在今年在波兰华沙举行的国际气候谈判中,赌注很高(必威官网是真的吗COP 19)。最近发布的政府间气候变化小组(IPCC)的第五次评估报告显示,世界正在使用必威官网是真的吗它的“碳预算”和exceed 2 degrees C of global temperature rise within the next 30 years. A new United Nations report shows一个重大的“排放差距”在我们看到的全球气候行动与防止2度变暖必威官网是真的吗所需的数量之间。就在昨天,世界气象组织announcedthat atmospheric CO2 rose to a record high in 2012. These environmental changes set the stage for worsening climate impacts, including greater sea level rise, forest fires, and coral bleaching, among others.

It’s critical that these negative signs inspire positive action at COP 19. Negotiators should arrive with a fire in their bellies for finding global solutions. It is vital that they get down to business on designingthe international climate action agreement,包括在2015年之前实际构建该协议所需的途径。

“Constructing” the 2015 International Climate Agreement


从这个意义上讲,应该将今年的警察视为“施工警察”,在该道路上铺设了道路,以达到2015年在巴黎的COP 21的国际协议。该途径包括许多关键的里程碑和时间表,需要在2015年之前满足,以确保强大的协议。
Making headway on this goal will require making progress across five key issues during the Warsaw negotiations, including:


How to design the architecture for the new agreement and the process leading up to it will be a central discussion in Warsaw. It is an enormously complex challenge to get all nations of the world to agree to a common way forward.

进行谈判的一种新方法正在出现,旨在创建一个国际进程,使全球国家一级变化。这种方法将采用国家“国家优惠”on how they will reduce their respective emissions and blend them with an effective international process and regime. Offers would be reviewed (and revised) based on benchmarks for global emissions reductions and equity concerns. Final “offers” from this process would be underpinned by an agreement with binding, international rules on issues like transparency.

为了有效,此过程可能必须迭代性,各国继续调整各自的报价,直到所有计划加起来总体排放量降低,以使全球温度升高至2度以下。‘ratcheting’ mechanism for the period after 2015 to ensure that countries continue to increase their reductions over time.

Warsaw will be about developing this architecture, and determining exactly how it should be carried out. WRI recently published选项纸概述与此过程相关的一些关键问题。


Based on the negotiating mandateadopted in Durban, the 2015 agreement will apply to all countries—it is no longer possible to keep developed and developing countries in two entirely separate cabins. As a result,addressing equity在国际局将成为谈判的基本问题中,在广泛的国家中。这包括有关哪些国家应负责采取哪种类型的行动以及如何考虑那些经常面临最严重的气候影响但对问题做出最少贡献的人的脆弱性的复杂问题。必威官网是真的吗



Climate finance discussions will be central to laying the groundwork for the 2015 agreement. Specifically, countries must discuss how to move toward the goal of mobilizing $100 billion in climate finance annually by 2020, and establish what types of reporting and transparency mechanisms they will use. How and when countries plan to mobilize resources for the emerging绿色气候基金必威官网是真的吗(GCF)也将是一个重要的问题,尤其是现在GCF制定了一项时间表来完成其基本框架并在2014年9月之前启动保证程序。还将讨论适应和缓解的总体资金平衡,目前正在加重缓解措施。

4) Loss and Damage:

An important question is how the international community will address the needs of communities who will be harmed by climate impacts that are difficult or impossible to adapt to. In many cases, these impacts will be experienced several decades from now (including submersion of island nations, loss of coastal land and communities, loss of biodiversity and crop varieties, etc.). This issue, referred to as loss and damage, rose on the agenda of the negotiations在警察18的尽头去年在多哈(Doha),当各国同意在今年在COP 19上采取机构安排,以解决损失和损害。华沙的讨论将围绕制定战略来解决长期气候影响造成的伤害。必威官网是真的吗



Taking Immediate Action Before 2015


Any country or group of countries can come forward with emissions-reduction proposals now, an important confidence-building step as decision-makers look toward reaching the 2015 deal. For example, the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) has提出提案on renewable energy and energy efficiency. These approaches make sense both for addressing climate change and for responding to development and economic needs around the world. There’s no need for AOSIS to wait on moving forward with this initiative. Countries should make it clear—now—that they are serious about efforts to take climate action.



Constructing this new global agreement will not happen overnight—it must be a well-planned, iterative process. The discussions at Warsaw represent a critical step along the way. We needCOP的进度19确保2015年的协议建立在强大的基础上。