Editor's Note: Carolina Schmidt is the Minister of Environment for Chile and a board member for the加速循环经济的平台(步伐)。

最新的IPCC报告is frighteningly clear: without urgent action, the world could lose entire countries to climate change due to rising sea levels,deadly floodingandwidespread fires来自极端温度。世界已经在这个方向上移动,因为当前的洪水和火灾发生了频繁的频率average warming of just 1.1 degrees C。如果各国实现其COP26气候计划,称为国家确定的贡献(NDC),则必威官网是真的吗加热仅限于2.4度C 2100。这已经超过了1.5度C阈值,以避免气候变化的最严重影响。必威官网是真的吗

同时,the world needs enough resources to provide for 10 billion people by 2050. Current resource consumption patterns will not sustainably provide these resources and will substantially increase emissions. A fundamental shift in the global approach to climate change is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stay on a 1.5 degrees C pathway in line with the Paris Agreement and support the world’s population. The world faces a critical opportunity to enable this shift, as the global community can make climate commitments and offer systemic strategies which tackle all emission sources.

While a renewable energy transition is important to these goals, it is only part of the story. Adopting a循环经济- 将产品和材料保持尽可能长时间的使用,并设计废物和污染的途径 - 在所有部门和价值链中,对于绘制弹性,零零世界的完整图片至关重要。各国必须致力于制定政策,通过使用更少的资源,尽可能长时间地使用和重复使用产品,重复使用材料并选择低碳替代品,从而抓住循环经济的全部潜力。这样做将改善可持续实践,并使国家能够更快地实现其气候目标。必威官网是真的吗


近一半的排放这会导致气候变化来自日必威官网是真的吗常用品的生产和使用,从汽车到衣服再到食物等等。这不包括非住宅建筑物中运费和能源使用的排放 - 包括这些材料时,数字上升到全球排放的70%

随着人口和消费主义的增加,对材料的需求也随之增加。排放可能会迅速增长,而不会改变当前的生产和消费。对于钢,水泥,铝和塑料,预计排放量会上升by a factor of two to four by 2050。由于能源密集型工艺目前无法迎合清洁能源,因此产生的这些材料(对于经济不可或缺的过程中)产生的排放尤其难以减少。同时,global food demand is set to rise by 42%.在食品领域的当前做法下,仅满足这一需求所需的排放将大大超过全球碳预算。

目前,全球经济只有8.6%的通告, leaving a massive circularity gap. By doubling global circularity in the next 10 years, global greenhouse gas emissions could bereduced by 39% and shrink the total material footprint by 28% by 2032, compared to current levels.

benefits of a circular economy越来越受到认可:今年的NDC中有三分之一的NDC在欧洲和其他一些G20国家中进行了更新和提交,其中包括提及循环经济。尽管如此,许多NDC和其他用于气候变化的解决方案不足以减少排放。必威官网是真的吗所有国家中有三分之二(197中的127)who signed the Paris Agreement have not yet included the circular economy in their climate commitments.

Understanding strategies to reduce emissions directly linked to the way materials are extracted, produced and consumed will allow nations to broaden their climate pledges. According to the循环间隙报告2021, adopting various circular strategies could reduce projected warming from 3.2 degrees C — as was projected before the latest round of NDCs was adopted — to 1.8 degrees C.


这pathways to use circular strategies to mitigate climate change may not be clear for all nations. Countries can begin by looking at nations who have already incorporated the circular economy into their NDCs, such as the European Union, the Netherlands, Finland and Chile.

2020年4月,智利成为最早将循环经济引入其的国家之一climate targets。他们通过确定循环经济的经济机会开始了这一过程。例如,粗略7.1 million tons of construction废物每年都会倾倒在美国的垃圾填埋场中,但是在建筑物中重复使用这些材料可以为国家拯救3.15亿美元annually. This could also lead to carbon savings, as the nation will not need to produce as many new materials.


  1. 这y created a Circular Economy Roadmap that identifies potential emission savings from transitioning to a circular economy. This roadmap explores short-, medium- and long-term measures to reach 2040 goals.
  2. 这y are developing a National Organic Waste Strategy to address the high proportion of emissions that come from food, aimed at increasing the recovery and carbon savings for organic waste.
  3. 他们将在2022年之前建立和实施有关循环系统的指标和指标,以监视循环经济的进步,并确定其对缓解气候变化和适应的贡献。必威官网是真的吗



This example provides a basis for how other nations can incorporate a circular economy into their climate goals. Every nation’s climate plans should include a dedicated section on the circular economy and measurable, actionable short- and long-term targets. If all nations took these steps, they would be able to reduce全球排放量的近一半来自商品和食物的生产。



Countries that consume a vast volume of resources and produce large amounts of waste and emissions, such as the G20 group, must take greater responsibility for their impact and incorporate stronger circular targets and strategies into their climate commitments. Public-private partnerships — particularly those in which governments support businesses that adopt circular strategies, and those fostered through the加速循环经济的平台- 对于弥合政策制定者与负责制造和生产材料的人之间的差距也至关重要。

经过accelerating the transition to a circular economy, countries can complete the picture of a net-zero, sustainable future and prevent catastrophic climate change impacts.