Last December in Paris, 195 countries came together and adopted alandmark agreementon climate change. The Paris Agreement is significant for a number of reasons, not least of which is the direction it provides on必威官网是真的吗气候金融. It is now clear that the world needs to align financing pathways with the Agreement’s long-term goals, strengthen national institutions that will implement climate activities, and increase not just the volume of climate financing, but the quality of it. A key question now is what role international financial institutions like theGreen Climate Fund (GCF)will play in supporting the implementation of the Agreement?

The GCF is the main global fund channeling climate finance, and it must play a central role in supporting mitigation and adaptation activities in developing countries. As the GCF looks ahead to 2016 and beyond, years that will be more focused on implementation than international policy, how will it enable greater ambition in climate goals? Will it be able to catalyze transformational investments? And in what ways can it improve its effectiveness, working with countries and stakeholders, to generate a more ambitious and innovative pipeline of proposals?

This week, the GCF Board will meet informally to discuss some of these important questions. The meeting in Capetown, South Africa, will cover a range of issues, with the foremost being the Strategic Plan of the Fund. Astrategicplan offers the Board an opportunity to present a clear direction for the Fund that is guided by existing national and regional priorities, while remaining flexible to emerging priorities and lessons from early experiences. Aligning financial flows to a goal of keeping temperature rise towell below 2 degrees C(and aiming for 1.5 degrees C) will require a significant shift in economies and approaches to sustainable development.

Addressing Gaps and Providing Direction

尽管GCF有许多文件为基金提供指导,但战略计划需要填补一些重要差距。例如,为了提高有效性,GCF将受益于确定其在不同部门或环境中寻求实现的转变。因此,该计划可以强调程序化方法对资金的重要性(而不是为单个项目提供资金),这些项目汇总了一个部门或各个国家 /地区的活动。它还可以为促进国家所有权所必需的因素指定目标,例如加强国家机构,激励国内私营部门的参与以及确保利益相关者的参与和参与。

Additionally, it may be useful for the Board to articulate what its theory of change is for scaling investments, and there is significant value in exploring a definition of scalability that goes beyond the size or replicability of an activity. WRI research shows thatfactors like机构合作伙伴关系(公共和私人)的潜力,以及促进额外的投资,人力和技术资源的可用性,有效的知识管理系统的存在,以更广泛地共享经验以及活动的活动的程度也很重要。

Creating a Strong Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund

If done well, a strategic plan can be helpful in a number of ways, including:

  • Articulating a vision of transformation that guides all the Fund’s activities;
  • 确定由国家和地区优先事项驱动的战略投资领域或资源分配目标;
  • Defining a distinctive contribution relative to other development partners and climate funds;
  • 确保资助的活动对人和环境产生积极影响;
  • 为准备活动和战略编程/管道开发提供指导;和
  • Adopting institutional goals that support country ownership and enable learning from national/local experiences.

