苏门答腊和卡利曼丹的森林覆盖率下降,巴布亚是印度尼西亚完整森林的最后边界。印度尼西亚巴布亚(占据世界第二大岛屿新几内亚的西半部),包括巴布亚和西巴布亚省 -2012年占印度尼西亚剩余的原始森林的38%。地球上最生物多样性森林之一的所在地,多达20,000种植物,602只鸟类,125个哺乳动物和223个爬行动物live in Indonesian Papua。森林还支持当地人,这些当地人依靠它来传统的生计来源。

2015年,巴布亚的树覆盖损失达到顶峰,区域领导人做出了回应。2015年西巴布亚成为世界第一个保护省,由现任州长在2018年回应的承诺。计划审查所有林业和种植园许可证across West Papua Province. Meanwhile, neighboring Papua Province has already established a roadmap document, Papua Province Vision by 2100, which aims to maintain 90 percent forest cover over the entire province while achieving low-carbon development objectives.

These actions seem to be having an impact. With the provinces' leaders politically committed to forest conservation, annual forest loss declined in 2016 and 2017. However, Papuan primary forests remain at risk. Not all government forces are as pro-conservation: thenational government's infrastructure development agendain the provinces may involve forest clearing.


1. Most—But Not All—Forest Loss is Legal

Some deforestation is planned in legal concession boundaries. But sometimes, concession holders operate超出商定许可,有时甚至在泥炭保护区内。(稍后更多关于泥炭。)





For example, in West Papua Province, 2015 and 2016 emissions from degraded peatlands contributed about 50-55 percent more than emissions from forest clearing.



If the Indonesian government can maintain at least70 percent of Indonesian Papua (29 million hectares, almost 72 million acres) as a conservation area并恢复受保护地区的退化土地,政府可以避免2.8–3.3少数二氧化碳排放。这意味着拯救巴布亚人的森林将使印度尼西亚超过其巴黎目标,这将避免到2030年到2030年的1.8-2.0少数二氧化碳。


The provincial governments must focus the economic development that considers forest protection in it. How?

Developing alternative sectors beyond the current practice of natural resource extraction could boost economic growth. For instance, ecotourism has huge potential for beautiful Indonesian Papua. Using integrated agroforestry to expand the production of non-timber forest goods, like rubber, cocoa, honey, orchids and fruits, could also be another source of livelihood.


Customary forest schemes can also help. A study found that习惯森林是巴布亚实施的最佳场景。巴布亚的土著人民已经依靠森林来依靠食物,医学和文化需求。他们今天可以在保护森林免受侵占中发挥关键作用。