The latest food trend isn’t a particular cuisine or exotic ingredient; it’s sustainability.近75%的美国人think sustainability is important when deciding what food to buy. The food industry has noticed. In Britain,在食品行业接受调查的人中,近一半假设他们的客户需要更多可持续的食品选择。

The new Better Buying Lab -- a partnership with major companies including Google, Sainsbury’s, Hilton Worldwide and other leaders in the food industry – aims to help accelerate this trend.

There’s good reason for this change in food preferences. WRI’sShifting Diets for a Sustainable Food Future发现饮食的微小变化也会产生巨大的环境影响。肉类和乳制品等食物对陆地,水和气候给植物性食品施加了更大的压力。必威官网是真的吗如果美国人的平均水平将基于动物的蛋白质的消费减少了一半,则将与饮食相关的土地使用和温室气体排放量减少43%至45%。适用于全球高度消费者的蛋白质消费者,这将释放15亿英亩(6.4亿公顷)的农业土地,这是印度规模的两倍的地区。

正如WRI总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Steer博士所说:“如果我们想养活不断增长的人口而不必紧张自然资源,我们必须做的不仅仅是改变心态。我们必须改变饮食。”

Why then -- given the recognized benefits of plant-based diets and the growing number of people who want to consume sustainable foods – don’t more people change what they eat?


Shopping for food at the supermarket or ordering from a favorite restaurant involve deeply habitual and sub-conscious decision-making processes. Shoppers tend to rely on routine. Rarely do they notice new information and remember it, let alone act on it. When it comes to food, many people make buying decisions on auto-pilot.


我们有一些例子要学习。只需将英国转向低酒精饮料即可。In 2011, the government set a challenge for the beverage industry to remove 1 billion alcohol units from people’s diets by 2015. The industry saw lower-alcohol beers as part of the solution, but it hadn’t yet found a way to make them popular.


2012年,莫尔森·库尔斯(Molson Coors)推出了卡林·泽斯特(Carling Zest),这是一种啤酒,酒精为2.8%,而平均啤酒的啤酒为4.8%,并且与柠檬,酸橙和姜的味道相比。它作为令人耳目一新的选择被销售,莫尔森·库尔斯(Molson Coors)投资于商店的广告和促销展览。此外,英国政府减少了对低酒精饮料的税收,并增加了7.5%或更高酒精的啤酒的税收。销售起飞,其他公司发起了自己的饮料,并且 - 加上所有主要啤酒的酒精含量略有减少 - 到2013年,英国已经达到了减少超过十亿多亿美元的酒精单位数量的目标。

在WRI分析的所有示例中,我们发现,当企业确定采用新事物和开发的创造性策略来克服它们的障碍时,发生了变化。Wri的换档轮, a framework for strategies to create changes in consumption, was developed based on examples like the UK beverage industry’s success.

Pioneering Sustainable Food Strategies



By bringing together the brightest minds from consumer research, behavioral economics and marketing strategy, along with companies in the food industry, the Lab will research, test and ultimately scale new strategies and actions that enable consumers to choose more sustainable products.

The Lab’s partners include leading companies such as Google, Sainsbury’s, Hilton Worldwide, Quorn and Triniti Marketing. Membership is growing, and the Lab will release its first findings later this year.
