Support for restoring the world’s deforested and degraded landscapes is growing rapidly.

一种2014年报告by the New Climate Economy noted that restoring just 12 percent of degraded agricultural land in the world could feed an additional 200 million people by 2030, while providing environmental benefits. Thirty-one countries have made commitments through the波恩挑战这是一项全球倡议,到2020年恢复1.5亿公顷的退化土地和2030年的3.5亿公顷。在非洲and拉丁美洲和加勒比海

So with all this political momentum, where’s the money?

研究表明,满足了500亿美元的年度恢复和保护需求总数的13-17%。这意味着有短缺每年2500亿美元。Of the money available, most comes from government or philanthropic sources, with only100亿美元per year invested by the private sector.

一种ddressing this financing gap with both private and public funds is key to expanding restoration on a global scale. However, the private sector is usually interested in a return on investment, which has been difficult to enumerate since the costs of restoration are more easily measured than the benefits. Also, investment capital needs to align with the longer timeframe of restoration projects, and business models and policies must be conducive to large-scale restoration.





科马扎is one example. Based in Kenya, the company is pioneering an approach known as “microforestry” by working with smallholder farmers to plant eucalyptus andMelia Volkensii树木在他们的土地上。Komaza购买树木并管理从托儿所到收获的价值链。通过从蒙巴萨主要港口附近的成千上万的小农户购买树木,科马扎能够在绕过传统种植园模型的同时建造种植园的供应,这些种植园通常需要大面积的土地并具有高运输成本。



小型赠款提供商之间的资金鸿沟,他们写了20万美元的支票和机构投资者,他们可能只对2亿美元及以上的想法感兴趣。因此,当我们动员资本进行恢复时,我们需要吸引像althelia。With$120 millionslated for investment in restoration projects throughInitiative 20x20—a program to restore more than 20 million hectares of degraded land in Latin America by 2020—Althelia is accelerating the pace of restoration, generating impact while producing an investment return.




What we need is a paradigm shift in restoration, proving its value for investors and environmentalists alike. Ultimately, we hope the New Restoration Economy will help to usher in the greener, cleaner world that we are all eager to see.