
Based on current combined climate pledges the world ison track for 2.5 degrees C(4.5度F)到2100年全球变暖,对石油和天然气的需求尚未下降。但是,作为实现净零排放净排放并达到1.5C(2.7度F)温度目标的一部分,国际能源机构的2022 World Energy Outlook估计,在未来三十年中,石油需求可能会从每天的9500万桶减少到每天不到2500万桶。在同一时期,天然气需求估计从42000亿升至12000亿立方米。同时坚持脆弱的国家和其他人削减对化石燃料的依赖,以避免灾难性的全球变暖。

这transition away from oil and gas to meet global climate goals can offer important environmental, social and economic benefits but also presents significant challenges for many countries. Such challenges include how to diversify economies and reduce reliance on oil and gas revenue which could support public services, programs, and public sector employment. They also include how to support those employed directly and indirectly by the industry. Accordingly, the key questions are: How can the costs borne by impacted workers and communities and declines in government revenues in middle-income oil- and gas-producing countries be mitigated? And what policies can enable a “只是过渡远离石油和天然气?




从石油和天然气中过渡将需要国内外资源的财务资源。这Just Energy Transition Partnerships(JETP)最近与南非,印度尼西亚,越南以及来自G7和其他国家 /地区的资金承诺进行了承诺,这可能是为一些公正的过渡计划提供资金的典范。但是,在南非的第一项此类资金倡议尚不足以充分为那里的过渡提供资金,并且担心对公司的担忧JETP模型的局限性,尤其是关于过渡的“公正”要素的资金。

尽管这些举措集中在减少煤炭使用方面,但到目前为止,仅在石油和天然气部门过渡的关注较少。到目前为止,尽管需要满足全球气候承诺必威官网是真的吗科学研究policy discussions,只有少数国家例如哥斯达黎加,丹麦,法国和瑞典已经做出了坚定的承诺,以远离石油和天然气行业。

Richer countries undoubtedly should be expected to go first and fastest in phasing down oil and gas production. At the same time, middle-income oil- and gas-producing countries should not delay planning a just transition away from these industries. Not only will oil and gas markets continue to be volatile —currently because of the war in Ukraine and resulting geopolitical shifts —but as worries about climate change increase and clean energy technology advances, demand for oil and gas is expected to decline in the coming decades. The sooner countries begin the transition away from fossil fuels in a manner that considers the lives and livelihoods of those impacted in the shift, the sooner they can build more reliable and less volatile sources of income on which to base their economies.

Open coal mining pits in South Africa, like this one, are growing obsolete. As part of the country’s Just Transition Energy Partnership, several countries agreed to channel funds to support an equitable transition away from coal power in South Africa. Photo by Sunshine Seeds/Shutterstock


未能主动管理这一过渡将为国家和地方政府,社区和工人带来重大风险。具体来说,我们关于过渡的论文in the oil and gas sector highlights some of the biggest risks that declining fossil fuel revenues could bring to middle-income oil- and gas-producing countries:

  • 限制政府提供教育,医疗保健和身体基础设施等公共服务的能力。大多数中等收入国家已经在社会计划上花费了太少,无法使社会上最贫穷的人受益或减少不平等。石油和天然气行业的收入减少可能会迫使政府进一步削减。为了回应2014年的油价崩溃,例如安哥拉rolled back infrastructure spending计划,包括5亿美元的电力访问计划和墨西哥削减了公共支出耗资85亿美元。
  • 减少次国政府可用的收入,影响其为当地社区提供服务的能力。Subnational governments in many middle-income countries receive most of their funds as transfers from their national governments and then often use these funds to invest in the long-term economic and social development of their communities. Reduced oil and gas revenues will potentially affect their ability to deliver services and pursue economic development.
  • 缩小公共部门的就业,代表许多中等收入国家的正式就业。阿根廷和墨西哥公共部门雇用大约17%和12%的正式劳动力。在非洲大部分地区,政府支出的份额专门用于government employee compensation范围在30%至50%之间。石油和天然气收入下降可能会对政府支付工资的能力产生负面影响,并危及公共部门就业的可持续性。由于大流行和石油价格冲击,尼日利亚的卡杜纳州政府实施了25%和50%为公务员和政治任命削减削减分别在2020年。
  • Triggering abrupt, inequitable cuts in fossil fuel subsidies that could harm the most vulnerable and lowest-income consumers.化石燃料补贴受石油价格的影响很大,每当价格下降时,政府都会减少补贴。让我们清楚一点:化石燃料补贴对地球的昂贵,效率低下且有害,并且通常不成比例地偏爱更好的选择;他们应该在可能的情况下进行改革和淘汰。但是,他们的突然去除可能会对弱势群体产生负面影响,这些人口可能突然无法负担得起燃料。

Without adequate support, the long-term shift away from oil and gas will also contribute to job displacement and insecurity for workers directly and indirectly supported by the industry, and for their communities. Although data gaps make it difficult to determine how many workers in middle-income countries will be impacted by the energy transition, our analysis reveals:

