From非洲的蝗虫群threatening food security, to ragingwildfires in Australia, 到flooding在全球影响国家,社区正在努力应对气候变化的影响。必威官网是真的吗本地领导,特定地点的策略和周围环境的知识对于建立对气候影响的韧性至关重要。必威官网是真的吗但是,当外部合作伙伴参与时,这些经过验证的方法通常被忽略,并且小于10%of international climate funds go to local communities most directly impacted by climate change.

全球改编的新论文委员会,Scaling Local and Community-Based Adaptation,,,,提出了案例研究证据,表明有效的气候变化适应本质上是本地的。必威官网是真的吗没有一定大小的技术解决方案可以取代上下文重点,从而将人们的福祉,需求和愿望放在首位。


1. Effective, Context-Specific Programs


这Fijian village of Vunidogoloa experienced such frequent and disastrous flooding, coastal erosion and soil salinization that the villagers appealed to the government for relocation assistance. Villagers, local and national governments and the International Labor Organization developed a robust plan that was specific to Vunidogoloa. Working together, they evaluated the natural and spiritual resources the villagers were sacrificing for resettlement, and how their new village could be designed to offset those losses.



这benefits of local adaptation outweigh the estimated costs. Avoiding loss and damage from climate stressors saves money, which unlocks economic and social potential for the area — an interplay of co-benefits that the Commission’s 2019 report,Adapt Now,,,,boils down to a simple choice: delay and pay, or plan and prosper.

An adaptation strategy in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand will protect local community members from the impacts of storms and coastal erosion, while also preventing substantial economic losses. Photo by Tim Whittaker Photography
An adaptation strategy in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand will protect local community members from the impacts of storms and coastal erosion, while also preventing substantial economic losses. Photo by Tim Whittaker Photography

这Hawke’s Bay region of New Zealand, frequently inundated by storms and coastal erosion,fortified itself采用本地适应措施来代替回报。如果没有干预,该国就会在10年内单独损失700万美元的社会成果;在100年内,损失可能成倍增长。

To counter this, the district and city council partnered with Tangata Whenua Indigenous people to develop an adaptation strategy with businesses, asset managers and other community members. The resulting solutions included coastal defense structures for the short- to medium-term, and gradual relocation away from the ocean for the long-term. This will protect the 65% of the population that lives within 5 km of the coast, as well as tourist attractions like renowned wineries and architecture.This transparent and participatory approach has since been recreated across New Zealand for its successful integration of local experience, cultural knowledge and technical expertise.



该策略在孟加拉国制定了,在该策略中,一项计划增强沿海社区的弹性的计划旨在使无法远离家园的妇女使用。该计划的重点是耕种森林,鱼类和水果以恢复红树林,这可以作为防御风暴和洪水的缓冲 - 并增加粮食生产。人造堤防为水果,蔬菜和木材树提供了花园床,而相应的沟渠则有水产养殖池。由于沟渠和堤防靠近家庭,因此更多的妇女有机会产生粮食和收入,同时通过创建自然的海上屏障并最大程度地减少沿海侵蚀来贡献生态共同利益。


Local adaptation solutions are more likely to be effective because communities approach adaptation holistically. They experience the complex relationships between adaptation measures and other development priorities like poverty alleviation, disaster impact reduction and inclusive socioeconomic development, and reflect these connections in their climate solutions.


例如,在埃塞俄比亚,卡鲁尔地区的生存农民极易受到干旱等气候变化影响的影响。必威官网是真的吗为了解决埃塞俄比亚政府的干旱引起的粮食不安全引导粮食援助到生态系统修复提高生产率。借助预警天气系统,新的抗旱,高产作物品种和针对妇女家庭负责人的农业节目,该计划能够解决气候影响,粮食安全和赋予妇女权能。必威官网是真的吗培养用于分水岭的植物,药物和生物柴油生产为Kaleu Woreda的方法增添了跨切割的成分。


Local knowledge is a vast and underutilized resource that is more accessible and relevant to programs designed for a specific place. Embedding local knowledge in adaptation measures makes them more inclusive, eases uptake and makes them more sustainable, while boosting communities’ sense of ownership.

For instance, when melting glaciers in Pakistan’s Hunza Valley threatened to flood villages, indigenous knowledge about the region informed a comprehensivecommunity-based monitoringand early warning system. Villagers formed volunteer groups to hike into the mountains to observe the glaciers each month. Their knowledge, combined with new methods of data collection and photographic documentation, allowed for comprehensive monitoring of glacier-fed lakes to improve their flood preparedness.

Local Leadership, Global Impacts

This year, the Global Commission’s本地领导的动作轨道and its 28 partner organizations are convening regional grassroots-donor dialogues, publishing research onclimate finance reform并与基层网络合作,以将资金用于地方一级。本地领导的行动轨道旨在将社区和地方一级参与者定位为有权加入和认可其在开发可持续,公平和有效的气候解决方案中的专业知识和作用的领导者。必威官网是真的吗
