
In our new paper,太平洋海洋资源的非法贸易规模, we estimate 24% of Pacific Ocean’s marine catch is unreported every year. That’s 15 million tonnes of fish. Up to 50% (or 3.7 million to 7.2 million tonnes) of this unreported catch is illegally traded in international markets every year, directly leading to $4.3-8.3 billion of loss in gross revenues every year to the formal economy.

However, these financial losses increase in magnitude if you count the economic activity that would have followed from fish entering the formal economy in that country—with the upshot that the economic impacts of illegal trade in unreported catch could be much bigger than previously thought.

How Big Is Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing?

The term “Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated” (IUU) fishing covers a wide range of activities that have many negative impacts, such as contributing to overfishing and affecting the sustainability of legal fisheries.

In this paper, we confine our analysis to the issue of illicit trading of marine resources. Illicit trading is定义as trade that involves money, goods or value gained from illegal and unreported fishing of fish stocks by domestic industrial fishing fleets and artisanal fishing vessels that catch fish for commercial purposes.




Economic losses across the fish value chainEstimated at $10.8-$21.1 billion per year


未报告的捕捞量的某些部分可能会在太平洋地区非法交易,并且在某个时候输入鱼价链,从而导致这些损失的部分恢复。例如,2014年研究estimated 20 to 32 percent of seafood imported into the United States was coming from illegal, unregulated, or unreported fishing abroad. However, there is lack of information on what proportion of these seafood imports are originating from illegal fishing in the Pacific Ocean versus other regions. This makes it difficult to estimate the proportion of illegal catch re-entering the domestic supply chain of Pacific countries via intra-regional trade.


With reduction in formal economic activity, there will be less household income to seafood workers across the fish value chain which includes activities such as boat building/maintenance, equipment supply and the restaurant sector.

Loss of tax revenues:每年估计为0.2-16亿美元


Environmental loss:未货币化


These impacts also result in wider costs to communities such as losses in employment and income for legitimate fishers, losses for the tourism sector and disruption of social cohesion in fishing communities. IUU fishing has been consistently linked with modern slavery, labor violations and corruption,especially in Southeast Asia


Village fishing in Pagudpud, Philippines. Photo by Wayne S. Grazio/Flickr
Village fishing in Pagudpud, Philippines. Photo by Wayne S. Grazio/Flickr

有几种社会,经济和制度因素在全球范围内推动非法捕鱼。例如,最容易受到IUU捕鱼的国家是治理薄弱必威官网亚洲体育以及没有足够的能力来监管水域。相似地,社会经济条件差在一些脆弱的捕鱼社区中,使其容易成为犯罪活动的目标。而且,globalizationhas enabled criminal networks to expand the scope of illegal fishing operations and use fishing vessels for related crimes, such as drugs and weapons trafficking, and human abuse, and use of the proceeds to finance terrorism. There are also经济原因IUU捕鱼包括现有舰队的过度容量,无效的管理和补贴的患病率。从事IUU捕鱼的运营商从一个司法管辖区转移到另一个司法管辖区,以这些因素的结合使非法捕鱼成为有利可图且相对较低的风险活动。

In the Pacific, the Central Western part takes the brunt of the hit: About half of the estimated catch by volume illegally traded in the Pacific (1.9--3.6 million tonnes) comes from this region, which includes the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. One out of five fish caught in the region is illegally traded, resulting in annual losses of $6-10 billion. (Exclusive Economic Zones are the area within 200 nautical miles of a country's coast, where that countries retains sole right of use.)

In the Central Western region and beyond, the people and fisheries of the Pacific desperately need urgent and targeted intervention to address the issue of IUU fishing. Eliminating illegal and destructive fishing practices is a necessary前提对于实现大量国​​家的国家可持续发展目标和目标。

更重要的是,减少IUU捕鱼有可能增加捕获和利润,通常很少或无需花费或不需要费用,而在食品提供方面。(进一步探讨了对抗IUU的未来机会即将出版的蓝色纸由高级小组委托。)此类措施对于确保少数实体不会以合法行业,勤奋的社区和捕鱼国家而受益也很重要。无所作为的成本并没有停止在此处描述的大型社会,经济和环境损失上 - 由于IUU成为国际主流媒体和越来越多的有关消费者的局部问题,因此他们的声誉也受到威胁。