新分析from The Nature Conservancy, WRI and others estimates that stopping deforestation, restoring forests and improving forestry practices could cost-effectively remove 7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, or as much as eliminating 1.5 billion cars—比当今世界上所有的汽车还多

实际上,森林至少是该研究的20种“自然气候解决方案”中至少有6种的关键,这些解决方案可以共同减少每年113亿吨的温室气体排放。必威官网是真的吗That’s as much as halting global oil consumption, and would get us one-third of the way toward limiting global warming to 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F) above pre-industrial levels — the threshold for avoiding catastrophic effects of climate change — by 2030.

Stopping Deforestation Offers the Biggest Benefit



Global tree cover lossreached a record high in 2016,由于热带国家特别努力遏制森林砍伐的排放。在热带热带国家中,牛肉生产,大豆等农作物和大型工业棕榈种植园是树木覆盖损失的主要驱动力。

Despite these setbacks, the international巴黎协定的REDD+(减少森林砍伐和森林退化的排放)政策以及将土地部门纳入83%的热带国家还原计划(称为“全国确定的贡献”或NDC)意味着这些趋势可以逆转。例如,加强和扩大印度尼西亚的森林暂停可以帮助该国避免427 million metric tonsof deforestation-related emissions by 2030. If all countries achieve their NDCs for land use change by 2030, the world’s forests could collectively储存比俄罗斯今天发射更多的温室气体


尽管与森林有关的气候解决方案至关重要,但它必威官网是真的吗们必须与需要更大的粮食生产as populations and incomes rise. Like avoided deforestation, reforestation also offers large climate mitigation potential, particularly in the longer term.

Potential emissions reductions from 20 natural climate solutions.
Potential emissions reductions from 20 natural climate solutions.

根据这项研究,重新造林可以实现的总排放量减少的42%取决于减少牧场土地,包括通过对森林生态区中的所有放牧土地进行重新造林。考虑到对食物的需求不断增长,这种情况可能很难完全意识到,包括预计2006年至2050年之间的牛肉需求增加了95%。相反,我们将需要找到方法increase productivity on pasture landsto concentrate food production on a smaller amount of land and free up land for restoration. Brazil, for example, aims to restore2200万公顷到2030年(5400万英亩)土地,包括提高500万公顷(1200万英亩)退化的牧场土地的生产率。恢复提供了良好的妥协。来自修复的森林的森林产品,例如坚果,水果和狂野的游戏 - 蛋糕安全性,而树木吸收二氧化碳。研究支持business casefor investing in restoration.

We can also reduce demand for pasture land by shifting our diets and reducing food loss and waste. Cutting our meat and dairy consumption in half couldnearly halve our dietary carbon footprint,如果整个人口改变了饮食远离牛肉,它可以释放近3亿公顷的放牧土地(一个几乎是印度大小),并降低农业压力on forests. Similarly, reducing food loss and waste可以释放数亿公顷的牧场土地

哥斯达黎加has proven that this approach works. In the 1980s, Costa Rica removed subsidies for the cattle industry, which, along with falling international beef prices, made it less profitable to ranch marginal lands. The nation’s cattle herd dropped by one-third and pressure on grazing lands decreased. Meanwhile, Costa Rica’s economy began to focus more on urban areas and tourism. Forest cover increased from 41 percent in the 1980s to 48 percent in 2005.


One of the most effective areas for avoiding emissions from forest and land conversion is protecting and restoring peatland. Wetlands are the most carbon-rich type of land and offer 14 percent of the low-cost natural climate solutions available — the biggest benefit over the smallest land area. WRIestimatesthat each hectare of tropical peat drained for plantation development emits an average of 55 metric tons (more than 60 U.S. tons) of carbon dioxide every year, roughly equivalent to burning more than 6,000 gallons of gasoline. Indonesia has some of the highest potential for mitigation benefits from peatland restoration and avoided conversion. Protecting wetlands also boosts climate resilience. Mangroves protect coastlines from storm surges and sea level rise, and wetlands provide flood prevention amidst the extreme rainfall expected to increase with a warming climate.


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