整个地球上都有多功能,廉价且极其有效生产棕榈油。这种高产的植物油用于数千种日常产品,从加工食品到化妆品以及生物燃料。到2045年,印度尼西亚渴望产生估计的60 milliontonnes of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) annually. But without new approaches to cultivation, the thirst for this commodity could have devastating consequences.

在目前提供的印度尼西亚61 percent(3600万吨)在世界棕榈油中,急于种植它为该国的森林和泥炭土地构成了严重危险,这些森林和泥炭土地正在被清理给人工林。在1995年至2015年之间,该国丢失了230万油棕种植园的森林公顷。如果印度尼西亚要跟上其国家目标,则需要到2045年提高其棕榈油的产量;在目前的做法下,这将需要大约820万公顷的耕种,这是巴布亚岛的大小。显然,需要一种新的方法。

Indonesian oil palm plantations are already being highly scrutinized by the global market and criticized for their unsustainable agricultural practices. In response, the government has pledged to shift the current business model and make70 percent of palm oil sustainable by 2020. Policies will be soon enacted to achieve this target, including zero-deforestation and oil palm permit moratoria. Such actions, however, may have the effect of decreasing palm oil production.


To bridge the gap between production goals and environmental protection, Indonesia can pursue a new course for palm oil: optimizing production and productivity without opening more land for cultivation.学习已经表明,这种方法被称为强化,具有增加印尼棕榈油产量的巨大潜力。它可以防止生产的急剧下降,并保持印度尼西亚在全球棕榈油市场上的竞争力。

The Indonesian government has started by focusing on smallholder farmers, given their pivotal role in Indonesia’s oil palm sector. In 2015 alone, these smallholder farmers managed up to40 percentof the total oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, contributing 34 percent of CPO production nation-wide. Their yield, however, is低50%大于大型商业公司。缺乏关于最佳管理实践的知识和有限的获得高质量农业投入的知识是小农户种植实践中通常确定的最大障碍。满足这些需求为通过强化计划创造了巨大的机会来生产更多的棕榈油。


The Directorate General of Estate Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, argues that palm oil companies and smallholder farmers have the potential to generate palm oil productivity by as much as8.4tonnes of CPO per hectare per year through yield intensification. This can be carried out by implementingBest Management Practices在表现不佳的成熟油棕榈架上。这些包括但不限于使用高质量的幼苗,施用足够数量的肥料,控制害虫和疾病并在未成熟阶段管理农作物。


为了确保小农能够达到这种理想的状况,an institutionalized and systemic transformation within the national governance system强烈需要。这些包括法规框架的改进,沿棕榈油供应链的多利益相关者协作以及增加小农户容量的增强。

At the end of the day, a successful shift to sustainable intensification can help Indonesia achieve two victories: it can quadruple oil palm production by smallholder farmers, which can eventually improve smallholders’ income, and significantly prevent deforestation and peat degradation from palm oil expansion by 8.2 million hectares. Investing in intensification thus has the potential to protect the environment, bridge the gap between current production and future demand, and provide a secure future for smallholder farmers who rely on palm oil for their livelihoods.