MEMBACA博客Ini Dalam Bahasa印度尼西亚

Many cities, particularly in developing countries, have large areas of informal settlements — poor neighborhoods that grew organically, but which often lack structurally sound buildings and services like running water, sanitation and waste management. The traditional approach to upgrading these非正式定居点(通常称为贫民窟),其中包括无居民同意或参与的掠夺和重建,这是行不通的。

For much of the 20th century, cities have managed slum upgrading with little or no consultation with residents themselves. Many cities'首选解决方案to fixing deteriorating slum conditions and affordable housing shortages has been to simply knock slums down and rebuild in the most cost-effective way possible, usually on the city's outskirts. But this practice doesn't consider residents' sense of home and place, their employment and social networks, the availability of basic services, and in general, does not actually improve affordable housing options. In such cases, residents often need to spend more on transport and on coping with gaps in services.

一些城市正在采用新方法。印度尼西亚苏拉巴亚(Surabaya)于1969年推出了一项创新的住房计划 - 坎潘(Kampung)改善计划 - 改变了贫穷的传统社区居民的方式坎潘住在这座城市。尽管并不完美,但该计划已成为世界上成功贫民窟升级的最早例子之一。


Indonesia has grappled with rapid urbanization and the proliferation of city slums for decades. Since independence from the Dutch in 1945, Indonesian cities have grown quickly. Their populations are currently growing by4.1% per yearon average — the fastest urbanization rate in Asia. Yet spending on basic infrastructure and services remains inadequate. While the economy grew 5.8% per year in the mid-2000s, infrastructure investments仅增长3%每年。在2009年,印度尼西亚城市人口中有23%仍生活在非正式定居点中

在传统的贫民窟升级模型中,新的高层或中期公寓楼取代了非正式定居点 - 但它们不要阻止新贫民窟形成nor do they increase residential density and available housing by much. Knocking down slums can also displace residents, in effect just shifting slums from the city center to its periphery, which exacerbates urban sprawl and limits people's access to services. To combat these challenges, Surabaya took a new approach.

甘榜改善计划是一种参与式的现场方法,可以像这样升级萨拉巴亚的贫穷,传统社区,成为了国际模式。照片由Ashok Das。
甘榜改善计划是一种参与式的现场方法,用于升级萨拉巴亚的贫穷,传统社区,成为了国际模式。即使是该计划中未正式的社区也可以独立进行类似的升级。照片由Ashok Das。

Between 1969-1998, Surabaya championed the Kampung Improvement Program, an international model of participatory, on-site slum upgrading: a研究支持的方法确保全球南部城市的足够,安全和负担得起的住房。该计划的一部分成功是由于地方政府与大学专家之间的密切合作,Sepuluh Nopember理工学院。参与性升级使居民使用社区用数据来确定和优先考虑居民最关键的需求,这使居民成为决策和日常升级的核心。

苏拉巴亚能够从包括世界银行在内的开发组织中筹集资金,以提供基本的基础设施,例如排水沟,铺好的人行道,雨水排水,公共厕所,废物管理和小学。除了身体干预外,该市还授权个人参与计划过程并升级房屋。社区通常做出贡献between one-third and one-half升级成本。居民还帮助了诸如管道水和道路之类的项目的持续运营和管理,从而产生了更大的邻里所有权和代理感。



Through the Kampung Improvement Program, residents of Surabaya's poor neighborhoods have benefited from improved infrastructure and services, better buildings and a healthier environment. Photo by Axel Drainville/Flickr.
Through the Kampung Improvement Program, residents of Surabaya's poor neighborhoods have benefited from improved infrastructure and services, better buildings and a healthier environment. Photo by Axel Drainville/Flickr.

但是,新的挑战威胁着苏拉巴雅的遗产,包括对土地和基础设施的需求不断上升远离甘榜的改进项目to public rental houses known as鲁索纳瓦。自1980年代后期以来,萨拉巴亚的开发商偏爱大规模的项目,这些项目将其推出并淘汰低收入居民,这是许多城市面临的问题。苏拉巴亚的外在扩张有超过改进到苦苦挣扎的公共交通网络,限制了许多居民获得工作,医疗保健和学校的机会。问题的复杂性是对不断增长的移民人口,城市资源限制的偏见,以及强调掩盖社会问题的过度技术官僚城市规划。如果要继续为人口不断增长的人口提供负担得起的住房,苏巴亚将不得不克服这些挑战。


改善城市穷人的生活质量和access to servicescan improve a city's economy, environment, public health, education levels, and more. In fact, upgrading slums in place to be safer, more livable and more resilient against climate change is written into theNew Urban Agenda,成为可持续城市发展的全球标准。

Other countries have adopted similar programs. In Thailand, the Baan Mankong program provided loans to informal communities to invest in sustainable redevelopment projects. This led to a nearly20%上升居住在该国耐用房屋中的人数。孟买,印度已搬家远离洗懒的贫民窟在非政府组织与代表贫民窟居民的两个民间社会组织之间的联盟中拥护参与性和现场升级。

Solutions common to these programs include:

  • Prioritizing on-site, incremental upgrades。为了避免高档化和城市扩张的最坏影响,城市应投资于逐步改进项目(无论是包括基本基础设施,例如铺装道路还是管道水,还是resources for families to upgrade their homes themselves),而不是使非正式定居点并重建它们批发。
  • Ensuring vulnerable groups have a voice。非正式的居民,擅自占地者,移民,残疾人和妇女等人应在决策过程中成为前面和中心,以便为住房和城市服务的新政策满足最脆弱的需求。
  • 与非政府机构和学术机构合作。Surabaya's successful partnership with its Institute of Technology exemplifies how symbiotic relationships between different urban actors can fill knowledge gaps, facilitate innovation, and build up capacity for positive change.
  • 改善运输网络。城市应改善其运输网络,以确保低收入社区的访问权限。建造适合所有用户(不仅仅是汽车)的完整街道,将资源集中在集成的,面向用户的公共交通工具上以及管理对私人汽车的需求可以帮助确保脆弱的居民equitable access to opportunities
  • Avoiding displacement of residents and improving access to services.城市应限制将低收入居民置于城市外围的高端发展,这远非基本服务。确保可靠且负担得起的能源,水和卫生基础设施,并将这些社区连接到更广泛的全市工作和服务网络可以帮助transform cities so that they work for all residents。这也有助于那些工作的人房屋安全,有效地运营,支持更大的城市经济。

铺好的道路和人行道是重要的升级,坎潘改善计划带给萨巴雅的非正式定居点,居民充分参与。照片由Ashok Das
铺好的道路和人行道是重要的升级,坎潘改善计划带给萨巴雅的非正式定居点,居民充分参与。照片由Ashok Das。

对于发展和新兴经济体的快速发展的城市,解决负担得起的房子和遏制unmanaged urban expansion是紧急问题。升级贫民窟,如果住房不足(来自实际居住在这些社区的人们的意见)已经是解决方案的重要组成部分。

Learn more about inclusive upgrading of informal settlements in thenew case studyfrom our World Resources Report,Towards a More Equal City