We often hear how Brazil’s deforestation crisis threatens its major ecosystems and the people who live in them. That’s an undeniable truth. But, even as the countrylost 2.7 million hectares(6.6 million acres) of tree cover in 2019 alone, regenerating forests is also a巨大的机会

成千上万的农民,崭露头角的企业家,非政府组织和成熟的公司正在恢复失落的森林和降级农场。Atlantic Forest Restoration PactAlliance for the Restoration of the Amazon。一些土地所有者正在帮助生物多样性,富含碳富含碳的森林自然生长。其他人则可持续地为国际市场生产木材和纸张。

When Brazil became the第一个拉丁美洲国家为了将森林恢复在其巴黎气候协议承诺中,这些领导人迅速开始致力于振兴的目标必威官网是真的吗1200万公顷到2030年(2900万英亩)森林。


Brazilian Restoration and Reforestation Observatory结合了卫星监视MapBiomas,跟踪人们使用项目的自我报告的数据改变了人们的使用方式。该计划建立在Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture,,,,a nationwide alliance of state governments, researchers, businesses and NGOs — including WRI Brasil, Imazon (Institute of People and the Environment of the Amazon), the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact and The Nature Conservancy.


Here are three ways the data shows trees are growing in Brazil:


这些数据不能保证这些领域将保持再生,或者永远不会遭受森林砍伐。为了使巴西将这一总数计入其国家和国际承诺,重生必须是永久的。因此,土地所有者和社区需要激励措施来保护新恢复的森林。因此assistednatural regeneration is so important: When people benefit as the forest grows back, the trees stay in the ground.

经过letting the forest naturally regrow over 11 million hectares, people in Brazil are fighting climate change. Credit: James Anderson/WRI

第二,是造林(超过960万公顷,或2340万英亩)。这plantations where trees for timber, pulp and paper or other forestry products are grown are often monocultures of a single exotic species, like pine or eucalyptus. But they can also include native species, which benefit biodiversity and the climate.

While differentiating between more and less biodiverse plantations is an important area for future research, it’s just as important to recognize that well-managed plantations can help meet global timber demand without leading to further deforestation in primary forests. It can also provide jobs in rural areas and keep some carbon locked away. Currently, the size of Brazil’s forestry industry is the same as the total area under natural regeneration in the Amazon, according to the data.


第三,forest restoration projects (around79,000公顷,或195,000英亩)- 当人们积极恢复一片土地或留下它以自然恢复的目标,以增强生态系统服务(例如清洁水和碳储存)。这些项目的范围从生态恢复项目中的本地树木的种植(或种子)摊位到农林业系统中的农场种植树木,以提高农民的农作物产量。扩大这些项目可以为全国成千上万的人提供替代,无森林砍伐的生计,因为他们实现了真正的恢复机会(在$ 7-30每次投资的$ 1)。



Why Is Restoration Data Important For Brazil?

数据submitted to the Observatory helps give visibility to the accomplishments of rural farmers and foresters, major companies and NGO-led projects. It also shows financiers, governments and the international community that investing in restoring these biomes works.


Officials can also use the platform to measure the progress of existingpublic incentive programs,,,,along with insights from Brazil’s national systems that monitor forest clearing in the Amazon and generate annual land use and land cover maps. In Extrema, Minas Gerais, for example, the local government is tracking the impact of its public watershed restoration program. The states of São Paulo and Espírito Santo — which have committed to restore 380,000 hectares as part ofInitiative 20x20— intend to use the platform to identify where they can target programs to restore degraded areas.

In addition, private companies can use the Observatory (in conjunction with deforestation-monitoring platforms like全球森林观察)公开分享符合环境薪酬法律或其自身可持续采购政策的进展。


观测站的教训可以告知政府,技术专家和项目开发人员如何监测联合国的经济,生物多样性和气候影响必威官网是真的吗Decade on Ecosystem Restoration(2021-2030)。国际社会和政府需要全球一致的数据这表明了森林内部和外部发生的恢复的位置,以便能够报告对承诺的进展,例如《巴黎协定》中的承诺。

But local leaders in Africa, Asia and Latin America also need locally owned data that is relevant for their specific contexts. That’s where platforms where local experts can transparently host that data come in. This vision has global implications, too: nesting regional restoration observatories like Brazil’s in a global monitoring platform — one that houses a consistent index of restoration progress — could combine the best of locally specific and globally consistent data.


Explore the Brazilian Restoration and Reforestation Observatory, available in Portuguese这里

作者要感谢Milena Ribeiro(TNC-Brasil),Laura Lamonica(巴西气候,森林和农业联盟),Edson Santiami(Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact Pact Pact Pact Pact)和必威官网是真的吗路易斯·奥利维拉(Imazon)