当拜登总统完成任职的第一年,美国许多人都是焦虑的about the resurgent COVID-19 pandemic,concernedabout supply chain bottlenecks and related inflation,担心关于气候变化必威官网是真的吗以及沮丧的that elected leaders don’t seem to be able to make progress in addressing these challenges.

To be fair, some problems, like the emergence of new virus variants, are beyond any politician’s control and others, like climate change, have been decades in the making and can’t be solved overnight. While it is not reasonable to judge President Biden’s performance based on whether he has solved these problems, it is reasonable to ask how his response to them measures up against prior hopes and expectations.


While the president had success working with members of both parties to pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (or Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), the larger and more consequential Build Back Better Act remains stalled. Without Republican support, every Senate Democrat (and nearly every House Democrat) must sign off on the final bill for it to become law.

当涉及到气候变化时,去年大选后不久必威官网是真的吗,我布置了three principles and 10 priorities我希望拜登政府在回应气候危机时会采用。必威官网是真的吗在这里,我盘点了政府的成就,仍在进行的工作以及他们迄今为止缺乏的工作。

Tracking the Biden administration's progress on climate action


  • Inclusive prosperity。拜登政府将气候政策嵌入其“更好地建立”议程的核心,以促进繁荣,并特别必威官网是真的吗是坚定的to advance equity by ensuring that at least 40% of the benefits of its climate policies flow to historically marginalized environmental justice communities.
  • 遵循碳。政府正在努力减少所有主要部门的排放,除了发电外,还专门针对运输和行业。
  • 所有的手放在桌上。President Biden adopted a “Whole of Government Approach to the Climate Crisis从任命的第一周,任命前州长和市长到他的内阁,并与州和地方政府以及私营部门建立了伙伴关系,以推动气候解决方案。必威官网是真的吗


1. Commit to cut total greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2030:实现了


2. Pass a major climate-smart economic stimulus package to build back better from COVID-19工作正在进行中

国会颁布了两党Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (or Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), which includes important provisions to enhance the electricity grid, build electric vehicle charging infrastructure, support electric school buses, and develop carbon dioxide capture and sequestration technology. More than $500 billion dollars’ worth of clean energy tax credits, electric vehicle rebates and other climate-smart investment are pending in the建立更好的行为(BBBA),这在11月清理了房屋,但仍在参议院停滞不前。

3.需要2035年以后出售的所有新乘用车才能产生零排放:On Track.

拜登总统为2030年出售的新乘用车中的50%设定了目标,以生产零排放并签署executive order指示联邦机构到2027年购买100%零排放轻型车辆。美国环境保护署(EPA)发布了最终规则significantly reduce从2023 - 2026年型号的摩托车排放量,将开始按照2027年型号和后来的车辆的标准开始工作。


President Biden has reiterated his goal to reach 100% clean electricity by 2035 and signed anexecutive order要求联邦机构在2030年之前购买100%无碳污染的电力。但是,通过国家清洁电力标准将需要参议院60票(除非更改了Filibuster规则)和清洁的电力支付计划建议(这可能已经实现了结果类似于清洁电标准的结果。参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)反对


5. Tackle super pollutants.On Track.

The EPA hasissued regulations按照《美国创新与制造法》指示的氢氟化合物的阶段,该法案是2021财政年度拨款法案的一部分。EPA还提出了减少石油和天然气行业的甲烷排放的法规,拜登总统帮助推出了global methane pledgeat the Glasgow Climate Summit, or COP26, under which more than 100 countries have committed to cut their total methane emissions at least 30% by 2030.

6. Set appliance and equipment standards to replace fossil fuels with electricity whenever feasible:脱轨。


在她2022年的国家状态政策书,纽约州长凯西·霍克尔(Kathy Hochul)建议,所有新建筑物都必须在2027年之前进行零的现场排放。但是,联邦政府仅采取了有限的步骤来鼓励建筑电气化迄今为止,并且是behind schedule在更新密钥设备标准时。

The House-passed BBBA includes a $3.5 billion program toencourage home electrification,包括热泵水和空间加热器的回扣,这些折扣会鼓励但不需要远离天然气电器。政府需要在其力量中竭尽所能,以及时和强大的效率和排放标准来促进建筑电气化。


7. Set emission performance standards for cement, steel and plastics.工作正在进行中。

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes major investments in carbon capture and sequestration and in clean hydrogen production and use that could go a long way in demonstrating methods to decarbonize these emissions-intensive industrial subsectors.

此外,拜登总统executive order关于通过联邦可持续性催化美国清洁能源经济的指导联邦机构购买低碳建筑材料并在2045年实现零净联邦采购,而首先搬家联盟在COP26发射的,主要公司通过承诺在可用时购买这些材料的低碳供应来促进水泥,钢和化学品的脱碳化,即使它们最初以价格溢价来促进它们。这些是重要的步骤,政府应通过建立强制性来遵循低碳产品标准

8. Scale up carbon dioxide removal:On Track.

两党基础设施​​法包括对野火风险降低和生态系统恢复的大量投资,以保护和促进自然碳去除以及通过建立四个区域枢纽的直接捕获。能源部已经发行了周到的Request for Information征求有关如何最好地实施其大型新碳清除计划的输入。由众议院通行的BBBA将通过建立一个民用气候军团来大大加强这些努力,该军团将支持自然碳去除,并增加第45q节税收抵免,以隔离直接从空中捕获的二氧化碳。必威官网是真的吗

9. Reestablish international leadership:On Track.

President Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement on his first day in office and held the Leaders Summit on Climate in April. Whileother countriesremain wary about the durability of the Biden administration’s climate policies and the administration and Congress need to take further action on international climate finance, U.S. engagement was clearly in evidence atCOP26



两党基础设施​​法和由众议院室的BBBA包括对气候智能基础设施的重要投资,并激励了大规模部署气候解决方案,但必威官网是真的吗no climate policy is completewithout a mechanism to ensure that emissions reduction targets are met through enforceable emissions caps and/or an emissions fee that ratchets up if other measures fall short. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and others have been不懈努力BBBA将增加碳费用,但拜登总统在支持这一想法方面做了什么。同时,命运methane emissions fee参议院中包含在众议院的BBBA中仍然不确定。


Efforts to transition to electric vehicles, curb emissions of methane and HFCs, and scale up carbon removal are on track. If we were grading on a curve, President Biden would earn an A for effort. But the objective nature of the climate crisis allows no such leniency. Evaluated against the harsh climate reality we face, President Biden’s accomplishments thus far must be judged incomplete.