This article was最初发布在chinadaily.com上。

Will China make concrete progress toward its vision of a more inclusive and sustainable society in 2016, rebalancing its economy to better address the related challenges of eradicating poverty, reducing inequality and protecting the environment?

2015年达成的三项国际协议已经确定了一项明确的课程。必威官网是真的吗这些协议为世界如何应对这些挑战提出了一个大胆的新型愿景。正如习近平总统所说的那样,自1990年以来空前的经济增长之后,中国现在需要采用一种新的经济模式,该模式更多地关注质量而不是增长的数量。第13五年计划(2016 - 20年)是否能够实现这一目标?

On combating climate change, China has already made its plans known with its declared goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030. It also aims to increase its share of non-fossil sources in its primary energy consumption to 20 percent while reducing carbon intensity by 60 to 65 percent from 2005 levels. China could signal its commitment to climate action by setting more stringent caps on coal consumption and production, expanding its program of low carbon provinces and cities and turning its carbon-trading pilot program into a national emissions trading system, as expected by 2017.

Recent news reports suggest China has set a target of reducing its carbon intensity by 18 percent from 2015 levels by 2020, beyond its 2009 goal, this target could help China reach its goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 or earlier.







China has the chance to embrace a sustainable economic growth model that will benefit its people as well as become an example for others to follow. Let us hope the 13th Five-Year Plan turns this vision into tangible progress.