第十九United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP)正在成型为“construction COP” where nations take steps toward achieving a new global climate agreement by 2015. But with wide-ranging interests at the same table,establishing equity在国际气候谈判中再次成为中心舞台,将成为获得新的全球气候协议的关键问题。必威官网是真的吗

The 2015 agreement is meant to apply to all nations, raising obvious questions about which countries will take what actions and how equity factors into those determinations. Since ensuring all Parties consider the climate agreement fair is a necessary first step to meaningful participation, WRI’s new paper,公平Lessons from Multilateral Regimes for the New Climate Agreement,检查如何在许多多边环境,贸易,人权和国际援助协议中对股权进行处理。

这项探索是作为气候正义对话合作项目的一部分进行的必威官网是真的吗玛丽·罗宾逊基金会 - 气候正义必威官网是真的吗and was supported by theClimate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN).


By studying what’s worked, and sometimes what hasn't, in other international regimes, important lessons emerge and point to five specific approaches that are important for the UNFCCC process:


公平是通过协议区分各方承诺的部分方式来解决的。但是,公平也反映在促进政权目标并促进参与的机构,支持和程序中。新的气候协议必威官网是真的吗只会公平雄心勃勃if it addresses equity in this broader, multi-dimensional way. This approach should also include developing equity frameworks incorporating a full range of issues such as vulnerability to climate impacts and access to technology.

2. An effective process for determining equity can start with consideration of objective factors followed by a dynamic political process.

Establishing an effective process to determine differentiated commitments is essential to success. Agreement can be reached when a basket of objective criteria provide a starting point for discussion but conclusions are reached through negotiations. Though there are clear differences between European Union (EU) policy and the UNFCCC, the EU experience in determining effort sharing for greenhouse gas emission reductions is a particularly instructive model for the UNFCCC in this regard. In both 1997 and 2009, the EU process began with a variety of criteria for setting country targets, including equity factors, before negotiating an outcome with reasonably equitable commitments.

In the UNFCCC, a robust consideration of equity should be integrated into the negotiation process for proposing national mitigation offers and assessing those offers. This might involve agreeing on indicators up-front, or allowing countries to choose their own but justifying their view of equity during the review and assessment process.




4. Access to technologies and capacity for innovation is essential.


5. Ensuring equity while establishing procedures and institutions strengthens participation and compliance.


