary by region and territories.

研究表明,管理良好的森林储存的碳含量明显比森林造成高森林丧失和退化的森林要多得多。在亚马逊盆地,土著土地平均有较高的碳密度per hectare than non-indigenous areas, partly because their vegetation is in better condition.

Many indigenous lands, including many in the Amazon,是碳水槽,而其他国家管理的土地比吸收更多的二氧化碳。尽管亚马逊土著土地在2003年至2016年期间损失了其森林碳的0.3%,但非土著保护区损失了0.6%,而其他地区则损失3.6%。

Given thatan estimated 50%of the world’s land is occupied by indigenous peoples and communities, these groups manage large carbon stores.评估在52个热带和亚热带国家中,土著人民和其他当地社区至少管理了至少22%的森林碳和17%的总碳(包括土壤碳)存储在森林中。通过开发这片土地来释放这种碳,是2017年全球能源排放的33倍将是一场气候灾难。必威官网是真的吗

In some countries and regions, the total carbon on indigenous and community lands is much higher. In Latin America and the Caribbean, indigenous lands contain about one-third of all the carbon stored in the forests.


The value of carbon sequestration and other local, regional and global ecosystem services from indigenous and community lands far outweigh the costs to governments of securing land rights. For example,研究人员估计玻利维亚为20年期间土著土地的总经济利益为54-1190亿美元,巴西为523-1650亿美元,哥伦比亚为123-2.277亿美元。政府确保这些土著土地的总成本20年,最多是获得总收益的1%。

通过确保土著土地来隔离碳是一种具有成本效益的气候缓解方法,尤其是与其他方法相比。必威官网是真的吗例如,the costs燃煤发电厂的碳捕获和存储(CCS)的昂贵5至29倍,比确保土著土地的价格高5至29倍,天然气厂的昂贵7至42倍。

巴西亚马逊。许多土著土地,包括亚马逊的土地,存储了大量的碳,部分原因是它们的植被状况良好比其他地区更好。 Photo by Nathalia Segato/Unsplash
巴西亚马逊。许多土著土地,包括亚马逊的土地,存储了大量的碳,部分原因是它们的植被状况良好比其他地区更好。照片由Nathalia Segato/Unsplash摄


增强的NDCS将是下一次联合国气候变化会议(COP 26)的讨论重点,该会议计划于2021年11月在苏格兰格拉斯哥举行。必威官网是真的吗尽管格拉斯哥气候会议优惠,该会议因冠状病毒大流行而推迟了一年国家聚集在一起审查其NDC承诺并加强其气候变化的野心的主要机会。必威官网是真的吗

Building on mounting evidence, governments of countries with indigenous populations and forests should consider including in their enhanced NDCs policies that can mitigate climate change, preserve biological and cultural diversity, reduce social and environmental conflicts, and rejuvenate economies. Key provisions include:

  • 认可和保护土著人民和其他地方社区及其习惯权制度的公共土地权利。世界上大多数土著和社区土地未注册或记录在该州,仅根据习惯举行。
  • 赔偿由土著和社区土地产生的生态系统服务范围。例如,土著人民应获得管理土地的付款,以提供重要的生态服务,例如碳封存和生物多样性保护。
  • 支持土著群体和社区,以可持续管理其土地和自然资源。Many indigenous peoples need help monitoring and protecting their land from intruders, such as illegal gold miners and loggers.
  • 支持加强土著和社区基层组织,特别强调妇女和青年。土著组织和联邦可能是土著事业的有力拥护者,但是许多人缺乏有意义地参与影响其生活和福祉的发展事务的技能和资源。
  • Protection of indigenous people and community leaders who are defending their land and environments from threats.尽管所有政府都有保护捍卫者的义务和权力威胁或伤害捍卫者

Indigenous and community lands are crucial for avoiding catastrophic climate change. In addition to carbon sequestration, these lands provide the benefits of global ecosystem services that merit increased protection and financial support, especially if forested countries are to achieve their commitments under the Paris Agreement.