
NDC目前不足以实现将全球温度升高至1.5-2摄氏度的目标,并且currently lead至2.7-3.7度的变暖。NDC会计就像心电图。不断检查协议的脉搏,以了解各国的表现。

各国目前正在制定有关缓解组件的NDC会计指导,包括一系列温室气体目标,非GHG目标以及政策和行动。有期望采用此指南by the end of the year, there is little time remaining to elaborate the technical details of how the accounting process will work.



2. Tracking progress toward goals: Accounting supports consistent tracking of countries’ progress towards their target. These regularly check-ins help countries understand if they’re on track, and course-correct as needed.

3. Avoiding double-counting: Consistent, robust accounting by all countries would reduce the potential for double counting of “internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOS),” in which countries support emissions reductions in other countries (e.g. through emissions trading schemes) . Otherwise countries could report the same emissions reductions, leading to double counting of the same emissions reduction while the reduction only occurred once.

4. Reflecting reality, not ideality: Related, accounting can ensure that countries are reporting numbers consistent with what the “atmosphere sees.” It’s possible that if there were no rules for the land sector, baselines or recalculations, for example, countries’ accounted numbers could be very far off from the actual changes in emissions in the atmosphere.


6. Understanding individual performance: When you build in transparent communication of accounting-related information to the NDC process, it fosters honest self-reflection and transparency about meeting national commitments. It also enables countries to hold other nations accountable for their promises.

7.了解全球趋势: Accounting information can help establish a clear understanding of the state of global climate action and progress toward gobal goals. This will be important to inform work during the global stocktake, which takes stock of countries’ progress towards the Paris Agreement’s goals.

8. Informing future policies: Accurate data and information is critical to making good policy decisions. Accounting results can show how specific mitigation efforts are performing. This can be useful as countries implement their current NDCs and consider enhacements or updates to their next NDCs, which are due in 2020.

9. Applying pressure to achieve targets:如果有愿意通过错误代表进步来削弱承诺,各国将减轻实现目标的压力。但是,如果有一种理解,会计将显示出实际进度的状态,则压力将达到目标。


Writing the Rules of the Game
