World leaders are gathering in New York this week and next for the UN General Assembly meeting (UNGA76) and Climate Week. The two major events come at a critical moment for climate action.

世界正面临紧急情况。几乎每个地球上的每个人都感受到了今年夏天气候变化的影响 - 从中​​国,乌干达,尼日利亚,美国和西欧的毁灭性必威官网是真的吗洪水。到达非洲和美洲的极端热浪和干旱;记录美国,加拿大,俄罗斯和艺术的野火;以及印度和菲律宾的季风大雨。人们的生活和生计的损失不断增长。

Meanwhile, thenewest report从世界上最有权威的科学机构在气候变化的气候变化(IPCC)中,关于气候变必威官网是真的吗化的科学机构,这些影响仅仅是开始。与我们不采取行动相比,它们似乎很温和。该报告发现,世界仍然有一条狭窄的途径,可以将平均全球变暖限制为1.5度C(2.7摄氏度) - 极限科学家说,避免气候变化的最严重影响是必要的 - 但这将需要快速的,变革的变化这一点必威官网是真的吗十年。

政府和企业,尤其是世界主要发射器 - 必须紧急提高他们的承诺,以应对这一挑战,然后迅速从承诺转向行动。在格拉斯哥的联合国气候谈判(COP26)之前仅六个星期,各国需要必威官网是真的吗在气候行动,UNGA和气候周取得重大进展,这是领导者向领导人表现出对气候变化野心的重要机会。

Here are five critical areas we are watching for signs of progress:

1. Stronger National Climate Plans (NDCs)

UNGA presents a prime opportunity for major emitters to step up with more ambitious plans to reduce their emissions by 2030. This year, all countries are expected to submit updated national climate plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), under the Paris Agreement. So far,116个国家representing roughly half of global emissions have submitted updated plans. Yet only about half of these (67 countries), reflect higher ambition than their original plans submitted in 2015, and altogether these efforts are not nearly enough to limit global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C.

尚未宣布尚未宣布新的和更雄心勃勃的目标的主要发射器需要在COP26上挺身而出,并提出严重的提议,以遏制其排放到2030年。committedto submit new or updated NDCs by COP26. UNGA is a prime opportunity to come forward with those targets. A newpaperby WRI and Climate Analytics finds that if all G20 countries set ambitious 2030 emissions-reduction targets and commit to reach net-zero emissions by mid-century, global temperature rise could be limited to 1.7 degrees C, keeping the 1.5 degrees C goal within reach.

The spotlight shines especially bright on China, the world’s largest emitter, which has not yet announced a stronger emissions-reduction target for 2030. In order to get on track for its carbon neutrality pledge by 2060, it's imperative that China announces a more stringent NDC and stops international finance for coal, as South Korea and Japan (the other two major financiers of international coal)recently committed to do

Other major emitters that need to step up include India, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which have yet to submit their updated NDCs, and Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Russia and Indonesia, which made no headway or backslid with the updated 2030 targets they submitted.

Vulnerable nations — many of which have submitted strong climate plans — areurging主要发射器采取了对气候变化的混凝土,近期行动。必威官网是真的吗确保主要发射器通过COP26提高雄心勃勃是最重要的重点之一Allied for Climate Transformations 2025(ACT2025) consortium, a group of organizations from vulnerable nations that are informing and influencing the COP26 negotiations. ACT2025 will soon release an Alliance Statement further crystalizing what must be delivered for COP26 to be both ambitious and just.

2. More Climate Finance From Wealthy Nations

A major issue to watch at UNGA is whether rich countries step up with new climate finance and other types of development assistance for developing countries. By COP26, developed countries need to show how they will meet and build upon their over-due commitment to jointly mobilize $100 billion a year in climate finance for developing nations. Addressing the climate finance gap is vital to COP26’s success and to restoring trust with developing nations.

