The shares of PG&E, California's utility, lostnearly halftheir value in January after the company filed for破产保护由于其在加利福尼亚野火中的作用。虽然这可能导致了巨大的损失some投资者,那些谨慎的人审查环境,社会和治理(ESG)因素(并注意到了与野火相关的必威官网亚洲体育风险),这会在此前很久以前闪烁的警告信号,并避免了暴露于如此高的风险投资。

在投资决策中考虑ESG因素已成为可持续投资的代名词,这是一个在投资行业快速增长的领域。Morningstarfound that the number of sustainable investment funds in the United States alone grew 50% between 2017 and 2018, to 351 funds with $161 billion under management at the end of 2018.






Until recently, incorporating ESG factors into the investment process was widely assumed to违反信托义务。该论点是基于这样的假设,即结合ESG因素需要在投资绩效或财务收益方面取消权衡。这通常被用作excusefor not considering ESG factors. But it turns out, this不正确.

CFA Institute helps to put this debate to rest in its policy statement.


CFA研究所的新声明强调了特许持有人在其财务分析中考虑所有物质信息,包括物质ESG因素,因为这样做将改善其投资决策。材料factors are those that a reasonable person would consider important in making investment decisions.

Knowing which ESG factors are material is critical but not straightforward, since materiality is not universal. For example, water management is a material factor for a food and beverage company, but not a financial services company; data security is material for a health care company, but not a mining company. The Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has helped to address this challenge by映射对于给定行业内的公司来说,哪些可持续性问题可能是重要的。



(Although it is true that investors and ratings do not and cannot accurately forecast every crisis, the inconsistent ESG ratings of PG&E highlight weaknesses in current ESG disclosure and rating systems meant to support informed, efficient investment decisions—more on these issues in #3 and #4.)

It's not just active investors who can use ESG factoring. In its statement, CFA Institute also alludes to the importance of ESG factoring forpassive products(例如,指数资金和交易所交易基金)正在越来越受欢迎。CFA研究所鼓励所有投资专业人员考虑物质ESG因素,而不论投资样式,资产类别或投资方法如何。

3. Companies' ESG disclosures require further improvements in quality, consistency and comparability

The investment decision-making process relies on proper company disclosures. CFA Institute notes that ESG disclosures and data provided by corporations, such as sustainability reporting, are oftentimes inadequate and require further standardization and refinement to improve quality, consistency and comparability. For instance, companies may not provide robust quantitative performance indicators and instead resort to check-boxes or boilerplate language about ESG issues. We had similar insights in our owncommentary关于我们今年早些时候发布的可持续性数据。


4. ESG investment products need to provide detailed disclosures about their ESG process

ESG- and sustainable-labeled investment products and services, such as funds and ratings, have integrated ESG factors. However, they are not always transparent abouthow他们这样做。许多ESG/可持续投资产品和服务都以一种或另一种形式依赖ESG分数,评级或排名。例如,标准普尔500 ESG指数依赖于提供的分数RobecoSAM, while the MSCI World ESG Universal Index uses the ESG ratingsdeveloped by MSCI itself. These ESG scores or ratings have different assumptions about what is material—and as a result, they have verylow correlationbetween each other. In other words, ESG can mean different things, depending who you ask.

CFA Institute认为,ESG投资产品必须包括适当和详细的披露并定期验证。意思是,资产经理和指数创建者需要做更多的事情,以撤回其ESG/可持续投资产品的窗帘,并向投资者保证其ESG索赔背后的物质。

What CFA Institute Is Doing Next

CFA Institute still gives full discretion to its charterholders to determine which ESG issues are material and exactly how to integrate ESG factors into their processes. However, it seems to have a strong focus on providing more educational materials on ESG to its members and candidates, which should help bring more rigor and clarity to ESG integration processes. CFA Institute is also working with other stakeholders like SASB and the Principles for Responsible Investment to improve the quality, consistency and availability of ESG information.

We are encouraged that CFA Institute's seems to be strengthening its focus on ESG. Their support and efforts are essential to help ensure that investment capital is deployed to support a more sustainable future while delivering better returns to investors. We urge charterholders to take heed of CFA Institute's call to action on ESG, and hope that CFA Institute will do more to focus attention on its ESG policy statement.
