
A century later, 2019 shows signs of being another big year—and a precarious one, as WRI President and CEO Andrew Steer explained at the Institute’s每年观看演讲的故事1月9日在华盛顿。

The following seven stories are the ones to watch this year when it comes to the future of environment and international development:


Political shakeups in several major countries make the future of international climate action uncertain. Brazil’s government swung far right in 2018 with the election of President Jair Bolsonaro, while Mexico moved left with new President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Looking ahead to 2019, voters in India and Indonesia will cast ballots while China faces the challenge of an economic slowdown.


Two key moments will show how these changes will affect international climate action: at the联合国必威官网是真的吗气候峰会于9月,国家领导人是否会表明他们将加强雄心勃勃的气候承诺?必威官网是真的吗他们会增加资金绿色气候基金必威官网是真的吗,,,,which invests in low-emission and climate-resilient development, during its replenishment period in October? And will businesses outpace governments on bold climate action?


气候变化的影响从未更清楚或更威必威官网是真的吗胁。与干旱和洪水等极端气候有关的灾难的数量,必威官网是真的吗已经翻了一番since the 1990s.超过1.5亿人与2000年相比,今天暴露于与热有关的健康风险。

The number of extreme climate-related disasters like droughts and floods has doubled since the 1990s. Photo by NPS Climate Change/Flickr
The number of extreme climate-related disasters like droughts and floods has doubled since the 1990s. Photo by NPS Climate Change/Flickr

Yet there’s a lack of leadership, metrics and finance to help people adapt to the results of a changing climate. “Adaptation has been the poor sister of mitigation,” Steer said.

今年可能会改变。世界银行宣布现在,其气候投资的一半将用于适应。必威官网是真的吗一个新全球适应委员会,,,,led by Kristalina Georgieva, Ban Ki-moon and Bill Gates, was launched in October 2018 and aims to raise the profile of adaptation and accelerate action around the world. The Commission, convened by 17 countries, will release a flagship research report in September along with several action tracks to address specific adaptation challenges.


Consumers正在购买60 percent more clothes today than they did in 2000, and one garbage truck of discarded clothing is burned or sent to a landfill every second of every day. Thesocial and environmental impacts of “fast fashion”不可能忽略。例如:一件棉T恤需要2,700 liters (more than 700 gallons) of water要生产,这将为普通人提供两年半的饮用水。


今年晚些时候Sustainable Apparel Coalition将启动一个报告平台,公司可以在其中分享有关其可持续性的信息。该联盟旨在最终为品牌,产品和工厂提供绩效分数。同样今年,Science-Based Targets initiative将发布针对服装和鞋类的指南,这可以帮助公司根据最新的气候科学设定减少排放目标。必威官网是真的吗


Despite commitments from近500家跨国公司to reduce deforestation in supply chains by 2020, 2017 saw第二高自2001年以后的树木覆盖损失。(2018年的数字要到今年晚些时候才能提供。在很大程度上负责。Steer说:“我们处于危机状况,这也是人类问题。”“去年有200多名环境捍卫者丧生。”

Will companies that set 2020 targets persevere? And will more governments engage and support these efforts?

注意欧洲委员会的反伪造路线图;印度尼西亚是否继续放慢森林砍伐;以及布尔森罗总统是否为商品开发打开亚马逊。寻找public-private collaboration[AF1]at the热带森林联盟议会in May and whether对生物多样性的关注不断增加增加压力。


China’s皮带和道路倡议是全球主要的发展努力,涉及100多个国家 /地区的道路,港口和其他基础设施的建设。然而,中国领导人倡导“eco-environment protection”在皮带和道路的各个方面,研究表明,该计划的大多数能源投资目前都偏爱化石燃料而不是可再生能源。

This year will be key for evaluating whether China is serious about making the mammoth undertaking more environmentally sustainable. A major 2019 forum is a good moment for crafting sustainability guidelines for the initiative’s projects. Other signs of progress will be whether China ramps up renewable energy investments abroad, as it hasalready done在国内以及国家的气候计划是否开始告知皮带和公路投资。必威官网是真的吗


共同的自行车和踏板车正在世界各地的城市起飞。例子:伯德(Bird),一家电动踏板车租赁公司,是fastest startup everto reach “unicorn status,” a $1 billion valuation.

然而,这种共同的微型革命有一个缺点:有些自行车和踏板车质量低,导致崩溃和浪费,而另一些则是pile up on sidewalks,,,,crowding out pedestrians. There are alsosafety concerns


Shared scooters in Moscow, Russia. Photo by MaxPixel
Shared scooters in Moscow, Russia. Photo by MaxPixel

Decisions made this year could help ensure it’s the latter.Ford,,,,优步,,,,Lyft通用汽车are already entering the micromobility space. Will other companies join? Watch how cities regulate shared bikes and scooters, including when it comes to permits, pricing and safety. The forthcoming New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO) can help provide guidance. The big question is whether urban leaders and planners will focus more on designing streets to favor people and micromobility over cars.


特朗普政府有试图回滚more than 70 environmental safeguards, and counting. But U.S. climate action isn’t dead. In fact, states, cities and businesses are pushing forward, expanding renewable energy targets and carbon pricing.

The 2018 midterm elections ushered in a new batch of climate leaders, including 10 new governors with clean energy plans and more members of Congress who support climate action. TheGreen New Dealis injecting more enthusiasm into the climate debate than has been seen in recent years.



有关更多信息,请观看WRI’s Stories to Watch 2019 event