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根据有关新数据Global Forest Watch来自马里兰大学和Google。在2013年至2014年期间,巴西的树木覆盖率损失率提高了16%以上,而印尼在同一时期的增长率上升了30%,尽管两国的3年平均值变化较大。Tree cover loss无论原因如何,都不考虑树木的去除或死亡。

然而,尽管有所增加,但新的分析表明,随着亚洲的新热点在亚洲的出现,巴西和印度尼西亚的占热带树木覆盖率损失的总比例越来越少。Mekong Basin, theGran Chaco的South America, andWest AfricaMadagascar。2014年,超过62%的热带树木覆盖损失发生在巴西和印度尼西亚以外的国家,而2001年为47%(阅读完整的分析这里)。

Still, Brazil and Indonesia remain important for their size and as majorlaboratoriesforest policy。下面,我们深入研究数据。


There is no shortage of studies and news stories focused on the historically high rates of deforestation in Indonesia and Brazil. These two countries accounted for more than a third of tropical tree cover in 2000, and represented nearly half of all tropical tree cover loss between 2001 and 2014.


两国都做了ambitious commitments为了减少森林砍伐的排放,并且在2013年和更早的时候都经历了有希望的树木覆盖损失下降。因此,2014年的树木覆盖损失略有增加是令人失望的。

Read more这里


Brazilhas been applauded for the森林砍伐in the Brazilian Amazon since 2004, attributed to better environmental governance, including major efforts on law enforcement and monitoring, and supply chain interventions for beef and soy. According to the UMD / Google data, at its 2004 peak, Brazil’s rate of tree cover loss stood at 3.8 million hectares (9.4 million acres) per year, an area the size of the Netherlands. Since then, loss has slowed considerably, with the three-year average trend hovering around 2.3 million hectares (5.6 million acres) per year since 2009. The recent uptick in tree cover loss in this data set supports the findings of theDETER伤心监视系统,由Brazilian government和the NGOimazon,分别表明森林砍伐increased in the Amazon2014年。

有趣的是,我们的数据还表明,巴西亚马逊以外的树木覆盖损失正在考虑该国的总损失的越来越多(亚马逊是巴西的几个森林生物群落之一,也是迄今为止最大的)。从2001年至2007年,巴西的凯廷加,潘塔纳尔,大西洋森林,潘帕和塞拉多生物群落内的树木覆盖损失平均约占巴西损失的36%。在2008年至2014年之间,这些地区占国家损失的46%。目前尚不清楚这种趋势是否可能是由于凯廷加(Cainga),潘塔纳(Pantanal),大西洋森林(Atlantic Forest),潘帕(Pampa)和塞拉多(Cerrado)的林木种植园的收获增加而导致的。historically replaced带有用于木材和纤维生产的树木种植园。将需要进一步调查,以确定天然林中这些地区正在发生多少树木覆盖损失。

亚马逊的检测树盖的变化也变得越来越困难。一种最近的研究showed that forest clearings of 25 hectares (61 acres) or smaller are becoming more common, possibly as an attempt to avoid detection by satellite. All the same, data released by Imazon a few days ago showed that tree cover loss alerts arecontinuing to increase in 2015


In contrast to the generally declining tree cover loss trend in Brazil,Indonesia’stree cover loss trends steadily increased between 2001 and 2012. After we reported a drop in tree cover loss in 2013, conservationists and government officials alike充满希望减少森林砍伐的努力正在得到回报。印尼政府最近大步改善了森林政策,最近更新暂停这禁止新的许可证清除某些主要森林和泥炭地的森林。越来越多的公司承诺不清除原始森林,并且new researchsuggests protecting forests is economically feasible.

但是,我们的数据表明,2014年整体和印度尼西亚丰富的原始森林中的树木覆盖损失都在增加,这些森林对生物多样性和碳储存最有价值。Riau损失的集中最多,并且几乎全部发生在油棕和木​​纤维特许区域内, particularly on small islands of Pulau Rupat, Pulau Padang and Pulau Tebingtinggi. Large scale clearing of certain areas of forests is still legal in Indonesia, though it is likely some of the clearing is illegal.


While the new data for 2014 gives us important information about the dynamics of tree cover change around the world, it is important to remember that one year of data alone cannot define a trend. The new 2014 maps suggest that achieving consistent reductions in the rate of tree cover loss in Indonesia and Brazil remains elusive. Time will tell whether these countries can make up for lost time – and lost forests.

View the data on Global Forest Watch这里

  • LEARN MORE:This blog is part of a series featuring new data and analysis on global tree cover loss. Read the other blog这里, or follow our presentations at the forthcomingWorld Forestry Congress