The worldspent $50 billion dollars据世界银行称,1980年代与天气有关的灾难每年。今天,我们花费roughly $200 billionannually. Twenty-five extreme weather and climate events in 2011 and 2012 caused超过1880亿美元的损失in the United States alone. And yet—despite these escalating costs and risks—the world continues to emit dangerous amounts of greenhouse gases.


也许没有人比Petteri Talaas博士更好地理解这一点芬兰气象学院and previous director of the世界气象组织。塔拉斯(Talaas)博士在过去的30年中一直在研究天气及其与气候变化的关系,尤其是在北极和南极。最近,他加入了WRI总裁兼首席执行官Andrew Steer博士,讨论与温暖世界有关的巨大风险以及一些潜在的解决方案。

A Snapshot of Climate Change and Disaster Risk

Dr. Talaas and Dr. Steer were joined by Cathleen Kelly, a senior fellow at theCenter for American Progress, at “Climate Change: A Reality Check and the Role of Disaster Risk Reduction.” H.E. Ritva Koukku-Ronde, Finland ambassador to the United States, opened the event, which took place last week at theEmbassy of Finland在华盛顿特区 - 否则被称为“绿色使馆”。

The information shared was truly sobering—even for those of us who work on climate issues every day. “We’re on a pathway to a 5-degree-warmer world,” said Steer. “This would be simply disastrous by any human standard.”


  • 这十年是160年监测的记录中最温暖的
  • The Arctic currently has less than one-third of the multi-year ice that it had in 1980.
  • We’re seeing a significant increase in extreme weather and climatic events. These events not only damage infrastructure, but take a toll on human welfare. For example, a 2003 heat wave in Europe led to 66,000 deaths, while another in 2010 caused about 50,000 fatalities.
  • 如果全球排放持续不断减弱,我们将步入大约5度的变暖度(北极)至10度。

While climate change affects all communities, the Arctic is one of the most vulnerable regions. “In the Arctic, everything is happening at double-speed compared to the global average,” Dr. Talaas said.

Moving Toward a Climate Solution



Steer pointed to the buds of change that we’re already seeing. Climate change played a central role in discussions at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, particularly at the event’sfirst-ever “Climate Day.”此外,二十九个主要公司are now incorporatinga carbon price in their long-term planning. It’s clear that businesses are starting to wake up to the threats of a warmer world.

An influx of information could help drive this momentum even further. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)—whichrecently releasedits 5th assessment report—will release two new reports in March and April. One will explore the impacts of climate change, while the other will evaluate policy opportunities for mitigation. Two other forthcoming research reports,Risky Businessand theNew Climate Economy,将评估与气候行动相关的经济成本和收益。必威官网是真的吗这些报告将在联合国秘书长Ban Ki-Moon主持的国家元首之前举行的必威官网是真的吗重大气候变化峰会之前。除了引起有关缓解和适应的重要讨论外,非政府组织和企业还有望提出承诺和行动,以帮助应对关键的气候挑战。必威官网是真的吗

Turning a Reality Check into Action

The sundry data points, charts, and anecdotes shared at last week’s event showcase the fact that we now know more about climate change than we ever have before—about the risks and potential solutions. But information can only get you so far. Statistics and analysis are ineffectual unless they’re turned into tangible action.

“We’re heading to a place that would be very grim,” said Dr. Steer. “Our grandchildren will never forgive us unless we do something.”