The threat of a direct hit by Hurricane Joaquin prompted communities along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard from Florida to Maine to prepare for the worst last weekend. While in most places the worst didn’t occur, many locations experienced coastal flooding, and in some areas record-breaking rainfall from a confluence of weather systems, including Joaquin. In South Carolina, the area around the capital city of Columbia saw more than20英寸的雨整个周末。州长尼基·海利(Nikki Haley)和许多气象学家称这是一个千年活动

这些天气事件的影响是可怕:在南卡罗来纳州有十多次死亡,淹没的汽车,broken dams, washed-out roads and bridges, undrinkable water and thousands of homes without electricity. And South Carolina wasn’t alone;七个东部州沿海洪水严重破坏了。

Whether this was a thousand-year event or a preview of more frequent extreme rainfall that has been projected as the climate changes, inland and coastal communities recognize the need to prepare for rising seas and increasingly wild weather. Later this month, elected local officials from across the U.S. political spectrum will meet to underline the message that this is likely to become a more frequent occurrence with dangerous consequences for coastal communities, where sea level rise is an ongoing, serious challenge. Mayors from Florida to Alaska and from Maine to Texas are gathering in New Hampshire on10月23日至25日讨论帮助社区应对上升海洋,经常发生的沿海洪水以及在州和国家一级提供更多领导和支持的最佳方法,以帮助城市和城镇满足资源需求,建立更多的弹性城市,并为将来的洪水做准备。


温度升高的气候变化意味必威官网是真的吗着大气可以保持更多的水分,从而增加了极端降雨事件的潜力。在过去的50年中,美国大陆的每个地区都经历了大量降水事件的增加,尤其是在东北地区71%, and in the Southeast, which saw a27 percent增加。像南卡罗来纳州的那样,极端的降水事件与我们对气候变化的了解一致。必威官网是真的吗



当地领导人的聚会是波兰人,除了党派僵局经常在华盛顿瘫痪政府。This truly bipartisan group of dozens of elected community officials will join together to discuss their concerns about increased risk to their citizens and the root causes of the problem.该活动将在总统初选赛季的新罕布什尔州设定,将强调这一问题是白宫竞争者应解决的问题。应询问总统候选人,尤其是来自佛罗里达州,得克萨斯州和纽约在内的沿海国家的候选人,应询问其社区日益增加对海平面上升影响的脆弱性。

Local leaders of coastal communities are looking for solutions. As one elected official attending the summit put it, “The water doesn’t care if you are Democrat or a Republican, and if you live here, you know that the sea level is rising and things are rapidly changing.” A Florida official who will attend the gathering said, “We are at ground zero. We do not have the luxury of debating whether reality is happening or not. Pretending this isn’t happening isn’t an option.”
