发展中国家将需要about $531 billion每年对清洁能源技术的额外投资,以将全球温度升高到工业前水平高2°C,从而防止气候变化的最严重影响。必威官网是真的吗为了吸引所需规模的投资,发展中国政府在发达国家的支持下必须承担“readiness” activitiesthat will encourage public and私营部门投资者to put their money into climate-friendly projects.


泰国能源效率部门的发展是有趣的案例研究。它证明了政府领导如何与international climate financecan drive the transition toward an energy-efficient economy.

In the early 1990s, Thailand’s economy was growing rapidly at 10 percent per year; the power sector was growing even faster. The government recognized that conserving energy would provide a low-cost way to meet its citizens’ rising demand for energy.


The upcoming亚洲低排放发展策略(LED)合作伙伴研讨会关于菲必威官网是真的吗律宾马尼拉的气候融资,将召集广泛的公共和私营部门代表讨论扩大气候融资的方法,并为绿色增长提供新的创新商业机会。

它的回应是通过1992年通过了一项法律,该法律为工业设定了能源效率标准,并建立了一个节能促进基金,该基金通过对石油产品征税为能源效率项目筹集了资金。政府还提出了一项需求侧的管理计划,使用了大约4000万美元的气候融资必威官网是真的吗全球环境设施(an international climate fund) and the Australian and Japanese governments. This plan included public awareness campaigns, setting energy efficiency standards for buildings and appliances, and demand-side planning to better manage the timing of consumer energy use.




The Thai government took action by establishing an Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund in 2002, offering credit lines—initially at no interest—to local banks so that they could provide loans for energy efficiency projects. The Revolving Fund made commercial banks more familiar with energy efficiency projects, and by 2010, it had financed projects worth atotal investment of $453 million,从而节省了$154 million each year



泰国能够从准备活动- 能力建设,提高意识和示范 - 进行大规模投资。现在,它正在制定通过节能促进基金资助的20年能源效率开发计划,该计划旨在将该国的总体能源消耗降低到2030年。

Other countries can learn from Thailand’s experience of combining strong national leadership withstrategic use of climate financefor carefully targeted readiness activities. However, building an enabling environment for investment in clean energy is an ongoing process. As Thailand moves forward with its 20-year plan, it must continue undertaking readiness activities—such as training programs to address remaining skill gaps— to ensure it has the right conditions in place to scale up clean energy development.