President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement provoked a有力的回应in support of the Agreement, galvanizing the many countries and stakeholders that are determined to advance and even intensify efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and boost resilience to climate impacts.

为了确保承诺变成具体的行动,并且随着时间的流逝,国家和其他利益相关者会定期加强其野心,《巴黎协定》每五年规定每五年进行进度评估。该过程始于2018 Facilitative Dialogue(FD 2018)。在2018年,一个强大而有效的过程可以利用对协议及其目标的显着支持,并成为提高行动的跳板。波恩的May UNFCC谈判表明,FD 2018的目标已达到影响。

What Is FD 2018?

在巴黎,当事方在2018年达成了同意,因为他们第一次付出了努力,并以评估为到2020global stocktakeevery five years, starting in 2023.

The FD 2018 is intended to盘点集体努力toward the Agreement’s long-term goal on mitigation and to inform the preparation of NDCs. The COP decision referred to theIPCC关于全球变暖1.5度C(2.7度F)的影响的特别报告高于工业前及相关的全球温室气体排放途径。该报告将于2018年发表,并可以告知促进性对话。

FD 2018可以提供至关重要的机会:

  1. take stock of where we are in our journey towards limiting global temperature rise to 1.5-2 degrees C;
  2. 证明正在进行脱碳,气候硫化世界的转变正在进行中;必威官网是真的吗
  3. 表明我们可以进一步,更快,以防止不可逆转,危险的气候变化,基于技术进步,城市,企业和其他非国家行为者的额外行动,以及对气候行动如何促进经济增长必威官网是真的吗和繁荣的更好理解,包括可持续发展目标;和
  4. reaffirm countries’ collective commitment to communicate new or more ambitiousNDCS到2020年,这减少了排放差距,并使我们更接近实现巴黎协议的目标。

What Progress Has Been Made on Creating the FD 2018 Process?

在2016年12月的COP22上,摩洛哥和斐济政府(即将担任现任和即将到来的COP总统的角色)被要求在FD 2018上与当事方进行包容性和透明的磋商,并在COP23上共同报告。当时,只有少数几个国家将2018年FD视为帮助缩小排放量当前前进和需要的位置之间的差距,但此后当事方认识到这一过程的重要性。

在波恩际交往期间,两位警察总统与当事方和更广泛的利益相关者进行了咨询。有broad convergence that the FD 2018应该是在2018年的技术和政治组成部分的过程中,而不是COP24的一次性活动。许多政党还想探索多边机构以及像城市和企业这样的非国家行为者如何为促进对话提供信息。谈判者还分享了有关FD 2018格式的想法,旨在使其更具互动性和解决方案驱动。


离开波恩,所有各方都表示承诺对解决方案和创新思想进行建设性的工作,以确保FD 2018尽可能强大,包容和影响力。

Over the coming months, Parties will need to carefully think about how to structure the FD 2018 so that it delivers a strong political signal of Parties’ collective commitment to enhancing their NDCs by 2020. A clear roadmap should emerge at COP23 this year to guide the FD 2018 process. Important outstanding decision points include:

  • How to complement the findings of the IPCC special report on 1.5 degrees C with solution-oriented inputs that highlight advances in the real economy (e.g. progress from business, states and civil society).These inputs could come from multilateral institutions such as UNEP, IRENA, the World Bank, ILO and other sources. Parties will need to develop innovative ways of ensuring that climate action already underway and opportunities for enhanced action are highlighted and communicated to ministers before and during COP24.
  • How and when to discuss the findings of theIPCC特别报告在COP24之前。The report is likely to be released in late September 2018, leaving little time for consideration and dissemination before COP24 in December. Suggestions on when to discuss this report include one or more of the following:
    • 2018年9月联合国大会期间的活动讨论该报告;这可能是确保在COP24之前确保部长级买入的有效方法。
    • An additional event on the margins of a pre-COP ministerial meeting.
    • Briefings by the IPCC earlier in the year as part of the technical phase of the FD2018 to be held in conjunction with the Bonn intersessional negotiations in May 2018.
  • 如何在COP24上构建FD 2018的政治组成部分,以替代一系列部长级陈述。Parties will need innovative approaches to deliver an interactive and action oriented political process designed to send the necessary signals to intensify action by 2020.
  • How to incorporate the efforts of non-state actors in the FD 2018, while still providing the space ministers need to make their decision.到目前为止提出的想法包括:
    • 确保非国家参与者可以提交意见并提供与全年FD 2018流程相关的信息;
    • 使非国家行为者能够参加对话,并承认他们可以成为将国际联谈判与经济事件联系起来的关键使者;和
    • Leverage major 2018 events involving non-state actors, particularly the Global Climate Action Summit in California, and the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Summit in fall 2018.


FD 2018比以往任何时候都更加重要,但是该过程不得变得过于繁重,因为谈判者还需要投入精力来建立巴黎协议rulebook。对于某些代表团而言,就游戏规则达成共识至关重要,因为在2018年未能采用它们可能会危害国家举行有效的FD 2018并承诺到2020年提高NDC的能力。

Yet in the current context, it is vital to see the FD 2018 as the springboard to a larger野心的弧线towards global transformation. The journey will continue in 2023, with the global stocktake, followed by submission of a new round of NDCs by 2025. The Arc then stretches to 2030 – the target year for delivering on most of the initial NDCs and for the Sustainable Development Goals – and ultimately culminates in a decarbonized, climate-resilient economy in 2050.