Indeed, the $100 billion annually is only a fraction of what vulnerable countries really need to decarbonize and build resilience to climate impacts, so it should be seen as a floor for climate finance. Developed countries should commit to deliver a minimum of $500 billion total over the 2020-2024 period, and should establish a more ambitious target to be agreed prior to 2025, to support developing countries.

The United States, especially, has not been contributing its fair share toward the global climate finance goal. Other rich countries lagging on contributions will also need to step up, including Italy, Canada, Australia, Spain and others. Will they do so during Climate Week?

发达国家还应宣布关于气候适应的新承诺,尤其是适应基金,以确保缓解和适应之间的资金平衡。必威官网是真的吗仅适应说明21% of overall climate finance。发达国家需要改善获得气候融资的机会,并确保其达到地方一级,这是顶级必威官网是真的吗优先事项for developing countries.

We will also watch for announcements on moratoriums for international financing for fossil fuels, including coal financing. At the G7 summit in Carbis Bay, its membersreaffirmed their commitment为了在2021年底结束未减弱的国际煤炭融资,并确认早期承诺在2025年逐步淘汰化石燃料补贴。

3. Creating More Equitable Food Systems

Alongside this year's General Assembly, the UN will host the world's first-everFood Systems Summitto address inequities and inefficiencies in the food system and identify food-related solutions to fight climate change and achieve other development goals.

Countries and others should come forward with investments to生产food more sustainably;保护remaining ecosystems from agricultural expansion;减少demand for land-intensive agriculture, such as by cutting food loss and waste; andrestore将景观退化为生产力。通过同时实现这些目标,我们可以养活不断增长的世界人口,同时减轻气候变化,以确保农民和牧民可以必威官网是真的吗adaptto the impacts of climate change, and lifting millions out of poverty.

4. Action From Non-state Actors

In addition to action from national governments, we’ll need increased ambition from non-state actors, too, such as cities, businesses and more.

在气候必威官网是真的吗周,一群市长将发布call to action敦促国家和次区域政府,公司和金融机构紧急加强政策和投资,以支持森林保护,修复和可持续森林管理。他们正在通过城市4forest倡议, a coalition of 73 major cities committed to greater forest action. Evidence shows that city residents depend deeply on forests — even those that are far away — for clean air and water, reducing heat islands and flooding, and sequestering carbon.

WRI will join partners in launching a major new cities program namedUrbanShift,旨在通过包容性的低碳发展来改变城市。该计划将与九个国家 /地区的23个城市互动,将当地解决方案推进了诸如气候风险,性别不平等,城市蔓延等挑战。必威官网是真的吗

Businesses should also be stepping up in this moment between UNGA and COP. There is big momentum: Nearly 2,000 businesses have committed or setscience-based targetsto reduce their emissions. And over 250 asset owners, asset managers and banks — together responsible forassets over $80 trillion— have committed to transition their portfolios to net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, under the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero. They have agreed to use science-based guidelines to reach net zero emissions, cover all emission scopes, include 2030 interim targets and commit to transparent reporting and accounting.

Businesses should also use their influence to push national governments to take more ambitious climate action. Most immediately, U.S. businesses should publicly support the reconciliation package being considered by the U.S. Congress, which presents one of the best opportunities to meet U.S. climate goals — the CEOs of 12 environment and sustainability groups recentlycalled onbusinesses to do just that.

5. Reducing Non-CO2 Gases

我们还期望美国和欧洲宣布a major new global pledge to reduce methane emissions by nearly a third by 2030. Other countries will be invited to sign onto the pledge. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with a warming potential87次that of carbon dioxide over 20 years. Reducing methane emissions is vital to addressing climate change.



As COP26 quickly approaches, now is the time for governments, businesses and other stakeholders to act with the ambition this moment calls for. World leaders should use the global stage at UNGA76 and Climate Week to show their citizens and peers that they recognize the urgency of the crisis. Their actions will determine our collective fate.