  • 石油和天然气生产创造的直接工作相对较少,但更多的间接工作。For instance, in Nigeria, the oil and gas industry directly employed an estimated 18,700 workers in 2020, and Mexico’s PEMEX, the state-owned oil company, employed 125,735 workers in 2020. However, when indirect jobs (in the supply chain of the oil and gas industry) and induced jobs (in other goods and services purchased by those employed in the industry) are considered, the total employment impact can be much greater, especially in nearby communities.
  • 许多石油和天然气工人是工资较低的合同工人,不稳定的工作条件,几乎没有工会代表。在最近的一个石油和天然气行业劳动力的调查,有33%的人将自己确定为承包商,而41%的人则将自己确定为永久员工,而26%的人说他们失业了。如果石油和天然气行业越来越依赖合同工作者,则将需要策略将其声音包括在公正的过渡讨论中。
  • 工会化的工人可能会受到更多关注和支持在导航过渡时,但是石油和天然气行业的工会化率因地区和工作类型而有所不同。墨西哥和尼日利亚等石油和天然气行业更成熟的国家往往比新兴生产国拥有更高的工会水平,但是即使在具有更成熟的石油和天然气行业的国家内,工人代表工会也可能存在差异。例如,在墨西哥,PEMEX员工已工会,但在墨西哥经营的国际石油公司的员工主要是非统一的合同工作者。
  • 石油和天然气行业的薪酬往往高于需要可比技能和教育的工作。随着未来几十年的石油和天然气行业缩小,中等收入国家的相对良好的工作将丢失,从而影响当地经济。在工资,工作保障和其他工作质量因素方面,确定以前的石油和天然气地区中哪些替代行业对前工人有吸引力。
  • 妇女很少直接在该行业中受雇,但许多妇女受到行业间接支持。妇女经常在该行业诱发的工作中占很大一部分工人,例如公共服务或教育或食品服务中的零售工作,在那里她们可能会受到该行业下降的更广泛经济影响的重大影响。结果,围绕过渡和经济多样化的讨论应集中在可以使妇女受益的策略上,例如改善妇女主导部门的工作条件,重组当地就业机会,从而导致更多的性别平等,并确保更加公平的护理分配在家庭和社会中工作。
在墨西哥湾的一艘地震船上,由海上石油和天然气工人组成的团队。When both indirect and induced oil and gas industry jobs are considered, the total employment impact of the energy transition can be significant. Photo by jbutcher/Shutterstock



  • Pursue economic diversification.中等收入的石油和天然气依赖国家可以通过使其经济多样化以包括制造业和农业加工等新部门来受益。发展清洁能源行业还可以提供大量的经济和就业机会,尽管必须了解是否可以在化石燃料下降的同一地区进行这一点。例如,通过封盖孤儿井还可以为工人和社区提供近期的工作机会,环境修复和减少甲烷排放的努力。
  • Develop proactive, long-term, and place-based planning。决策者将首先需要了解谁将通过解决与人口统计学,石油和天然气工人的工资和技能以及可能受到过渡影响的地区和社区经济学以及地区和社区经济学有关的数据差距的最大影响的规模和范围。其次,过渡将需要与所有相关利益相关者一起进行包容性的计划过程,特别是解决石油和天然气部门的具体环境,包括通过间接和诱发的就业和庞大的合同工作者对当地社区的巨大影响。对工人的支持将是必要的,并且可能包括对提前退休或技能发展和新职位的培训的支持。在尼日利亚,尼日利亚劳工大会,非洲最大的工会之一,尼日利亚的环境权利行动与机器人有形成了联盟教育政府和雇主关于石油和农业部门工人的公正过渡的必要性。
  • 创建强大的资金机制来资助过渡。Dedicated domestic sources of funding — which can come from earmarking taxes on fossil fuels, reforming subsidies and reallocating their benefits, and requiring the oil and gas industry to cover the cost of support for workers’ and communities’ transition and/or environmental remediation of polluted lands — can provide the certainty and predictability to support just transition efforts. Governments can take steps today to improve the subnational financial management of revenues and help plan ahead. During good economic times, national governments must encourage subnational governments to invest oil and gas revenues in building human, social and physical capital to support a region’s economic diversification厄瓜多尔和印度尼西亚,例如,使用自然资源提取的一部分收入或税收用于资助教育和环境恢复等领域。政策制定者还应考虑加强社会安全网,以便脆弱的工人和社区能够度过经济低迷时期。
  • Leverage international support to help these countries move away from fossil fuels.尽管中等收入国家有时可能能够利用自己的国内资源来为过渡政策提供资金,但这将是对富裕国家至关重要和international finance institutions to provide financing and technical assistance. Multilateral development banks can also play an important role. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s只是过渡计划could serve as a model, and the $2 billionAccelerating Coal Transitioninitiative launched by the Climate Investment Funds has a similar mission. These kinds of initiatives— currently focused on moving away from coal — could be expanded to the oil and gas sector.


尽管石油和天然气生产部门的下降不会在一夜之间发生,但很明显,该行业面临着充满挑战的未来 - 对石油和天然气收入的重要依赖和未化学经济体的中等收入国家可能会承受这一目标。挑战。推迟这项计划可能很容易,尤其是在石油和天然气价格暂时高的时刻。但是,今天所做的事情越多 - 建立更多的经济体,为工人和社区设计支持,并发展更广泛的收入来源 - 疲惫和昂贵的费用较小,对国家的关键需求的响应越大。