Worldwide, one out of every five people lacks access to现代电力。负担能力,服务质量以及社会和环境影响在为人们提供照明,烹饪和其他活动所需的力量方面构成了巨大挑战。涉及开放和必威官网亚洲体育包容性实践的良好治理对于克服这些紧迫的障碍至关重要。

This is part two of a four-part blog series, “Improving Electricity Governance,” which explores the key components involved in effective electricity governance. The series draws on the experiences of WRI’s Electricity Governance Initiative, documented in a new report, “Shining a Light on Electricity Governance。”读更多帖子在这个系列中。

政治起义推翻了吉尔吉斯斯坦总统三年后,该国能源部门仍然存在挑战。在革命之前,中亚国家遭受了滚动停电,服务不佳和价格飞涨的价格,最终leading to nationwide revoltsand the ouster of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev. Again this past winter, half of the people in the nation’s capital experienced a major blackout, leaving them without access to electricity during the coldest months of the year. The city still faces每周900次中断


These groups are working with a government initiative to open up the decision-making processes in a sector that has traditionally hidden behind closed doors. Their efforts to increase transparency are essential to creating meaningful reform in the Kyrgyz energy sector.

A Civil Society Organization-Government Partnership to Improve Transparency

2009年,Unison和Ustin,吉尔吉斯的核心合作伙伴WRI的电力治理计划(EGI)必威官网亚洲体育,进行了该国的第一个综合Electricity Governance Assessment。The groups found that there were progressive laws governing the electricity sector on paper, but they were not being applied in practice.


自2010年革命以来,政府试图通过发起Fuel and Energy Security Transparency Initiative (FESTI),旨在增加透明度,问责制和机会参与能源部门的机会。在此之后,将自己确立为电力决策的可信利益相关者EGI评估,Unison执行董事Nurzat Abdyrasulova被任命为Festi联席主席。阿卜迪拉苏洛娃(Abdyrasulova)正在帮助解决评估中发现的一些问题,包括电力定价的透明度问题以及影响能源安全和服务提供的其他问题。自从Festi实施以来,已经有一些notable improvementsin the sector, such as massive savings in transmission line costs and significant drops in reported distribution losses.

透明度has proven to be essential in Kyrgyzstan’s energy sector. For example, it has allowed civil society groups to better scrutinize Ministry of Energy decisions. The ministry’s commitments to transparency have been important in ensuring that energy targets put forward in the国家中期能源发展计划2012-2017stay on track. Kyrgyzstan plans to minimize costs to consumers by holding energy companies accountable for improving their performance and regularly reporting progress on targets related to electricity production and loss, revenues, and debt. This is important, since electricity losses and utility debt contribute to the sector’s financial woes, which then affects its ability to operate effectively and impacts how much consumers pay.

These improvements could not have happened without FESTI’s efforts at enhancing transparency. Yet there is still much work to be done, as the recent power shortages show. FESTI will need to continue to promote transparency through initiatives such as:

  • Adoption of transparency indicators to uncover issues related to energy production, inconsistent revenue collection, and outstanding debt from utilities. UNISON and other CSOs are helping to draft these indicators as members of the FESTI advisory board;

  • Mandated quarterly performance reports from utilities to be submitted to the Ministry of Energy; and

  • Creation of utility customer service centers to monitor and address customer concerns and to ensure better quality of service.

Electricity Sector Transparency Across the World

就像Unison和Ustin一直在努力提高吉尔吉斯斯坦电力部门的透明度一样,EGI合作伙伴in other countries have been doing the same to ensure better performance of the electricity sector:

  • 在完成EGI评估后,印度尼西亚的EGI民间社会合作伙伴确定,即将到来的立法和未决立法的公开披露不足,这使得公众很难与代表讨论有关拟议变更或新立法的担忧。EGI合作伙伴与政府之间的讨论导致议会关系部提高了透明度。这是通过在线帖子和待处理账单的议程更新以及该部门网站上的公共输入留言板来实现的。

  • 南非的EGI合作伙伴领导了一项运动,为建立综合资源计划(IRP)(2010-30)(南非的长期电力计划)开放了一项运动。EGI合作伙伴组织了一系列研讨会,以告知和接收有关IRP流程的意见。这一开放过程导致该国关于电力计划和公开披露的首次公开咨询,导致较少的碳密集电力计划

  • LEARN MORE:For more information about how EGI has been involved in transparency, please refer to our outcomes report,Shining a Light on Electricity Governance