The Biden administration has a huge task before them when it comes to protecting communities from dangerous climate impacts.


19009年大流行导致了其他相关损害。脆弱的社区和颜色社区受苦不成比例从Covid-19。其他特朗普政府行动对前线产生了负面影响,围栏社区,包括创造一个漏洞允许大型工业设施散发更多引起癌症的污染物,消除环境风险评估用于重大建筑项目和削弱安全法规for chemical plants. It is imperative that justice and equity be front-and-center in all Biden administration efforts to address climate change.

Fortunately, President-elect Biden has集会团队有足够的法律基础采取早期行政诉讼 - 不仅要撤销特朗普政府的损害,而且要付款向前解决日益增长的气候危机的新规则。必威官网是真的吗

特朗普环境回滚拜登气候议程wri final.png必威官网是真的吗




特朗普总统通过各种行动(例如必威官网亚洲体育解散非政治科学咨询委员会,阻止循证国会证词denying climate changein federal reports. The Trump administration also阻止了版本数十种清洁能源研究。此外,白宫删除该计划的主任负责监督国会规定的国家气候评估,这是详细说明美国人面临的气候风险的黄金标准。必威官网是真的吗

Biden Administration前锋:返回科学到决策中心并提升前线声音

President-elect Biden and his appointees should take on the task of repairing scientific advisory boards and restoring them with impartial scientists.拜登还应该迅速废除所谓的“秘密科学规则”在第十一个小时完成在特朗普的任期中,如果留下来,将严重限制健康数据在指导环境决策中的作用,例如在清洁空气和水周围。

Central to this return to evidence-based decision-making should be fully incorporating current and future climate risks in government assessments, from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Biden administration should alsoset an updated碳的社会成本指导联邦规则制定。

Furthermore, President-elect Biden should make a point of elevating the lived experience of community members at the front lines of environmental injustice.这些利益相关者应在EPA和其他负责制定气候解决方案的机构内部和机构内部和机构间机构内的决策过程中进行咨询。必威官网是真的吗环境司法顾问委员会的成立可以扮演这一横切角色。

2. The Paris Agreement

Trump Administration Rollback: Withdrew from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

On November 4th,2020年,美国正式成为世界上唯一退出巴黎气候协议的国家。必威官网是真的吗考虑到美国是最负责累积CO2排放,这一举动将在国际上被铭记为一个定义领导力的时代。

Biden Administration Roll-forward: Rejoin Paris Agreement, Update GHG Reduction Target and Engage with International Partners

世界各地的领导人已经表达了他们的热情关于振兴国际气候变化合作,联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)表示必威官网是真的吗in stark terms实现拜登运动的气候目标的行星含义。必威官网是真的吗In addition to requesting to rejoin the Agreement on day one, President-elect Biden must采取一切必要的行动恢复国家在面对气候变化方面的领导作用。必威官网是真的吗


Trump Administration Rollback: Loosened Emissions Standards for Cars and Trucks and Voided California’s Waiver

The Trump administration heavily rolled back regulations in the transportation sector, namely2012年规则要求汽车制造商生产清洁剂,更高效的车辆。政府用较弱的规则取代了现有标准,这只会减少一部分排放,并使驾驶员在2021年至2035年之间的燃油支出增加2310亿美元。被撤销豁免这可以加利福尼亚州和其他13个州自愿为乘用车设定更高的效率标准。

Biden Administration Roll-forward: Reinstate Emissions Standards, Restore California’s Waiver Authority and Advance Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Performance Standards

拜登政府必须制定该国的计划发射最高的部门, with restoration of the Obama administration’s emissions standards one of the most urgent moves. It should also promptly restore California’s authority to set stronger standards.

One of the most stunning trends since the Obama administration has been the declining costs of lithium-ion batteries, poising battery-electric vehicles for a breakout. Just in the past few months,加利福尼亚宣布它计划在2035年之前播出新的内燃机车辆,15个州formed a pact采购零发射中型和重型车辆。拜登政府可以通过为所有车辆级别设定联邦零排放车辆(ZEV)性能标准,同时承诺联邦政府将electrifying its vehicle fleets


Trump Administration Rollback: Dismantled the Clean Power Plan

特朗普政府的环境保护局(EPA)取消了清洁能源计划,该计划旨在减少电力部门的温室气体排放。相反,他们提出了一项替代政策,could result in1,400 additional premature deaths and $30 billion in annual health damages compared with the original rule. The Trump administration defended this rollback by using aquestionable methodology在计算碳的社会成本时(每吨CO造成的损害估计2排放),从而最大程度地减少减少排放的好处。

Biden Administration Roll-forward: Rescind Replacement Rule and Lay Groundwork for New Standards

President-elect Biden should rescind the replacement Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule. His administration should also lay the groundwork for a new policy to decarbonize the electricity sector, which accounts for美国温室气体排放的27%。Meeting the Biden-Harris campaign’s goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035 will require a wide-ranging portfolio of executive-level actions, in addition to Congressional action such as a Clean Energy Standard.

拜登政府可以开始采购清洁能源,以使联邦政府和军事建筑物脱碳,在海上风能批准中执行,并简化可再生能源设施和输电线路的选址条款。President-elect Biden can alsoempower独立的联邦能源监管委员会(FERC)提出支持向低碳权力转移的提名人。


Trump Administration Rollback: Scrapped Rules Limiting Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas

2020年8月,特朗普政府rolled back现有标准要求化石燃料公司在新的和现有设施和管道中监视和修复甲烷泄漏。这种行动危害了生活在井附近并极大地影响气候的公民,因为甲烷是一种超级污染物,具有84次CO的热吸热能力必威官网是真的吗2超过20年。






Biden Administration Roll-forward: Repeal New Rule and Set Standards on Low-Carbon Steel and Cement

除了将特朗普的暮光之城统治放弃免除工业设施外,拜登政府还可以表现出领导地位,以脱碳化工业部门。目前的行业accounts for 22%在美国气温剂排放量中,水泥和钢等亚部门的排放量比大多数州都具有更大的排放足迹。




The Trump administration Department of Energy (DOE) rolled back Bush administration-era requirements for energy-efficient lightbulbs and failed to update several other standards. Scrapping and freezing these rules花费消费者的钱和increases GHG emissions.根据NRDC,政府未能更新25种不同设备的能源效率规则,这是一个机会,到2035年,每年为消费者节省超过220亿美元的能源费用。


President-elect Biden should direct his DOE to reinstate and strengthen cost- and energy-saving efficiency standards. However, this low-hanging fruit is far from enough.

商业和住宅建筑中的化石燃料燃烧美国温室气体排放量的12%。远程办公室的上升has led to能源消耗向住宅建筑部门的转移,这可能会产生持久的影响。为了使该行业脱碳,不仅必须采取强大的努力来提高电器的能源效率,而且还必须使建筑物电气化以应对构成大部分部门排放的化石燃料动力加热过程。

The Biden administration should also offer low-cost financing to encourage the installation of electric heat-pumps and electric stoves in commercial and single- and multi-family buildings.


When President-elect Biden takes office, he will inherit no shortage of crises to confront: the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice, economic turmoil and climate change. Recognizing that these challenges are interwoven, the Biden-Harris transition team promised to seek out synergistic solutions to address multiple crises in tandem.

Climate action presents an opportunity对于美国而言,不仅要抓住下一代技术和制造业,而且还有助于结束系统性的种族不平等,加强前线社区,并确保公平地获得清洁能源福利。通过制定早期执行行动的投资组合,拜登政府可以使用这个关键的窗口使国家踏上实现脱碳的道路。