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城市are starting to get serious about curbing climate change. In the past two years,more than 500 cities全世界都加入了市长的契约,这是一个致力于雄心勃勃的气候行动的联盟。必威官网是真的吗今年,市长与市长盟约合并以形成新的Global Covenant of Mayors,有6,000多个城市和市政当局。这个全球团体加入了许多致力于城市气候行动的地区和国家倡议,例如中国必威官网是真的吗先锋峰城市联盟(APPC)是一组20多个中国城市,他们致力于在2030年全国目标年之前达到其温室气体(GHG)排放。

But with all these great commitments comes the next logical question: How to put them into action?

Chengdu, China, Puts Evidence-based Low-carbon Planning into Practice


  1. 开发温室气库存;
  2. 设定减总目标;
  3. 制定行动计划;和
  4. track performance on a regular basis.



成都发展与改革委员会开发了第一个温室气库存in 2015 (based on 2010 data). This inventory revealed valuable insights about the sources of the city’s emissions. For example, it was found that Chengdu’s electricity is quite low-carbon because more than 70 percent of it is hydroelectric. So shifting industries toward electrification could be a way to further reduce Chengdu’s carbon emissions.

Using the inventory results, Chengdu then created a detailed analysis to forecast its potential future emissions trajectories under different economic, energy and mitigation scenarios. It found that controlling emissions from construction materials manufacturing and chemical industries are among the key measures needed to peak the city’s emissions. In terms of energy mix, limiting oil consumption and increasing electrification will lower the emissions peaking level. Based on the analysis, Chengdu committed to an ambitioustarget到2025年,其排放量达到顶峰announcedat the China-U.S. Climate-Smart / Low Carbon Cities Summit in June. Then, Chengdu developed a detailed roadmap and行动计划为了实现包括设置能量帽,建立智能电网,建立低碳运输和建造绿色建筑物的措施的目标。今年,成都将使用2015年数据更新其温室气体清单,并制度化跟踪性能的机制

National Policies: The Other Piece of the Puzzle



Curbing climate change is a herculean feat. While countries have reached consensus on the Paris Agreement, tackling global warming will ultimately require on-the-ground action in countries and cities. More cities should join Global Covenant of Mayors and APPC cities to ratchet up their actions in line with the Paris Agreement.

The Sustainable and Livable Cities Initiative was made possible through the generous support of the Caterpillar Foundation.