随着释放U.S. post-2020 climate action proposal上个月和提议预计很快就会从其他国家 /地区进行,国际气候变化谈判正在加剧。必威官网是真的吗这些建议,称为intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs),将构成新国际气候协议必威官网是真的吗将于今年12月完成。



China and the United States are the world’s top emitters, though China’s per capita emissions are still明显降低比美国那些。令人鼓舞的是,这些大型发射器正在采取严重行动。去年11月,美国承诺将温室气体排放削减到2025年的2005年水平低于2005年的26-28%,这是其正式提议中重申的保证announced targetsto peak its carbon dioxide emissions around 2030—with the intention to try to peak early—and increase its non-fossil fuel share of energy use to around 20 percent by 2030.

The U.S.-China joint announcement sent a signal to the world that a global climate solution is possible. Moreover, the actions that China has taken and its plans for further action lay to rest criticisms that the country isn’t serious about climate action or moving away from coal use.


China is already making strides towards its stated goals by:

  • Placing a price on carbon:利用其七个城市和省级碳贸易飞行员的经历,中国有开始计划明年从建立了必要的技术基础设施的各省开始,启动国家级排放交易系统。

  • 限制和减少煤炭使用:劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室2012年的一项研究projected根据当前的趋势和市场政策,中国的煤炭消费将在2020年达到顶峰。宣布了a plan to limit coal consumption to around 4.2 billion tons by 2020 and limit coal to a maximum of 62 percent of primary energy use that year. Some observers expect the Chinese government to place a cap on CO2 emissions in its 13th Five Year Plan, which是期待将于明年三月发行。

  • 扩大非化石能量:In addition to its 2030 non-fossil pledge, China正在定位an 11.4 percent non-fossil share of energy use by 2015 and a 15 percent share by 2020, and has set near-term targets for wind, solar, hydro and nuclear power. Chinaalso aims到2020年,大约将其风能翻了一番,达到200吉瓦(GW),并在同一日期之前超过其太阳能达到100GW。

  • Improving energy efficiency:中国有设定目标to increase the energy efficiency of its economy and of coal-fired power plants. The country has关闭许多古老的,效率低下的工厂,正在实施政策,以促进企业和电力部门之间的能源效率。

  • 重新平衡经济:中国领导人认出the need to shift away from energy-intensive industries toward services like finance and telecommunications in order to maintain economic growth above 7 percent annually.Economic trends建议中国可能会发生这种转变。


中国,美国和世界其他国家越来越认识到行动的好处和紧迫性。作为前美国财政部长亨利·鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)最近说, the risks of climate change are “much more perverse and cruel than we saw with the financial crisis.”

China’s pledgeswill require早期,更强大,持续的行动。例如,要满足其非化石承诺,中国将需要to build capacity greater than its entire current coal-fired capacity.

重要的是,中国对气候的行动必威官网是真的吗受到激励strong national interests. Recently, China’s leading weather officialwarned气候变化的影响已经在损害中国经济,在本世必威官网是真的吗纪,“损失相当于中国经济产出的1%”。对能源安全的担忧,为清洁能源带来的经济利益的努力,重组的经济要求以及公众对空气污染的关注(在圆顶下的纪录片的受欢迎程度中都反省了 - 鼓励中国限制其能源使用,减少排放和减少排放和减少投资清洁能源。

While all major emitters将需要to do more为了防止气候变化的最危险影响,美国和中国的行动显然在雄心勃勃。必威官网是真的吗他们的进步可以在国际和国内激发更大的运动。