There’s a lot of information out there about howmeat and dairy have high environmental impacts,,,,as well as campaigns to go素食主义者orvegan

WRI’s new research确认,对于那些吃大量肉类和乳制品的人来说,以更大份额的植物性食物转移到饮食中可以减轻对土地和水资源稀缺的压力,减少温室气体排放,并帮助可持续地养活预期的人群。到2050年到达100亿。



在美国,我们消耗了很多肉和乳制品。美国人的普通男人消耗almost 100 grams of protein a day,,,,他需要的几乎两倍。大约三分之二的蛋白质来自肉类和乳制品。结果,美国饮食的环境足迹(就每年生产的食物和温室气体(GHG)种植所需的土地而言)几乎是世界平均水平的两倍。肉类和乳制品生产(以下图表中以红色,橙色和黄色显示)几乎解释了85 percent of the GHG emissions and 90 percent of the agricultural land useassociated with the average American diet. About half of the emissions and land use are from beef alone (shown in red).


与法国农业研究机构合作Ciradandinra,我们已经运行了数字来探索不同饮食的影响。普通美国人可以完全素食,并通过超过一半—but that’s also a pretty big shift to make.

幸运的是,较小的饮食调整仍然会产生重大影响。作为我们的protein scorecardshows (see below), just switching from beef to chicken or pork can significantly reduce emissions. Replacing some chicken and pork with beans, lentils or soy can reduce them further still. And better yet, these “low-impact” foods tend to be cheaper (per gram of protein) than high-impact proteins like beef and lamb. Our research shows that:

  • 将我的牛肉消费的三分之一转移到鸡肉或猪肉等其他肉类上,就可以通过我的饮食对环境的影响来通过将近15%- 不是一个不好的开始。如果我想将牛肉的消费量一直降低到世界平均水平(将其降低约70%),我将使我的饮食的影响减少三分之一
  • 更大胆,我可以考虑将我的肉,乳制品,鱼类和鸡蛋摄入量减少一半。因为我要保持健康的体重,所以我需要在饮食中添加一些其他植物性食物 - 烤肉和米饭,鹰嘴豆泥,豆腐,坚果,面包,水果和蔬菜等等。然后,我的饮食对环境的影响将下降将近一半。In fact, that starts to approach the environmental benefit of going fully vegetarian, as most素食主义者s replace a good chunk of the meat in their diet with dairy,,,,which is similar in impact to most meats.




For lunch, I usually buy something on the go, and typically go fully vegetarian or vegan. I get the burrito with beans and guacamole instead of pork, the wrap with falafel and hummus instead of chicken, the rice bowl with tofu and peanut sauce instead of beef. I resist the temptation to pile on the cheese or tzatziki or sour cream, and add some bread, fruit or nuts on the side if I think I’ll still feel hungry. I also try to limit my snacks throughout the day to plant-based ones.

For dinner, I go vegetarian about half of the time. Beef is now a “luxury” that I eat a couple times a month—instead I usually opt for chicken, eggs or fish if there’s going to be an animal-based food on my plate. My pizza now has only veggies on it, and although I was generally a three-slice guy, I’ve found that two slices can fill me up—especially if I have some bread or salad on the side instead.

And that’s it! Across my day, I’ve shifted heavily from beef toward other meats, and probably cut my meat and dairy consumption by about half. In doing so, I’ve probably reduced my footprint by about half. I still get to enjoy my meat and dairy, but now that hectare of land that was used to grow the food that feeds me each year can grow food to feed two people.


让我们想大。想象一下,世界上所有的肉类和乳制品爱好者都以类似的方式调整了饮食。我们的研究表明,如果今天有20亿人食用大量肉类和乳制品的人这样做,那就可以释放6.4亿公顷(16亿英亩)土地currently dedicated to growing animal feed. That’s an area of landtwice the size of India。到2050年将有近100亿人口的世界,预计将面临70 percentfood gap between food produced today and that needed by mid-century—freeing up this land can go a long way to sustainably and equitably feeding everyone.
