鼓励和支持关于气候变化的强大公共政策的公司声明对于建立通过与气候相关的政策所需的政治意愿很重要。必威官网是真的吗我们读了很多,看到了wide range方法:有些是有影响力的,有些是善意的,但有弱,有些可以被归类为绿色。

So what makes a corporate climate statement successful?




1.支持特定和当前的政策措施。Statements supporting “climate action” are vague and less effective. A good statement will name the policy and show clear support for it.

2. Be clear.对于您的听众来说,重要的是,政策制定者,工作人员和其他政策影响者 - 了解您为什么支持这些政策。将政策与您的企业利益联系起来,并解释为什么它们是必要的或将对您的业务/行业产生积极影响。

3.谴责您的贸易和行业协会的矛盾陈述和行动。Historically in the U.S., trade and industry associations tend to mobilize against the passage of robust climate policy. If you are a member of a trade group that is lobbying against the policies you support, this calls into question the authenticity of your position and renders your support ineffective. Make a clear statement that your trade group does not represent your views on specific policies where this misalignment exists.




3. Use the right platform and have a promotional plan.政策制定者,工作人员,其他政策影响者和利益相关者需要查看您对气候政策的支持,以使其有效。必威官网是真的吗在社交媒体上安静发布或更新公司网站上的页面不会引起所需的关注。取而代之的是,考虑有影响力的新闻媒体,电视露面或付费广告中的CEO Op-Ed等频道。使用多个平台加强您的消息是理想的选择。

4. Lead with a corporate voice, not an NGO one.While partnering with NGOs can be an efficient way to develop and organize a statement, messaging is strongest when corporate voices are in the lead. If a statement is organized by an NGO, it becomes even more critical for companies to individually promote it. Having your CEO sign the letter and including your company’s logo also goes a long way.

How to write an impactful corporate climate statement

Statements of Support from the Private Sector Remain Critical

在接下来的几个月中,美国国会将继续对FY23预算套餐。最初提出的许多气候规定是必威官网是真的吗Build Back Better legislation(passed by the House in 2021 but held up in the Senate) appear to retain popularity and political capital. As discussions move forward on some form of a reconciliation package, we cannot afford to let the opportunity to pass meaningful climate policy slip past us once again.


None of these criteria are meant to discount the challenge of putting out a statement. We know that corporate statements of any kind can be difficult to organize and approve and as with many things, perfect should not be the enemy of the good when it comes to speaking out in favor of climate action.

公司应使用此清单作为指南和工具包,而不是沉默的借口。公司的声音支持气候政策必威官网是真的吗remain critical and we hope that corporate employees reading this will make a commitment to composing and promoting a strong statement in support of climate action.


与艾米·迈耶(Amy Meyer)接触(amy.meyer@wri.org)了解有关可用的WRI资源的更多信息,可以帮助公司倡导美国联邦气候政策。必威官网是真的吗