A changing climate means less rain and lower water supplies in regions where many people live and much of the planet’s food is produced: the mid-latitudes of the Northern and Southern hemispheres, including the U.S. Southwest, southern Europe and parts of the Middle East, southern Africa, Australia and Chile. AsWRI-Aqueduct’s未来的供水场所显示,到2020年,这些地区将显而易见供水量减少 - 不到四年,预计到2030年和2040年将增长。

现在新研究在日记中自然provides some of the first evidence that this widely-predicted phenomenon – the movement of clouds and rainfall from the mid-latitudes towards the North and South poles -- is already taking place. Just like the retreat of glaciers and polar sea ice, now clouds and rain are retreating poleward.

这将对农业生产,工业和能源产出以及市政水的供水产生巨大影响。许多灌溉农业地区已经面对水压力了。气候驱动必威官网是真的吗的云与雨的转变 - 称为哈德利细胞扩展- 将来将使这些领域的压力更大。许多穷人所依赖的雨养农业也将由于中纬度地区的降雨量减少而遭受。

最近的WRI研究发现sub-Saharan Africa到2050年,将需要超过三作农作物的生产才能养活其不断增长的人口。在南部非洲和西部萨赫勒(Western Sahel)等地方,这种难以到达的目标将变得越来越困难。

除了加重水压力和破坏粮食安全外,减少世界中期的供水也可能有助于破坏这些地区的国家,增加了预先存在的政治紧张局势,并帮助武装武装冲突和迁移, as we have seen in像叙利亚这样的地方

我们现在该怎么做才能为这些未来的气候变化威胁做准备?必威官网是真的吗首先,我们需要更好地了解水风险和粮食安全的联系。Wri-aqueduct在Danida(Danish Development Aid Agency)和Skoll Global Wistns Fund的支持下,正在开发一种在线工具,该工具将帮助决策者确定全球水风险和粮食安全热点。风险并不总是明显的。一个国家可以在自己的边界内相对较高的水,但仍然高度依赖食品进口,其中一些来自农业生产系统面临很高水风险的国家。在贫困国家,价格峰值可以使许多公民无法触及食物。新的WRI渡槽工具旨在阐明这些类型的威胁。

脆弱的国家还需要立即采取措施,以使面对气候变化的粮食生产系统更具生产力和韧性。必威官网是真的吗经过improving land and water managementpractices, for example, farmers in Africa have been able to restore soil fertility, capture rainfall before it runs off farm fields, and sustainably increase yields on their farms. A recent WRI study estimates that improving land and water management on just 25 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s 300 million hectares (more than 740 million acres) of prime cropland would result in an另外2200万吨食物


The shifting of cloud and rainfall patterns around the globe are just one more visible sign of the effects of climate change. What we need to begin doing in response is to anticipate the location and magnitude of these effects, and build resilience into the lives and livelihoods of those who will be most vulnerable.