
在下面拜登政府的基础设施计划, tax credits for clean energy and technologies are expected to play an important role in achieving a到2030年,温室气体排放减少了50%

The美国清洁能源法案,由参议员罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)(D-OR)于2021年4月提出,采取了至关重要的步骤来简化税法并使清洁能源税收抵免更加有效,更有效。该法案建议用三类技术中立的税收抵免代替40多种现有的清洁能源税收抵免,以激励清洁电力,清洁运输以及节能的房屋和商业建筑。

What’s wrong with the existing clean energy tax credits?


2020年12月,Congress passed temporary extensions对于许多现有的清洁能源税收抵免。但是,这些扩展将在未来几年内到期。从历史上看,类似的短期扩展已导致boom and bust cyclesof clean energy technologies, and this sputtering progress will not get the United States to 50% emission reductions by 2030.

显示风能条件和税收抵免延期的图表,从1990  -  2020年
The original figure can be found这里

Existing tax credits are also inaccessible to many Americans who need them. For instance, theelectric vehicle (EV) tax credit是不可退还的,如果纳税人不欠联邦税,则可以防止纳税人完全索取信贷。此外,此税收抵免在销售点不可用;纳税人必须等到提交税后才能获得信用。每个制造商都可以从特斯拉和通用汽车等行业领导者那里获得电动汽车生产,这也有一个可以从每个制造商那里获得税收抵免资格的车辆数量。

电流能源效率税收抵免for residential and commercial buildings are also non-refundable, leaving many building owners unable to access them. Furthermore, residential energy efficiency tax credits use 2006 building standards, which are severely outdated, and numerous one- or two-year extensions of the credit have led to continued开发人员之间的不确定性。这些问题扼杀了新技术的创新和部署。

A graph showing the distribution of residential energy tax credit claimants and the total amount of credits by gross income in 2018
The original figure can be found这里

最后,电力部门的主要清洁能源税收抵免 -investment tax credit(ITC) and生产税收抵免(PTC) — have mostly been claimed by solar and wind technologies, while other renewable energy generation and storage technologies, such as geothermal, storage and green hydrogen, are not eligible for these credits.

What does the Clean Energy for America Act do?

The Clean Energy for America Act addresses many shortcomings in the current tax credit system.


This legislation also makes the EV tax credit refundable and removes the per-manufacturer cap. Commercial operators are able to claim a 30% tax credit on all cargo electric transportation options that are powered primarily by an electric drivetrain and only use renewable fuels for any fuel combustion processes. Clean fuel producers are eligible to receive a tax credit if the fuel life cycle emissions are 75 kgCO2e/MMBtu at most through 2027. In 2028 and 2029, the life cycle emissions on the fuel must be lower than 25 kgCO2e/MMBtu. For reference, current diesel and gasoline lifecycle emissions are approximately 100 kgCO2e/MMBtu.

In the power sector, tax credits are extended to all power generation technologies if the facility has zero greenhouse gas emissions. Improvements to the transmission grid that are vital to modernizing the sector, including energy storage and high voltage transmission, are also eligible for the new tax incentives. Homeowners installing zero emission energy generation technologies would be eligible for a 30% investment tax credit, as well.

The proposed legislation also updates building efficiency standards, using the latest nationally recognized standards for residential and commercial buildings. In the industrial sector, incentive levels for直接空气捕获(DAC)增加到$ 175/吨2for geologic storage and $150/ton CO2与其他用途相比当前水平约为$ 30/吨2。This recognizes the importance that DAC will play in reaching net-zero emission targets and its ability to reduce emissions in hard-to-abate sectors.



What changes have been made to the Clean Energy for America Act?

On May 26, 2021, the Senate Committee on Finance held a committee hearing to consider amendments to the Clean Energy for America Act. After voting on the proposed amendments, the committee voted to send the bill to the Senate floor. The changes made by the committee addressed some shortcomings in the current tax code and took on some of the recommendations outlined in a recentWRI paper.




Wri发布了working paper分析并提供了修改当前清洁能源税收抵免的建议。以目前的形式,《美国清洁能源法》解决了其中许多建议,但仍可以对该提案做出重要的改进。

How can the Clean Energy for America Act be improved?


首先,在销售点(最有效的退还形式)将EV税收抵免额以回扣的形式退还 - 将确保最大程度的可用性for individual and corporate taxpayers and would推动更大的采用零排放车辆。除了税收抵免外,还通过补贴融资为二手车市场提供支持,支持充电基础设施以及扩大电池保证,将使更多的美国人负担得起电动汽车。

Theexisting EV tax credit has been criticized对于主要帮助较高收入支架的纳税人,他们负担得起更昂贵的电动汽车。虽然修订后的账单上的车辆价格上限为80,000美元以获得EV信贷资格,但此高价上限仍远高于新车辆销售的中位数。较低的价格上限将促使汽车制造商生产更多负担得起的车辆,并将其集中在价格适中的车辆上。

Electric heat pumps- 在电力上运行并利用环境的热量加热房屋 - 是一个crucial technology对于脱碳建筑物,但前期成本高,包括电气升级成本,对房主构成了重大障碍,尤其是与天然气加热器相比。从拟议的800美元中,增加空气来源热泵的信用额将大大增加采用这项技术。随着热泵的涌入,随着制造商实现规模经济,热泵可能会变得更具成本效益,此时应淘汰税收抵免。

In the industrial sector,脱碳加热过程对于减少排放至关重要。因此,旨在使低温加热过程中的废物生物量和氢气使用的税收抵免将为公司开始采用这些技术提供激励措施。重新引入低碳制造业的投资税收抵免 - 例如,带回48C制造税收抵免,该信用额是2009年首次通过的,并为生产清洁技术提供了税收抵免,并将其扩展到包括低排放量水泥,钢和氨production – could help drive emission reductions in the industrial sector. Doing so would also spur domestic clean energy manufacturing across the country.

Finally, while the proposed phaseout criteria provide clear, long-term guidance for developers and innovators, the inclusion of additional criteria could避免锁定次优技术以及不必要且效率低下的税收支出。税收抵免应被视为联邦脱碳工具箱中的一种工具,该工具可以弥合已建立的化石燃料技术和新兴清洁技术之间的成本差异,从而使后者能够在市场上立足。

To that end, tax credits should be paired with other policies to address the myriad of challenges facing the faster deployment of various low-carbon technologies. Phaseout criteria should contain provisions that reduce or eliminate tax credit incentives when more effective and efficient policies are implemented, such as sector- or economy-wide decarbonization policies like a clean energy standard or a carbon tax.


Advancing a portfolio of policies is critical if the United States is to achieve its decarbonization goals. Tax credits are a crucial policy tool and play an important role in incentivizing innovation and deployment of clean energy and low-carbon technologies. It is past time to reform the outdated tax code and provide durable, predictable, and effective federal support for low-carbon technologies. The Clean Energy for America Act is a much-needed step in this direction. It provides critical support for clean energy and technologies that are essential for U.S. climate goals and facilitates an equitable and clean energy future for all Americans.