At the 2015 international climate summit in Paris, Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) agreed to design and adopt规则和程序这将指导各国根据《巴黎气候变化协议》履行其义务。必威官网是真的吗正如过去两年所表明的那样,谈判公平,强大的实施准则仍然是一项艰巨的任务,因为各国采用复杂的技术选择和截然不同的政治利益。

One important element is the transparency framework, which includes concrete obligations for Parties to evaluate their mitigation efforts, including a requirement that countries do more to communicate successes, make it easier to identify their needs, help channel support, and reveal where further effort is needed. The review process under transparency framework lends credibility to Parties’ actions and constitute an important tool to help them make better evidence-based decisions for more robust climate action.

Project for Advancing Climate Transparency(PACT) provides research, analysis and creative thinking to encourage the design of an effective international transparency system to support the Paris Agreement. Through this project, WRI and its partners are releasing two complementary papers on two core aspects of the transparency framework:reportingand审查under the Paris Agreement.



Many aspects of the existing transparency regime have worked well, and the enhanced transparency framework should build on them.

However, the current regime is hampered by inefficiencies, delays and incomplete information, which could be exacerbated with the expected increase in the number and frequency of reporting and reviews under the Paris Agreement.

这design of the enhanced transparency framework provides an opportunity to make the transparency regime more effective as it continues to fulfill its critical functions:

  • 告知国家和国际层面的必威官网是真的吗气候变化决策,以使经济脱碳并提高国家的韧性
  • 告知该过程的集体进步,并每五年进一步迅速采取行动(称为全球Stocktake
  • Ensuring that countries are improving their data overtime and that those countries who need it get better equipped to fulfill their requirements
  • Mobilizing and building capacity through peer learning and training
  • 最终建立信心并促进国家和更广泛的利益相关者群体之间的合作。

How Should the Transparency Framework Be Enhanced to Support the Goals of the Paris Agreement?

Both papers reckon that the effective implementation of the reporting and review requirements, and the Paris Agreement more broadly, will hinge on the ability to build institutional capacity and mobilize adequate human and financial resources in an efficient and sustainable way. The two papers also explore ways to improve the effectiveness of the process, including:

  • 透明度框架下的报告要求应作为软件包的一部分设计,并与UNFCCC下的其他通信和会计流程进行补充。
  • 这papers identify the minimum set of reporting requirements necessary to track progress in national climate mitigation targets and identify how to move toward best practices. This includes the inclusion of more useful information to understand where we are, where we need to be and how we get there so as to inform the global stocktake required every five years under the Agreement and encourage more ambitious actions.
  • While the scope of reporting and review will be prescribed by the Agreement, its robustness and depth should be relevant in both the domestic and international context. Countries wishing to broaden the scope of their reporting or review could ask to do so.
  • 这reporting and review guidelines could be made clearer to promote more consistent and comparable approaches. In some instances, additional methodological guidance would be required (for example, monitoring and evaluation of adaptation efforts, estimation of the impacts of policies and measures, and tracking of financial flows).
  • 审查过程的类型和强度(应根据既定标准选择(例如先前报告的质量,排放阈值,可用于每个审查周期的财务资源水平,NDC类型)。
  • 时间安排对于报告和审查至关重要,以使透明度框架更有效和可持续。坚持明确的时间表,以生产报告和审查过程本身的组织,可能会为国家决策过程,全球库存以及促进实施和促进合规性提供更相关和及时的信息。可以进一步简化审查过程并根据如何解决任何差距和需求的专家建议制定改进计划,以维持良性的改进循环。
  • 可以使报告和审查过程更具包容性和参与性,并将次国和非国家参与者的作用纳入审查和报告中。例如,可以鼓励政府提名和培训来自非政府组织的更多专家,以其在技术专家审查团队中的个人身份服务。这种非国家参与者的动员最终可以加强其对实施气候行动的贡献。必威官网是真的吗


In moving the negotiations forward on the enhanced transparency framework, Parties must navigate diverse, and at time conflicting, priorities – for instance:

  • On Reporting: Pursue the Paris Agreement principles of transparency, accuracy, completeness, consistency and comparability, which can increase the burden on Parties if greater quality and quantity of reported data is required. On the other hand, more flexible reporting requirements can reduce the level of comparability and the ability to understand overall collective progress.
  • On Review:准备最彻底的国内评论,并提供了建立能力的最佳机会,但也是资源最密集的。审查类型的灵活性可以通过一些标准来指导,以减轻秘书处和当事方的负担,同时确保它们最适合在给定情况下建立能力和改进。
