智利撤回了主持人的主持人今年的联合国气候会议必威官网是真的吗在广泛的动荡中,但这并不意味着应对气候变化的斗争应被推迟到解决社会不平等问题之后的第二位。必威官网是真的吗相反,智利的局势向所有国家表明,社会和气候危机不能单独治疗。必威官网是真的吗流行起义的简单事实是由触发的a fare increase for one of thegreenest metros在世界上,人们对获得可持续移动性的股权的关注点。

As countries gather for COP25 in Madrid starting next week, at a moment whenprotests against inequality对于世界各地的气必威官网是真的吗候正义而言,智利的经验可以引起人们对气候与社会公平之间的联系。

Chile faces major climate and social challenges: It is one of the20个国家最容易受到气候变化的影响必威官网是真的吗the most unequal among OECD countries。Meanwhile, as a全球气候领袖必威官网是真的吗行动,该国可以以有助于减少社会不平等的方式计划其快速过渡到碳中性和韧性的经济。当前有关该国运输,能源和水系统的辩论突出了低碳和适应性解决方案如何为所有人提供更大,更便宜的服务 - 抗议者的强劲需求。这些解决方案还可以增强城市穷人,农村社区和土著人民的韧性一系列气候灾难必威官网是真的吗that have hit the country. For智利社会和环境活动家气候必威官网是真的吗正义和社会正义显然是同一枚硬币的两个方面。

而抗议和呼吁智利的人权和公平继续, here are opportunities in the transport, energy and water sectors that could help address climate and social challenges at the same time — not to mention inform discussions in many other countries.

1. Ensuring that everyone benefits from sustainable mobility can improve social inclusion.

Santiago’s public transport system is largely regarded as拉丁美洲最好的a world-class example of green mobility。But it also crystalizes challenges of social segregation, as shown in the地铁在社会动荡中的中心作用

这座城市的地铁,电动巴士舰队 -中国之后世界上世界上最大的-自行车共享计划,自行车道已经concentrated in central and wealthy districts。To address this inequality, the government has been投资十亿S将地铁线扩展到服务不足的地区,例如圣贝纳多,埃尔·博斯克(El Bosque)和拉宾达(La Pintada),其中很大一部分人口(22%,27%和42%,分别)生活在贫困。The最新电动巴士走廊还连接低收入地区。

但是,仅质量运输的扩展是不够to ensure social inclusion. Since 2010, metro fares增加了40%,largely to finance new transport lines and efficiency gains. Santiago’s metro is nowone of the most expensivein Latin America, which partly explainsrecord fare evasion补贴增加可以为低收入通勤者提供折扣disproportionally affected通过高峰时段的费用增加。

分区和其他法规也可以降低地铁线的发展驱动高档化的风险。在许多新建立的地区,sharp increases in real-estate priceshave priced out long-term residents. The quantity of low-income housing options has droppedby half。此外,有必要for more jobs and services in low-income neighborhoods so that residents don’t have to travel hours to wealthier districts in order to access employment opportunities.


智利能源系统的效率低下也在社会动荡中发挥了重要作用。该国对进口化石燃料的依赖the majority of its energy supplyexplains why the fluctuation of foreign exchange rates and oil prices highly impact the cost of goods and services, such as themetro fare上个月远足。三分之一的家庭suffer fromenergy povertybecause they don’t have access to reliable or affordable energy services.

过渡到可再生能源是智利改善获得能源和运输的非常有效的方法。该国拥有化石燃料,但具有巨大的可再生能源潜力sun-drenched deserts, coastal winds, strong waves and active volcanos. Following the adoption of the国家能源政策2050in 2015, renewables’ share of electricity generation tripled up to 18% in four years, putting the countryon trackto meet its target of 60% clean energy generation (renewables and hydro) by 2035. Renewables are already starting to bring稳定的电力,更好的服务和工作偏远社区和土著人民。回应抗议活动,以及预计在不久的将来会下一代成本多亏了可再生能源,政府也要求公用事业reverse recent increases in electricity prices

尽管智利以其市场驱动的能源过渡方式脱颖而出,但国际能源局(IEA) and其他propose further regulations to deliver better energy services for all. These include ensuring the fulfillment of pledges for low electricity prices made by companies’winning calls for electricity tenders;mandatory energy performance standards for products, equipment, vehicles and buildings; andgreater targeting对努力支付能源账单的家庭的能源效率计划。

3. Equity and resilience go hand-in-hand with reducing water stress.

Chile is the18th most water-stressed countryin the world. Since 2007, a “mega-drought,” the most severe in60 years, has hit three-quarters of the country, including the Santiago region, home to 40% of the country’s population.冰川储备在安第斯山脉中,山脉也很快融化,floods and landslidescan cut off water for millions of people, as was2016年圣地亚哥地区的案件。在三十年中,水的可用性下降了比40%in some regions.

由于缺乏政府控制的水系统,这种危机加剧了这一危机。1981年在皮诺切特制度下采用的水上法将永久授予私人公司的水权,这是一种归咎于高效率低下和不平等的系统。Chileans pay one of the highest water tariffs in Latin America, even as poor pipes cause the loss of35% of urban drinking water;地表和地下水的过度开发会使流域降低,并与之相关47% of rural homes,大约一百万人缺乏饮用水。Conflictsbetween companies and rural and indigenous communities over water rights are on the rise.

关于74%的智利人support returning water to public ownership to address the current situation, a shift strongly反对由私人公用事业。政府最近向参议院提议水法改革这可以优先考虑人类的消费而不是商业用途,并向国家水务部门提供新的监督。专家还建议结束公司的perpetual water rights和猜测,upgrading irrigation systems, and expanding green infrastructure确保水资源的公平分配。水权将是一个关键问题即将对国家宪法的修订

