加拿大总理史蒂芬·哈珀(Stephen Harper)朝着促进透明度和减少全球贫困迈出了重要一步。他宣布昨天,加拿大将对在国内外运营的加拿大采掘公司实施强制性报告要求。


Fighting the Resource Curse through Access to Information

解决“资源诅咒” is a challenge of global proportions. The term applies to situations where, despite a country’s mineral or oil wealth, poverty is exacerbated in part by weak or corrupt institutions, government mismanagement of revenues, and a failure to re-invest into projects that benefit the public—such as infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Often, citizens of resource curse countries aren’t able to hold their governments accountable for this abuse of power because they lack information about their country’s revenues and expenditures (see Box).

Solving the Resource Curse

Aside from government mismanagement of resources and weak, ineffectual, unstable, or corrupt institutions, the “资源诅咒”也可以归因于其他原因。其中包括其他经济部门的竞争力的下降(由于资源收入进入经济的真正汇率而引起的);由于暴露于全球商品市场波动,自然资源部门的收入的波动和/或波动性。仅访问财务信息不会消除资源诅咒,但这是基本的前提。

新的Africa Progress Report 2013issue brief从非洲生物多样性合作小组(WRI专家)为矿业行业的进步和遏制资源诅咒的不足而做出了贡献。公司的采矿业务通常在多个东道国进行,通常不公开向这些东道国的合同和付款。但是,如果公司提供有关这些付款的信息,民间社会和投资者可以监控这些公共收入是否已重新投资到真正受益于公众的项目。通过获取信息(加拿大的新任务将有助于提供的信息),这些演员可以通过使政府和公司对支出负责,从而减少腐败和减轻贫困。

Canada’s Action Is Globally Significant

Canada is the world’s leading mining country.Almost 1,700 mining companies由多伦多证券交易所(TSX)和TSX Venture Exchange(TSXV)列出并监管,将全球矿业部门的很大一部分受加拿大的监管。

Of approximately10,000个矿产项目由TSX和TSXV上市的公司承担,将近一半位于加拿大以外。下图说明了加拿大矿业公司的全球覆盖范围,在美国等发达国家以及坦桑尼亚,马里,刚果民主共和国和布基纳法索等发展中国家运营。因此,实施国家披露政策将对使全球采矿部门更加透明和负责产生重大影响。


Canada now joins a global movement in improving transparency in the extractives industry. Mining, oil, and gas companies across the world are increasingly recognizing that disclosing financial information can help ensure that natural resource revenues are re-invested to reduce poverty and benefit citizens. For example, 76 extractive resource companies have joined the采掘业透明度倡议(EITI),一个政府,公司和民间社会联盟,致力于全球石油,天然气和采矿的透明度。The EITI standardcalls for companies to publish what they pay to host governments, and, conversely, for host governments to disclose the amount of money they receive from companies.

Several countries are also developing national legislation to address transparency in the extractives sector. In August of 2012, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted rules for the implementation ofSection 15042010年美国华尔街改革和消费者保护法。该法律呼吁采集公司向SEC提交年度报告,向东道国政府披露付款。该立法适用于美国和外国公司。

While these rules arecurrently being challenged由美国石油研究所和其他业务集团(如果在法庭上维持),将要求大约200家采矿公司披露其东道国的付款。1目前在英国,欧盟和其他国家正在辩论类似的立法。加拿大现在将加入他们的队伍。


Next Steps

Although the announcement from Prime Minister Harper is welcome news, much work still lies ahead—namely, in formalizing a policy that generates real impact. Since September 2012, the资源收入透明度工作组has been developing a framework for mandatory reporting for Canadian extractive companies. A draft of this framework will be released by the end of the week. The working group will then work closely with the Government of Canada as it begins consultations with provinces and territories, First Nations and aboriginal groups, and industry and civil society organizations. Finalizing the formal disclosure policy could take several years. If the resulting policy is strong, effective and consistent with other countries’ initiatives, Canada can help ensure public access to extractive sector revenue without imposing undue burdens on extractive companies. And through this, the country could play a key role in breaking the global resource curse.

  1. 还将需要另外350家石油和天然气公司向SEC披露其东道国的付款。↩︎