When President Barack Obama announced his administration’s Climate Action Plan three years ago, the setting couldn’t have been more apt: speaking outside Georgetown University on a sweltering June day in 2013, he said a key pillar of the plan was to enhance U.S. preparedness for the impacts of climate change. Three years later, Obama has done more to address climate impacts than any of his predecessors. Making climate resilience a top priority was particularly timely, given that records for extreme weather and temperature have fallen during Obama’s time in the White House.


  • Five 1,000-year rainfall events- 在过去六个月中,降雨如此强烈,每年只有0.1%的机会发生在它们发生的地点。马修飓风(10月)摧毁了东南部的大部分地区,而1000年的降雨事件也发生在路易斯安那州(8月),马里兰州(7月),威斯康星州(7月)和西弗吉尼亚州(6月)。

  • 这个十年的前六年中有四年是最热的岁月历史记录的全球年平均温度:2015年,2014年,2010年,2013年。过去十年(2000年至2009年)的平均全球温度比任何时候都要温暖1,300 years, with temperatures running even higher this decade and 2016 expected with near certainty to become the hottest.

  • 连续三年创纪录的全球平均温度: 2016, 2015, 2014. As we enter the final two months of the year experts give 2016 a 99.9 percent chance to surpass 2015 as the warmest year on record. Never before has the record for warmest observed annual global average temperature been broken three years in a row.

  • Second costliest extreme weather event在美国历史上。2012年10月,超级风暴桑迪, 这largest hurricane to form in the Atlantic Basin, caused more than $68 billion in damages and more than 8.5 million Americans across 21 states to lose power.

  • 一年中野火烧毁的大多数英亩在记录的美国历史上。2015年,野火在全国范围内灼伤了超过1000万英亩。

The Obama administration has shown critical leadership as these and other climate impacts threatened U.S. communities, the economy and national security. Two approaches were essential to make the climate resilience strategy optimally useful and effective:

1.聆听 - 支持 - 前线的人

奥巴马政府倾听了已经处理气候变化影响的全国社区最紧急需求。必威官网是真的吗2013年,奥巴马建立了州,地方和部落领导人专案组on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, which provided more than 100 priority recommendations that guided the administration’s climate resilience measures. Federal initiatives and tools like the必威官网是真的吗气候数据计划, 这Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness和美国必威官网是真的吗气候弹性工具包are helping communities better understand their climate risk and develop their own climate resilience strategies. Public-private partnerships like the国家灾难恢复竞赛and通过设计重建have given communities and states incentives and resources to develop and implement climate resilience strategies.

2. Leading by federal example

当党派僵局在国会中持续存在时,奥巴马利用他的总统权力来提高气候韧性。必威官网是真的吗例如,2013年行政命令需要考虑所有联邦机构任务和运营中的气候变化。必威官网是真的吗2015年,另一项行政命令建立了federal flood risk management standard这需要所有联邦对洪泛区的投资,以满足更高的洪水风险管理标准,以降低未来的洪水风险和成本。和总统备忘录9月份发布的指示所有联邦机构在制定和实施与国家安全有关的所有计划和政策中充分考虑气候影响。必威官网是真的吗

Much More Remains to Be Done

The Obama administration has built a strong foundation of climate resilience but climate threats like rising seas, increasing coastal flooding and more extreme weather remain significant challenges. While they can appear daunting, they also present tremendous opportunities that can strengthen the U.S. economy, upgrade dated infrastructure, create jobs and fortify military assets. For example, costly damage from extreme weather and climate events can be minimized by better integrating climate resilience into policies, planning and investments before – rather than after – disasters occur. Better balancing grey infrastructure (such as concrete seawalls) with green infrastructure (such as natural wetlands) can increase resilience to climate impacts while improving water and air quality, quality of life and public health. And communities that want to be able to weather climate change better but lack the resources can be supported by developing of financing options for climate resilience measures. The next administration should seek bipartisan support for low-carbon infrastructure investments that build climate resilience. This will create needed jobs throughout the country while addressing a known risk.
