巴黎协议has set the world on course for transformative climate action to cut emissions, promote clean energy, build climate resilience, and catalyze climate action investments. The Agreement’s backbone is transparency and accountability on the steps countries are taking toward these goals. This transparency is vital for building international trust and confidence that action is taking place as well as for assessing how to facilitate further action.

这Agreement’s provisions on Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) are central to this transparency system. The transparency framework will provide countries and wider stakeholders with the information and feedback they need on actual progress to improve efforts and promote efficient and cost-effective policies while also providing domestic and international accountability.


  • Universal and harmonized reporting and verification requirements
  • A commitment to enhance transparency over time, while taking account of countries’ differing capacities
  • Legally binding rules and processes holding all countries accountable


这Paris transparency framework brings all countries into a common process for providing enhanced data and tracking progress against their commitments on mitigation, adaptation, and support. Countries agreed to the following common obligations:

  • 常规,更全面的报告:所有国家都必须根据政府间小组中的国际科学标准定期提交国家温室气体排放清单,并在气候变化方面进行报告,并报告取得进展必威官网是真的吗nationally determined contributions (NDCs)for mitigation. The reports will occur on a biennial basis for all countries, except the least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS) who will report at their discretion. This will provide unprecedented clarity on global emission trends and countries’ actions.
  • In addition, countries will also regularly provide updates on their adaptation efforts, with developed countries sharing information on support they have provided (including finance), and developing countries sharing information for support they have received or provided.
  • 协调验证过程:对于所有各方,他们提交的信息将受到技术专家审查和多边,促进进度的考虑。
  • 共同的方式,程序和准则:会计,报告和验证指南将在巴黎之后起草;2018年完全开发;并在2020年正式采用 - 及时参加下一轮NDC和协议生效。
  • 会计排放和拆卸的原则:各方提交其NDC将由环境完整性,透明度,准确性,完整性,可比性和一致性以及避免双重计数的原则指导。NDC中使用的会计方法指南将于2020年制定和采用。

Facilitating Improvement Over Time While Acknowledging Different Capacities





  • 这agreed-upon technical expert review process includes consideration of countries’ implementation and achievement of their NDCs, identification of areas for improvement, and review of whether the information provided is consistent with the rules agreed.
  • 这outcome of the MRV process will trigger the review by the committee established under the agreement to address implementation questions and promote compliance in a facilitative and transparent way.
